My husband has his own business with a small number of employees. We are looking for ideas for a Christmas gift for his employees. Any ideas of things that you have recieved or would have rather recieved as gifts? Help!
our landlord gives us a gift card to our local grocery store for christmas and i think it's a great gift becuase the following weeks pay check is small because of plant shut down. so it comes in handy at that time of year!!! i had an employer that gave out knick knack stuff and it was just more that i had to dust and really didn't have any meaning to it!!
I also own a small business, and the best gift of all is cash.
I run a in home daycare and my parents usually just give me extra cash as my christmas gift. If you don't want to give cash then maybe a gift card to a popular store in your area.
I used to work for a smaller clinic (I'm a xray tech) and one of the radiologist used to go and hand pick our gifts, and wrap them! He usually went with a theme. One year we all got Christmas ornaments. He remebered when someone had a special event. Everyone got ornaments, but I got one for a first christmas together (I got married that year) and my boss got a baby's first christmas, etc. It was really special that he remembered.
Cash bonus is always nice. My husband worked for a small business once and he gave them a weekend getaway the following summer; each employee could bring their spouse, we all drove to Niobrara together in a big van, played golf, spent the night in a nice cabin and went canoeing together the following day and then drove back. It was a nice treat. I always liked the practical stuff too- like those magnetic notepads you put on your fridge, blank nice stationary. I liked the idea for grocery gift card- who doesn't need food?
Stacy- I am giving my staff goody bags with gloves, lotions, lipbalm, candy, etc... (I have 33 staff members)
one year I just took them and their spouse to diner. One year we ahd a party at my home, one yaer I gave them all gift cards to Barnes and Nobel, I give my staff that has been here for 1 year or more $100.00 check per year as a bonus...I think they appreciate any appreciation. I would like to give them more-but I can't
My boss handed out some comfy flannel blankets one year, the next was emergency kits for our cars, another year they did stocking and had ironed on transfer with our names on them then filled the stockings with some candy, a nice pen, desk stuff etc. My husband always gets giftcards, it use to be for Walmart but Walmart wanted them to check out 500 giftcards seperatly in order to purchase them so they decided to go to Target! See about giftcards for a free pizza somewhere or free sandwhiches. It's free advertising for some of these places and they wouldn't mind throwing some coupons at ya. Don't foget candles, depending on the scent even guys like those.
My favorite present that I have ever received from an employer is: money. Simple!
I work for a small company and every year we get big poinsettia plants, they are always appreciated.
Not sure how much you are willing to spend but every year my husband gets a gift card to Pick N Save and we love it. Also, it may be nice to give that because you know everyone could use it. Or to buy them a turkey/ham and a gift card. I am not sure what you are willing to spend. If I knew that, it would be easier to give you more ideas.
Hope that helps.
The gift my husband and I enjoy getting from his company is a $10 gift certificate to a local restaurant, like Chilis. It won't pay for all of dinner, but it helps remind the employees that the company knows they have a personal life outside the office.
My husband also owns a business and he's been giving his employees and clients certificates for a pie from Baker's Square. He gets great feedback from that certificate.
I am a Mary Kay consultant and have had many small companies come to me and get $10 gift certificates or like perfume for the women and cologne for the men. (with a multiple order I issue a deal) We have smaller ideas also. I will gift wrap them and deliver also. This comes in handy when the boss or owner is busy and I can make things personalized for the receiver. I would love to help. Let me know.
My husband works for a small company also and last year his boss bought all the guys that work there a couple different types of small tools that the guys use all the time. His boss also got all of the wives photo coasters. They were a really neat idea. They are inexpensive but I get so many compliments on them, I thought it was a wonderful idea. Hope that helps
We're always happiest with the gift from my husband's employer when it is cold hard cash. Gift cards are good too!
Cash seems like the obvious answer, I really liked the grocery gift card you got earlier, but how about a gift card for gas? With the prices the way they are today I don't see how anyone wouldn't like one.
These gift books have been the bigggest hit with our employees. We always give them a turkey or ham and then a "choose-your-gift" book and the year we implemented these everyone was so excited. We did different levels depending on how long the employee had been with us. For example the ones that were a year or less got a $20.00 book, 1-2 years a $25.00 book, etc. Our managers got a higher value than our standard employees also.
Good luck finding just the right thing!
Check this out:
It's a charity organization. I've given their "gift certificates" many times and people love it! Starts as low as $10 for one.
I used to get my employees gift cards every year for christmas and they all liked knowing that they would be getting the gift card and they could count on it.