Diaper Tantrums!

Help!!! I have an adorable, vivacious 18 month old boy, who has recently decided that every diaper change is a tragedy, and must be responded to with the utmost resistance. He actually tantrums, pulling my hair and pinching me as I carry him to the changing table, and cries and fights me the whole time (trying to roll, kick). He has never really been fond of getting his diaper changed, but this is getting ridiculous. Any advice for how I should handle it? I've tried soothing him, and I've tried firmly telling him to stop. Neither has worked, obviously. It's now getting to the point where we need two people to change him. Help!

Its a phase!
It will pass! Believe it or not.
My kids, when they were that age, would even run away full-on sprinting, and scream at diaper changing time. Oh well... sometimes I even had to stop myself from laughing. It was hilarious!

they do get "dramatic." And yes, I had to catch them, lay them down, straddle my legs around them and put my legs on their arms... hold their legs with both my arms, and using just my hands, take off their diaper, slide the new one under them, clean them up real quick, and strap the new one on. Like a stealth jet. The WHOLE time, they are screaming and twisting their torso and balking and oh boy, what an ordeal!

But it passes. It DOES. Saying stop will not make them stop.
Use distraction.... with anything that will keep his hands busy and his eyes on the object. And you will get to be SUPER fast about the process. I always get all the things ready before hand...the diaper, the diaper cream, the wipes... THEN I go catch my kids, and just do it.

Sometimes, just try and CHANGE their mood... I would make my kids laugh and do silly things with my face and voice to "trigger" a switch in their protesting.

It will pass. Then other phases will come up! LOL

All the best,

is this every place you change him? maybe if hes not messy let him stand while you change him. have the diaper already fassend and let him step into it. this may calm some fights.
my daughter did this time to time and i would have to put the top portion of my arm acrossed her chest and hold her feet with the same hand. then clean her with the other. this was around 16 months and by 18 i started potty training because she didnt want to have her diaper changed.
hope this helps good luck!

This is a pretty common phase that a lot of kids go through. I had a couple of "exclusive" diaper change table toys that only came out at change time. Make them fun, distracting, interesting toys, but don't let him have access to them all the time
Good luck

Hi Allison:
I sat here and cracked up,after reading your request.Both my sons went through the same thing. It's just a phase some toddlers go through. My oldest was the worse. I'm right there with ya SH. I use to chase after him sometimes. He'd start laughing,Probably at my expression as he was OUT RUNNING me! I'd start cracking up,and we both lost it. He loved being naked. Especially after his bath. The way I looked at it was "So what if he's naked a while? Whats the dire emergency in getting another diaper on him? He's only going to be able to get away with streaking like this for a short time in his life.When they throw a fit,its not so much they don't want a diaper change,as they don't want to stop what they are doing. Make it fast,and give him something to keep him happy a few minutes.This will help.When he realizes,that you are going to be quick,and he can soon continue having fun,he'll be more cooperative.The only thing I'd like to add,is: When you find yourself getting a bit frustrated,over things such as this,try to loosen up,and see the funny side of the situation.It's great for your children to see you have a good sense of humor,and that they can make you laugh without even trying.It's healthy for you to. I wish you and your witty son the best. Julia M

Hey Allison,
Boy do I know what you are talking about!!! my son is 23 months and he still thinks that it's a "game", but the trick is to be "fast", I would give him a toy or something he does not normally play with (i.e. old remote control or a disposable camera), and while he is in amazement on the unfamilar "play" object I get in there and change the puppy in less than 45 seconds #1 if it is #2 about a minute in a half, you have to have everything ready and not have to be looking for things (i.e. wipes and diapers always in full supply and at your finger tips before you have to "go in". And another idea is to allow him to take some part in the prep, let him carry his own diaper as you walk to the changing table and allow him to take out some wipes with your help, and throw soiled diaper away. By the way congratulations on furthuring your education despite the many odds you may face.

Lift Him Up Higher,

Could the changing table be the source of the problem? I gave up on the changing table and just started changing Ava's diaper on the floor (with the new diaper under the old in case I found an unexpected blowout situation:) )
I also found that she appreciated the fact that I would sit with the bottoms of my feet together in like a "yoga cobbler's pose" (you can type that into google for a photo) with her head cradled by the insides of my feet (her lying in the middle of my legs). This made her more comfortable than lying flat on her back and there was no cold changing table under her back. We've always had happy diaper changes and I think this was the reason. If I had to use a public restroom changing table she always looked miserable and would say she "hurt" (I think she was trying to say she was "uncomfortable")
Annnyway, hope that helps!

