cleaning baby toys

Hi Mamas!

What do you use to clean off your babies toys, carseat etc.? We just had relatives here with kids with colds, and of course we all got their colds. I have been washing everything but was trying to figure out what to wash the baby's toys with. My daughter is 3 months old and has started putting everything in her mouth (plus drooling a ton). I'd like to clean her toys a little, her Pack N Play and other household areas where people frequently touch to get rid of any leftover germs.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know about you but I am super picky what I use that comes into contact with my babies...and always have been. I use all non toxic cleaners and will not allow bleach in my home. I know that is what the day care centers use but just the fumes alone not to mention them then putting it in the mouth. I like Shaklee Germ off wipes that are totally non toxic and then for really heavy or big jobs I use the basic G. It is not quite as safe but does break down in 30 days in the septic or in the ground...whatever. I use it then rinse well if it is going in the mouth. I have raised my 11 children on these products and am so sold that after 12 years of using them I started my own business. I have used them for a total of 24 years now. Let me know if your interested and my web site is listed in the business section if you need more info.

Best wishes with that bundle of Joy!

Karen B

Hi Claire,

I agree with Karen about the non-toxic products. I use a different brand than Karen but I also use products that are very safe for babies and will kill germs on contact. Did you know that bleach won't kill germs unless it sits on the surface for FIFTEEN MINUTES? Who leaves bleach on a surface for 15 minutes?

Let me know if you are interested. I'll be glad to give you more information. One of the products I use kills Staph, Strep and HIV1 and there is no need for a child proof cap... When we owned our restaurant, we petitioned the health department to use it instead of bleach and after a petrie dish comparison, the local health department found my non-toxic disinfectant to be superior in killing germs... And it's as cheap as making your own at home but it's been proven to work.

The added benefit for using non-toxic products is that they do not break down the immune system like synthetic chemicals do... So, as your little one's immune system gets stronger, the less colds your daughter will have. I can't remember the last time anyone in my family got sick.

God bless!


I have a Monster steam cleaner for cleaning awkward items. It is a handheld steamer that comes with a disinfecting setting. It is great for lots of things, but car seats, mattresses that have had accidents on, toys that won't fit in a dish washer, etc. All you have to do is spray the item and let it sit for 10 minutes and 99.99% of the bacteria and viruses are killed. I got mine from qvc and I've noticed it was much less expensive there than on the tv infomercials.

I use the Dreft Sanitizing wipes to clean my 6 months old toys. As he puts everything in his mouth too. I clean his highchair and toys with these wipes because they are safe for babies and kill 99% of germs. I got them at Walmart and they seem to work great. I hope this helps!

Use those chorlox wipes and than spray with Lysol and dont let you child play with the toys until after you clean them also spray Lysol on the door handles and phone

toys - put in the kitchen sink with soap and 3 cap fulls of bleach. For things that can be submerged in water (battery operated, etc) spray with lysol.

Car seat - remove cover and wash in washing machine (bleach or color safe bleach if you have it, if not wash in hot water). rest of car seat can be hosed down outside or sprayed with lysol.

bleach kills 99.9% of germs, so it's one of the best cleaning agents there is.

hope you all get to feeling better soon!


For ease, there's nothing better than Clorox wipes. If you want to be greener, spray a little all purpose cleaner on an old dishrag and wipe away. for small, plastic toys, fill a bucket with weak bleach solution and soak them, then rinse and air dry.

I use a steam cleaner. It kills germs without chemicals.

Hi Claire,

At home I've always used Clorox or Lysol wipes for my sons toys. After wiping them I would rinse the cleaning solution off and let them air dry. I used to babysit 2 other children so I was cleaning toys everyday! I also used the wipes for the pack and play and just let it dry before using it again. I threw all the stuffed animals in pillow covers that zip and put them in the washing machine. Everything I couldn't wash or wipe down I just sprayed with Lysol or Clorox spray and held it aside for a while until it dried completely. At the daycare I worked in we used a water and bleach mix and/or dish soap to clean everything (you can get the antibacterial kind or the kind with added bleach). While your baby is this young, definitely do all you can to avoid germs. However, I've heard that if we are narotic about germs for too long then our children can't build up the proper defenses against germs and virus on their own making them prone to more illnesses on the contrary. That's just a theory so you do what's best for you and your family.

