I have a 10 1/2 month old happy little boy whose cradle cap keeps coming back. His pediatrician said it's only cosmetic and not a health concern, but I'd still like to see it gone for good. I've tried the oil and the comb/brush, the special shampoos, the medicated shampoo, ignoring it and also treating it consistently. It usually goes away fairly easily but within a month it's back (although much milder than it used to be). Has anyone else experienced this? When do babies finally outgrow this? Thanks so much for your advice.
Hi Alicia,
I don't have much advice but Max did have cradle cap for over a month when he was like a month old to three months old. It took awhile to go away, I used to oil and most of his hair fell out. It grew back. When it finally went away, that's when he started having eczema...do you think it could be something he's allergic to? I'm not sure what causes it, but maybe it's dietary. Good luck!
one word - ARBONNE! Their baby line is amazing & the baby oil has worked wonders on cradle cap! Email me for a sample. Why put anything else that has chemicals etc.. on it on your baby's skin when it absorbs into their body? What we put on our skin goes into our bodies.
My daughter had very mild cradle cap and my pediatrician recommended an over the counter shampoo called Nizoral. I used it a few times and it went away and never came back. Not that I am saying that it was a cure-all, but I think she was simply geting older and outgrew the cradle cap.
I think that you should DEFINITELY get the OK from your doc before you use it on him. Also, you have to be very careful not to get it in his eyes. Good luck!
Both of my children had/have cradle cap (daugther had it until well over a year - she's 22 mos. now and no sign of it, has a thick head of very long hair, and her hair never fell out). My son still has it - at 7 mos. And his is worse than hers was. Ignore it, it will go away. I would avoid anything that cautions on the bottle not to get it into a baby's eyes. Keep using olive oil, if it bothers you. But it will eventually go away and you'll forget he ever had it.
All three of my children had cradle cap. The doctors also told me that it was nothing to worry about. I, like you, just wanted it to go away. I look everywhere for a product that would help. I finally found it. Arbonne's ABC baby care line! This was one of the many reasons why I have decided to become and Arbonne consultant. Being an Arbonne Consultant just means that you can receive the products at a wholesale price. I receive 35% off of the retail! After a while I decided to really work the business and I love it! From a mom who has been where you are you have to at least try the products. You can buy them online thru my website. nicolemelucci.myarbonne.com The ABC baby line really worked for me!
Hello Alicia,
does your son have any allergies? allergies will make it worse. good luck! ~Carmen~
My girls turned 4 in June and they still have a mild case of it. I simply put a little olive oil on it once a month or so and it keeps it from being noticable. It's not a health concern so why would you introduce medication that isn't necessary? I'm just letting it run its course. If they're in high school and embarassed by it, then I'll pursue alternative options. Just my two cents.
My first son had cradle cap, and I kept waiting for the day when he would outgrow it. Finally at 8 years old, I took him to a dermatologist. He said that it is either psoriasis or eczema, but he didn't want to take a sample and hurt my son since he said the treatment is the same in either case...steroid creams, special shampoos...I opted not to do all of that...no steroids for my son. I use a tea tree oil shampoo by Melaleuca, but you can find it in a health food store too. It is amazing, and natural...safe. My son still gets the "crusties", but not as often and not as bad now. Oh, and if he goes a couple of days without washing his hair, it gets much worse, so frequent washing seems to help here.
By the way, if it is caused by allergies, which it may be, I've heard that it is often a milk allergy. My son has been tested and is only allergic to mold, so I don't know if that applies here, but just another thought.
T/SAL shampoo took away my son's cradle cap. Just a tiny bit will do it's not no tears so be carefull then scratch the scalp lightly with his comb and repaeat as neccessary no moe than twice a week.
I recently posted for someone else. Please look that one up in my history so I don't have to give you the whole long story.
I am a NY State Licensed Aesthetician and have even taught the subject.
Use AnnaMarie's Organic Olive Oil (no other brand) mix one or two, I had the exact recipe out for the last one. ounce with 10 drops of high quality lavender oil & 5 drops Tea Tree Oil.
If your baby has a lot of hair then first start by putting just the olive oil in it. Then use no more then 1 1/2 teaspoons a day of the mixture you made. Massage it in, keep massaging, let it sit for a few hours, massage some more, then wash out with something gentle like baby castile soap.
Please read the other posting for safety reasons. I know you already tried oil but you need to try this one specifically.
good luck,
Try to use Foderma serum recently i purchased this serum for my son’s cradle cap, which he developed late at about 7 months old. After a few months he started to get a bald spot from the cradle cap, so I decided to try foderma. I was pleasantly surprised in how quickly the scaliness on his scalp went away after just a few applications. Now I’m using it just a couple times each week to prevent recurrence of cradle cap. I have also dabbed it on a few spots on my own skin and it worked well to clear up a scaly patch I had. A little dab goes a long way, so I anticipate this bottel will last us a long time. I would definitely recommend it for cradle cap.