Diaper Rash

Yea I have been there!!! Dr Smith's paste ROCKS!! Try that one..

This remedy was given to me by a grandmother, put a small amount of household bleach about 1 T. in with the bath water. I know I thought the same thing WHAT, but if you think about it we already have clorine in our water. This extra amount will help kill the bacteria that is causing the diaper rash. Other than that take you child to a pool, they also have clorine in the water. This worked for me, and have also told this to my daughter that now has one of her own.

When my daughter was little our pediatrician told us to use Lotrimin AF and it worked miracles! Good luck!

FORGET THE SMITH AND BOUDREAUX....the ABSOLUTE best is TRIPLEPASTE. It is the only ointment that not only worked but also didn't make my little one scream.... She has very sensitive skin and frequently got rashes at one point the skin was broken and bleeding and everything would hurt/sting until I found triple paste. After 1 day of using it the rash had drastically improved and by day 2 was gone! It also has the highest % of zincoxide(I think thats it) the active ingredient of all the over the counter ointments. Good LUck and please don't waste your $$$ on the others I did....including the bag balm that someone else mentioned.


Boudreauex's Butt Paste is the best on the market. Also, change her diapers quickly and give her some "air time" without the diaper on.

When my girls were babies I used Desitin with each diaper change. I didn't have any problems with diaper rash even though they were breastfed and had very watery bowel movements. There were a couple of times when they started potty training that they developed diaper rash. As soon as I noticed I used Dr. Smiths. The diaper rash cleared up by the next day. Later when my daughter developed a rash from not wiping herself well after using the potty I used Dr. Smith's again. It worked within one day. I swear by Dr. Smith's and recommend it to everyone. It is pricey, so I wouldn't use it on a daily basis, but it works great to treat rashes.

Also, my pediatrician suggested that when children (at least one year old) are taking antibiotics, they should also eat yogurt daily until they complete the antibiotics. I noticed that whenever my girls were on antibiotics they developed thrush or a yeast infection. The yogurt balances out what the antibiotics destroy. After my doctor's advice I started eating yogurt when I'm on antibiotics as well. No more yeast infections.

I've found that keeping the area super dry works best for my babe. We use Anti-Monkey Butt Powder which you can find at Whole Foods (I bet there's plenty of other good powders too). I put it on after a bath, or anytime he feels damp, or if he's showing signs of a rash; and that usually nips it in the bud. It's got camphor which is soothing and healing. We've never used creams, since I think they can sometimes add to the dampness which feeds the candida or skin rash. Good Luck!

I soaked my daughter in baking soda at bathtime. It helps to soothe the rash and calm down the redness. When they would get really nasty I would allow her to lie on a towel for an hour or something with nothing on to allow it to air dry.

Hope this helps.

Merry Christmas!

Desitin actually made my daughter's rash worse. I had good luck with Balmex, Boudreaux Butt Paste, & Triple Paste.
Of course make sure you change her often so her skin stays as dry as possible and make sure her bottom is completely dry before putting a diaper back on. Try to give her as much bare butt time as possible.
Good luck!

I like Boudreaux's Butt Paste for a regular diaper rash, but it could also be a yeast infection if the diaper rash isn't clearing up with regular ointment (especially if she's been on antibiotics recently), in which case you should use Lotrimin AF (antifungal).

Believe it or not but Vaseline. I didnt think it would work but it does. Diaper rash ointments are sticky. just look at how hard it is to get off. Well when you wipe a baby that has on an ointment it is actually re-tearing the skin , that is why it takes so long to heal. But vaseline puts a protective bearier over the rash so even when you wipe it still is covering the rash. Good luck and God Bless. Have a Merry Christmas.

Hi, I highly recommend Dr Smith ointment. You can get it at Walmart or HEB. You do not need a prescription, it's over the counter. It also helps with adult problems.

Good luck,
Elisa M

A & D Vitamin ointment works wonders! It provides a barrier against wetness, wipes off easily, and the vitamins are great for helping to heal the skin.

Jill (wife of one great man and mom of five)

Use Desitin Original...the thick white stuff. Here is what my pediatrician said to do and it worked like a charm: Put the Desitin on as thick as the icing on a cupcake. Then put Vasline on top of the Desitin, it will be a huge globby mess....almost ridiculously thick, but the idea is to create a barrier between the skin and moisutre. Then, when you change the baby, DON'T wipe it off, if anything, just apply more. I promise you'll see results very quickly.

Besides Destin, we used Bag Balm. Yes, it's for cows, but it works great on babies, too. Smells a little medicinal, and it was great on my chapped hands as well.

My daughter gets such bad diaper rash it is bleeding for days. I have seen several doctors to say the least and this is what they say:
1.) Use paper towels with water to wipe her butt because the wipes have stuff on it that makes bad diaper rash worse.
2.) Take the diaper off as much as possible. Whenever she is home and not sleeping, let her crawl and lay around without a diaper. This is the best thing for it.
3.) At night put on desitine nighttime.
4.) If it keeps getting worse, go to the doctors and ask for a combination of nystatine (to fight a potential yeast infection because bad diaper rashes invite yeast infections), desitine, and hydrocortisone. This cream helped a lot for my daughter.
I don't know a lot about other baby problems, but my daughter gets terrible diaper rashes after just one or two running bowel movements, so I understand your pain. Let me know if I can help anymore with this subject.

When my daughter had a diaper rash my doctor said to use Lotrimin. I know it sounds crazy, but, by day two it was pretty much gone,

Sorry this is late in the game but we have found that the very best, most efficient, cheapest, most wonderful solution is regular old corn starch. We put some in a shaker top and just sprinkle it on or spoon some out and gently rub it on the effected areas. My daughter has had it so bad that she bled and had these awful sores. This works in a day or two, three if the rash is really bad. Usually it is gone overnight. We also had great luck with the night time Desitin or what ever is the really thick stuff. You had wonderful recommendations and I hope you made it through the last one. On a similar note, it works great on grease splatters for clothes before you drop them in the wash. You have to rub it in really well but it works wonders. Go figure. And good luck.