Hi Allison,
My 16 month old used to do the same thing. Now he likes to read while I change his diaper. We have a bookshelf next to his changing table. I only give him the smaller cardboard books because they are easier to hold than the flimsy paper pages. As soon as I set him on the table, he asks for a book. Sometimes he might "read" two books during a change. It keeps him entertained for a few minutes and it encourages his love for books. There are a couple books that have animal sounds so I recite the book and we work on our animal sounds. Good luck!

I am sorry that he has started this. It is very hard to deal with. My little guy began at about 10 month sold. I would literally have to gently put my legs over his shoulders to pin him down long enough to get a diaper on him. He was just too busy to be bothered with laying still. He soon learned that he could kick his way out of my hold. For us it only lasted for about 2 months. He is just now starting to relax and be still. I think maybe it is an independent act. They want to do what they want at that specific time. He soon learned that being still gets the job done quickly. Don't get me wrong I still have to wrestle him down about once a day, but it's much better now.

I know it is super early, but maybe you can see if he wants to use the toilet?

Hi Allison, The only way to correct bad behavior is discipline, a child should never be alound to pull or pinch their parent, or anyone as far as that goes. maybe you want to try potty training and get rid of the diapers. Julie

Hi ,

I keep stickers in the changing table drawer
and they get stickers if they are good for a diaper
change. Sometimes they just want to hold them. You
can buy books of stickers for under $2 at Wal Mart.
Good luck .. I think I got this idea from another
Mom on this site.


Have you tried changing him while he is standing up? Obviously A little more difficult with a poopy diaper, but always worked great with my active little boy for just a wet one. Good luck!

Try just one quick swat on the but and a firm no that has worked for me. Also you may need to change him on the floor so you won't have to worry about him falling down if he is struggling with you. Stay firm & learn to be quick. Good luck this will pass too.

potty train him

Did he have a bad experience on the table? Or has he had a really bad diaper rash? My nephew used to to throw fits only when he had the diaper rash. It could also be a way to control something. Whatever you do, never back down from changing the diaper. He needs to know that you mean business, and what you say goes. You might want to change the location that you are changing his diaper. Sometimes a change of scenery may be a good distraction. Kids can be weird sometimes. Maybe he is to big for the changing table and is uncomfortable. You never know what the deal really is.
I know with my 24 month old little girl, I have to be really careful, give an inch and she takes a mile.
I hope my advise is helpful.
Take care!

are u still breast feeding by any chance? or maybe just give him a bottle or something to occupy him..a toy?? something he can play w/ or look at..i used to say "booby" and my son would run to me and i could change him easily that's one of the reasons i breast fed for so long ..til he was almost 3..made life way easier but u can try toys..or some object from the house that he normally can't touch?? then he learns to be gentle with things at the same time.

I would suggest two things - be prepared, and use distraction.
Forget about using the changing table. I would personally try laying him down on the floor throughout the day in the same position that you would use to change a diaper, but instead play with him - tickle, "eat the belly", raspberries, etc. That way, the position itself doesn't conjure up the idea of diaper changing, but rather could be seen as fun. When you need to change his diaper, have all of your supplies close at hand, ready to go, and then do the belly play routine, maybe have something interesting to play with for him, and then swoop in and get it done while you are still playing with him.
That sort of technique worked for a lot of things when my son was little (and even now). Distract him with fun.
And as other moms have mentioned, this too shall pass!

Oh I'm so glad my son is not the only one that does this - - I was starting to worry that it was an indicator of some sort of behavioral issue but I see that it's really normal! My boy is almost 16 months old, and it's a 30/70 split between him being okay with a diaper change (or changing his clothes) and it being the end of the world for him to have to let me change his diaper... I just try to distract him and get it over with asap when it's a high drama diaper change. And I know part of it is he does love being nekkies and will try his hardest to get away from me and run around for as long as he can w/o anything on!!

We had the same thing. Location, location, location.
He needs a change of scenery. We would change him on our bed, on the floor of his room with a blankie, on the couch. He loved that. No probs.