Hello everyone! While I was putting myself through school, I worked as a nanny for 6 years for the same family. As you can imagine, I got to be quite close with the three kids (and the parents, too--the mom's still a close friend). 4 years ago I finished school, got married, and moved here to Texas (from Michigan), but still stay in touch with emails, the occasional visit, and sending each of the kids a birthday present every year. This year Tucker, the oldest, is turning 14, and I'm a bit at a loss for what to get him. He's a great kid--very kind, thoughtful, a devout Christian, who enjoys playing hockey and playing gamecube with his friends. I'm afraid I just don't have much experience with 14-year-old boys, so I'm not sure what kind of gift might be interesting to a boy that age. Any suggestions--particularly from you moms who HAVE teenage boys--would be great!
I have a 13 yr old girl and a 14 yr old nephew. The biggest request is Gift Cards.
My nephew enjoys the gaming systems and is athletic. I either get a Best Buy or Dick's card for him. I also add a little something unique with his card such as a special coin set, special coin (we collect silver and gold coins) and that is a hit.
You can get coins at reasonable prices at Lone Star Mint in Plano. It is East of 75 on 15th st. I think you can also get them at places like Dallas Gold and Silver.
Daughter is into Coach and Sephoria so she gets Coach/Sephoria gift cards.
Hope this helps in some way!
I was in the same situation a couple years ago and he is still thanking me for the present I got him... a total relief and surprize to me! (I just guessed, but I am glad it worked!) If your guy likes a sport a lot, especially if he plays it at school, he'll probably have a favorite professional or college team/player. If so, get him a jersey. Preferably of the college team/player, for "cool factor" (I've since been told). The wide price range of jerseys gives you the option of buying the basic or the special edition. My guy's now 16, so he just wants either cash for gas or a Visa gift card so he can go where he wants to get computer games. Come to think of it, the 14 yr old would probably enjoy the Visa card, too. Good luck!
You can't go wrong with a gift card. That's what my 14 yr old nephew has been requesting for the last few years. Best Buy, Target, or if you know he has an iPod, an iTunes gift card will be much appreciated, I'm sure. Good luck!
Hello Meg, Our son just turned 13. He is a very outdoorsy boy. We ordered a really neat compass and had an inscription engraved on the back. If you want more info as to where we ordered it, email me directly and I'd be happy to email you the info.
I know this is the age of trying to impress friend and girls. Many of the teenage boys are into clothes i.e. Hollister, Abercrombie. A gift card to a cool clothing store would be good.
Good luck,
My son is 14. He loves i-Tunes gift cards and Best Buy gift cards the best.
He also plays hockey. He loves to play mini sticks at home, which you can get at hockey stores and some of the big sporting goods stores like Dick's or Sports Authority.
A gift card to a hockey shop would also be good - like Player's Bench, Hockey Stop, or whatever is in their area.
Meg...I have a 14 year old son who is plays golf seven days a week, but loves all sports. He loves to receive autograph paraphenalia from Field of Dreams at Stonebriar Mall (outside of Dicks Sporting Goods). They have things for all price ranges and every sports. Maybe you could find out who is favorite Christian hockey player is and get a framed picture of him at Field of Dreams. It would cost about $50. Lots of choices. Have fun shopping! Enjoy your little blessing.
i say give him a dick you know the body part