Take Care & God Bless!

1 part bleach (clorox) to 10 parts water. It's the same as the surface sanitizer they sell. You can make a bucket solutions and dip the toys in them and let them dry and/or put it in a spray bottle and just wipe everything down. I wouldn't spray this on fabric but it is fine to wipe something down like the pack n play. You can also use those sanitizing lysol/clorox wipes. I would just wash the liner of the car seat if you can. You can also dilute white vinegar in water. I use this to clean my hard wood floors.

I use the Clorax anywhere spray. It kills germs and you don't have to rinse the toys. Its safe for children and animals! I use it everywhere! Its great!!

A spray bottle of white vinegar is all you need. It is a great natural disinfectant. It smells at first but the smell goes away after a few minutes. Make sure to wipe off all door knobs and light switches.

Good luck!

PLEASE don't use chemical-filled commercial products, or Lysol or bleach, especially on things your baby will be putting in their mouth. But there is no need to spend a ton on special green products either. I make my own all-purpose cleaner for everything around the house. It kills germs and cleans everything, and is economical to make. Put 1 c. water, 1 c. white vinegar and 1 c. rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and add 2-3 drops of dish detergent as a grease cutter. Clean everything with it and no need to rinse. Germs are gone with no awful chemicals left behind for your little one. Hope that helps!

Hi Claire, You can start with vinegar,it is a natural antibacterial,use it on everthing babys toys,countertop,beds,furniture.It will kill germs and disinfect.If you do not like the smell add a few drops of essential oil,any sent you like.

I use a cleaning product from a registered pharmacy that will kill cold, flu and even the aids virus. The main ingredient is the herb, thyme, so it is a green product. To help you find it, send me a mamasource message.
Patricia S

Hello, I am 32 yr.old and mother of 3,at that age i would use dove soap and water to wash your washables.You can also use a soapy rag to wipe stuff down with too.I also use colorox anywhere spray to sanitize your toys,playpin,carseat, etc.Good luck and enjoy every minute you have with your little one they grow soooo fast...I am a firm user of colorox it is great to use to kill germs.Your little one is to young to sanitize everything with colorox,but the anywhere spray is safe.

Hi Claire,

I have a 23-month old toddler. In my past 23 months of cleaning toys that constantly have to go through a quick taste test before, during, and after play, I've always cleaned one of two ways-for smaller, more portable plastic toys, I allow them to soak in hot soapy water and then do a quick wipe down. For larger, more stationery toys, I use the all natural disinfectant power of white vinegar in a spray bottle, and wipe down thereafter. For teddy bears, stuffed animals w/o electrical devices, and car seats, I just throw those in the washing machine on gentle cycle and either drip dry or tumble. I hope this helps!

If you choose to use any of those "wipes" listed by anyone make sure you rewash with good ole soap and water afterwards. I found out that the wipes leave a sticky residue on some toys--which actually was the toy beginning to disintegrate from the cleaner on the wipes.

Also, never-ever use those Mr Clean white sponges near kids toys or your kids. Yes, they can clean everything, but they also can cause severe burns on your childrens skin.

I used regular soap and water and/or vinegar solutions already listed by others when my kids were little.

Hi Claire

I have 3 kids-11yr old, 9yr old and a soon to be 2yr old come Tuesday so I constantly clean and sanitize. For toys I use Clorox wipes. Anything that can be detached I wash with Dreft but I let it air dry so that it's not hard putting the material back onto whatever it belongs. For places like the cloth area around the playpen that cannot be detached but is cloth, I use antibacterial hand soap and scrub it clean so that it penetrates and allow it to air dry before my kids touch it.