Creamy Desitin in 2 yro hair

Does any one know how to get Creamy Desitin out of a 2 yro hair? She painted it all over her body and it was about an inch thick on the top of her head. I have used baby shampoo, my shampoo, and Dawn dish soap. It is no longer thick but it is still tacky and greasy!

my daughter used to be obsessed with vaseline and "butt cream" when she was around that age. All you can do is throw her in the bath...many many times. it will be greasy for a few days im sure, just wash it a few times a day. It will eventually come out.

Vinegar and water can be safely used and help rinse buildup in hair. I have used it myself growing up. Much cheeper than other hair product. Good luck!

Go to your local dollar store and see if they carry a product called Awesome Cleaner...This stuff works great on lots of things, and I believe it is non toxic. My brother-in-law demonstrated that by squirting it in his mouth. It is great for removing sticky lables off stuff that you buy, my husband uses it in the garage for oil spills..Rembemer when you buy it, it is a concentrate. Says to dilute it 10 to 1, which sometimes I don't do. Might be worth a try. Good Luck!!!

LOL My daughter did the same thing!! It took about a week of daily hair washings to get it out. I stopped using anything other than her normal body wash/shampoo after the first day of several washings with harsher products. I didn't want her hair to get dried out and her scalp to get itchy. It takes a while, but it will come out :)

I'd try white vinegar. Other than her eyes, it shouldn't hurt anything.

ah the memories....
my son did the same thing...only he didn't stop with his body, he fingerpainted his entire room!! I suddenly could smell desitin coming from the room of what was supposed to be a sleeping 2 year old!
Anyway....we just washed it alot, with really warm water, also sprinkle some baking soda on her hair and scrub that in too, inbetween some shampoos.

You may want to try baby powder first. I had to get vasaline out of hair and the powder stuck to the vasaline and made it easier to wash out. Good luck!

HA HA HA! Mine went for the vaseline at that age! The entire jar!

Coat her hair with baby powder or baking soda, then shampoo. If it doesn't come out the first time it should come out by the second or third. Being that my daughter had an entire jar of vaseline in her hair it took me about four or five tries. But it worked!

Good Luck!

use your shampoo not hers and use your body soap in her hair first than your shampoo than maybe a tap of conditioner so her hair isn't too dried out good luck

Did you try using baby wipes first? It gets it off of their bums, so why not the scalp and hair?

I was going to recommend the vinegar as this tends to cut most 'greasy' things and it's actually a good conditioner for the hair. Worked great for me when I was on the swim team back in high school and I often do it anyway to restore the natural ph.

I think I have about two gallons of the stuff in my home at any given time as I use it for many things.

My daughter used Vaseline! The only thing that worked for me was baby powder and lots of it. Good Luck!!!

I bet that Basic H from Shaklee would take it right out. Basic H is an organic surfactant- not chemicals- and it is so good for all cleaning. Please be aware that commercial shampoos and things like Dawn dish liquid are petroleum based chemicals and are absorbed through the skin. Many baby shampoos/washes contain 1,4 dioxane (cancer-causing chemical) plus artificial fragrance, which contain phthalates, which are human hormone disruptors. I have a list of unsafe baby washes- J&J, L'Oreal, Huggies, etc. I can send you the list if you are interested. I am a retired health care worker and have a lot of information about how to have a healthier home.

I rinsed her hair with about a cup or so of White Vinager and washed 2 more x’s with dawn dish soap and did a final wash with baby shampoo and it is all out!!! I think that the vinager did the trick!!