Could I be pregnant?

Okay, so I never thought I would be asking this, but am I pregnant? For the past week I have been exhausted, the past three days I have been sick to my stomach (and threw up three times after a meal, sorry if that's TMI), my nipples are tender, my back hurts, but other than that I feel fine. There is no fever, no achiness, no nothing to make me think that it is the flu or a cold. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative, but my last period was only two weeks ago. Did other women experience symptoms this early in pregnancy? I didn't have major symptoms with my son until about week four, but if I'm not pregnant, I have no idea what could be my problem! Thanks in advance for all of your input! could be. And yes, you can have symptoms immediately, that just means that you know your body really well. I would wait 2 more weeks and then test again...or you could call your ob and ask for a blood test, that will tell you for sure, even at this early. If your HCG levels are above 40 I believe...that is really what I would do. Or go to a walk in clinic, have a preggo test run and have them check you for a flu? Did you have un-protected sex, or miss a pill? Is there somehow that this is a possibility? But don't talk yourself into thinking that you are until you know for sure. But with my second, I tested at 4 weeks, and it was negative, then the very next day I tested again and I was positive...I would really go to a doc and find out for sure once and for all. Good Luck hon, let us know...

Wait another week and take another pregnancy test. Yes, these are all symptoms of pregnancy and you should definatly find out as soon as possible. However, they are also common conditions of Anemia, a problem that comes with low blood count, so take the precautions and find out first of you actauuly are pregnant and if not then you should be checked by your doctor for anemia because if left untreated it can actually become quite serious. If you are preganant..congratulations and best of luck!

You very well COULD BE pregnant. While pregnant with my daughter, I took 8 at home pregnancy tests, and 4 blood tests. The blood tests NEVER came out positive. I'd say that the soreness in the nipples is definitely and STRONG possibility for being preggers! Good luck!

i swear i got sick an hour after getting pregnant with my first lol its totally possable

Some women have "typical" pregnancy symptoms during ovulation. I thought I was going crazy but when I started asking around other moms experienced the same thing(my only simptoms however with both of preg was hunger till week 6 so go figure:)).
Ovulation usually takes place on day 14 since the first day of your period, so if you had sex since your period ended there is a chance of pregnancy.Wait longer to take a test though.

it will be so unfair of me, after what Almight God has used Priest Babaka to bless me and my family, I didn’t post of his good works on net for people to see, Priest Babaka helped me to get pregnant, after 8years with no child, I have search every means for me to have a baby of our own. but all to no avail, then one day I came across Priest Babaka mail and contact on how he has help people to get pregnant, then I decided to try and see if he can also help me, so I contact him and he told me that my problem was solved, him say that i will have my baby soon, if i did everything him ask of me. I doubted him at first but I decided to believe him and see if it will work. to my surprised and just as the great man said it really happen. And me and my husband are living happily like never before. All the thanks goes to Priest Babaka. His mail: contact him now

I want to suggest you that wait for some time because it can be positive symptoms of pregnancy and take the test after some days to ensure that you are pregnant or not.If results are negative then you should have to go for the expert advice because this can be due to the health issue.The expert will tell you the reason for that and will give the proper details about your problem. If you think you have flu, discuss with your doctor because if left untreated it can be more harmful for your health.Take care of your health properly and try to avoid things which cause infection.
Good luck

Thank goodness it was a false alarm! We know we want to have another child someday, but that day is not today! Thank you all for your help!