Diaper Rash with Diarrhea

There are different types of diaper rash and if it is a yeast reaction, it is harder to clear up and might need something like Nystatin which you could get from your pediatrician. Also look carefully at whether any new foods were introduced recently that might have caused a reaction, that is often what happened with my daughter -- she would eat something she was sensitive to and develop a bright red "ring" around her anus-- poor thing, but it usually cleared up quickly by removing the offending food. A gentle bath with no soap (just clear water) and then allowing to air dry with some light sun exposure can help also. But the very best thing I found, this was a total godsend to me recommended by our pediatrician and is over the counter & fairly inexpensive, is called BAG BALM. I find it at Walgreen's usually near the adult lotions-- it is in a little square green box (tin) and has a cow and udders on it-- it was originally used as a cow udder cream! This has the consistency of a thick Vaseline-- and trust me this has been a life saver! It has kept our daughter pretty much rash free since we started using it, and we like it so much we just use it with every diaper change to prevent a rash. Love this stuff-- give it a try!

PS-- please do consider this stuff-- I thought it looked weird at first but it is so wonderful! Our pediatrician first recommended it for a rash similar to what you're describing, our poor daughter's skin was basically "raw" even though we were doing everything we could & being super gentle. This stuff worked so quickly and fast, I feel like I was in some kind of land of ignorance before using it! I had tried Desitin, Aveeno & a bunch of other things and nothing really helped.... hope everyone's better soon!

My 22month old son has had severe diaper rashes and the only thing that i have found that works wonders is auquaphor. made by eucerin. its awesone a little expensive but works great!

it sound like it may be an allergic reaction to some kind of food. Reactions do not always appear with the first introduction to foods. My son had no issues with foods until about 2yrs old when we discovered he was allergic to tomatos which he seemed to have no problem with before. You may want to try the elimination diet where you eliminate a food group at a time for a minimum of a week then reintroduce consistantly for about 3 days...if no reaction then that's not it so you move on to the next group and so on. As for getting rid of the sores and rash you can try putting straight cornstarch on the area...baby powder has perfumes and other additives that can further irritate. You can also try putting plain oatmeal (not the instant) in a nylon sock and putting it in the bathwater with your baby this will help soothe also. We also have used the aloe with lidocaine that you use on a sunburn. The aloe will help soothe the skin and the lidocaine will numb the area. If all else fails your pediatrician can prescribe some ointment that will clear it up in no time! Good luck!

Gosh I wish I can remember the name of the second medication that my son's pediatrician gave me for his rash. I know the first one was Nystatin cream. The second one was also a prescribed cream but they were given to us seperate in two different tubes. I would know it if I heard it. The doctor had us put it on him at the same time after each diaper change. It worked wonders. Usually it cleared up the worst rash after the first application. Nothing has ever worked the way this did. My friends, when I told them about it, praised it as well.

Hi Melissa,
It's been a couple of days since you posted your request but I thought I give you my opinion anyway. I used to use "Corona" cream on my girls. It is for pet, actually but works wonders. Our Ped is the one that recommended it. You can get it at Farm supply stores. It is lanolin and comes in a red and bright yellow tube. I would apply it one time and that would take care of the rash. It really worked wonders. Good luck. I hope your little one is feeling better!

My pediatrician recommended a combination of Lotrimin (over the counter antifungal cream) and Cortaid (over the counter hydrocortisone). He said that it is a yeast infection but not a vaginal yeast infection. There are prescription strength ointments available also, but this worked really well for my daughter. You have to continue to use the cream even after the opening seems to heal to prevent it from coming back. A size of a pea in the palm of your hand for each of the ointments - mix them together - and put a thin film on her bottom. God bless your family.

If Desitin is not doing it (and it should start to work immediately), then try a different kind. I had one baby that Desitin worked on, but the rest needed other kinds... A&D Ointment being the most successful for more than one of mine. You seem to be doing the right things, otherwise.

Butt Paste is the choice of diaper cream that seems to work with my babies tushies. My 3 year-old went thrught that stomach virus epidemic 2 years ago and had diarrea alot which made it tough on the tush. I used just warm water and toilet paper (use water instead of wipes so it doesn't sting as much)then I caked on the Butt Paste. The rawness heals up instantly and I think it has some kind of soothing/cooling in the Butt Paste because he always stopped screaming the second I put it on. So now, when I see the slightest redness on my infant twins now, I apply some to prevent it from getting worse. Works pretty well for me.

I got this from a care provider at my daughter's daycare when she was about 1yo, and I still swear by it to this day. Grab a cup or so of regular, white flour (yes, the stuff in your pantry) and throw it in a pan on the stove set on medium...brown the flour. It will smoke a little and smells like it's burning, because, well, technically, it is. Some of it will stick to the pan, it's best not to mix the stuck stuff with the rest, if you can help it because you'll have to pick it out as it will be too rough on her extra-sensitive bum. Anyways, all of the flour should be an even, light brown (think dry beach sand). Let it cool and then store in whatever you want(I use either ziplock baggy or small tupperware.) When the next diaper change comes around, wipe and air dry as usual and sprinkle the soft,brown flour on like baby powder...I sprinkle w/my fingers, making sure none of the hard, burnt stuff from the bottom of the pan gets on her and VERY GENTLY rub it on where it doesn't stick, and diaper as usual. I have NEVER had to use this for more than 24 hours as the rash would almost completely clear over night. And my daughter had horrible diarreah caused rashes that would be so bad she bled. I, too, used every cream that I could get my hands on and nothing worked until I found a little baggy of this in her diaper bag from daycare. I have never bought another tube of diaper rash cream again! I hope that I'm too late with this response and she's cleared up, if so, keep this in mind in the future. If you or anyone does use this, please let me know if it works for you or not. Sorry this is so long, but I hope it helps and your baby feels better soon!!!!

My doctor recommended using hydro cortisone cream 1% on the rash and it should clear up. That is as long as her diarrhea is gone. Use the BRAT diet for that Bananas, Rice, applesauce and toast. Hope this helps.

Make sure it's not a yeast diaper rash. Nystastin works quickly to resolve this type of diaper rash. Dark, moist areas are great breeding grounds for yeast and regular diaper rash cream won't heal it alone.

With my oldest the best thing was A&D ointment in the yellow and brown container. It would usually clear it by the next diaper change. It didn't work with my youngest and neither did anything else. Finally our pedit. recommend Dr. Smith's Ointment. I couldn't find it anywhere so the pharm. at Walmart ordered it for me. Works like a charm! Also, don't use wipes! If you can run her bum under water that works the best. If not use warm cloths and try not to really rub! Good luck!

Try Cornstarch, my son had a few diaper rashes when he was about 10months old and that seemed to help.

I see you have already gotten tons of responses to this. I use Triple Paste for diaper rashes. Every now and then my sons bottom gets bright red and has an open sore, as you have described with your daughter. It clears up over-night with Triple Paste. You can get it at the grocery store in the baby care aisle, or Babies R Us if you can't. It's kind of pricey, but well worth it! Good luck!!

My children would get horrible rashes when I used diapers other than Pampers. With my first two I used cloth but with my second two, I used Pampers. I think they were allergic to other diapers. Anyway, I thought I'd throw that out there in case this doesn;t clear up. Good luck you you and your precious baby!

Definitely stop using wipes immediately. Rinse her bottom with lukewarm water (just above cool) and gently pat dry.

We also use calendula cream by Weleda and it's amazing. Healed a terrible diaper rash that lastes WEEKS with other creams.

Also, try giving her rice. This clears up diarrhea really fast. Blueberries are another natural remedy...you can blend some with the yogurt.

So sorry she's feeling this!

M -

Thank you all for the great advise. The diarreah is still there (sending out another request for advise on this new topic) but the diaper rash is much improved. All the redness is gone but the skin is dry and looks scarred from the open areas of skin that were there. Her doctor says the discoloring from the healed skin openings will go away eventually with continued use of the Butt Paste cream. Thanks again!