Have you tried teething tablets? I tried oragel and it seemed to make things worse for my twins. My 9 month old niece visited this weekend. She is teething and i suggested to my SIL to give her baby some tablets. She had never heard of them. They worked so well that she has made the switch also. I get them at Target. You have to ask the pharmacists for them...Hylands teething tablets. Good Luck!
Sounds like an ear infection to me. The not wanting to eat is a key tipper for me to know because my kids never run fevers with theirs.
I think it is probably a combination of factors... his teeth, being congested (which can drain into the ears when laying down and cause some pain- this is not necessarily an ear infection though)- and teething can cause the congestion also, and trying to get some where on his own and not being able to. Can all factor into his behavior.
Give tylenol for pain or the teething tablets (these work great- they are tiny little pills that dissolve in their mouth- can find at Wal-Mart, CVS, Wal-greens). A decongestant for the stuffiness- Pedicare is good if you can find it.
Just a side note, if he is still acting like this and you give into what he wants (sick or not) he will expect to receive what he wants anytime and will learn to act up. What I used to do with my youngest (he was/is the most strong willed) when he would fuss for really no apparent reason, didn't want to eat, didn't need to be changed, didn't want to be held... I would sit him in his room and tell him "stay here until you can come out in a better mood" then pull the door (but not close it). Sometimes I would have to put him back in the room if he came out still fussing- other times he would come out in about 5 minutes, happy and in the best mood. As he has gotten older (13 now), there have been times, when going to his room is the only thing that makes him stop and think about his moods and how he is acting toward others. Still helps.
Just some thoughts.
Call the Pediatrician. Hopefully you have one where you can ask these kind of questions at will & not feel like you are bothering them! Good luck to you!
When babies teethe there is fluid accumulation in the associated sinus, ear and throat areas. That can be painful and irritating as the fluid (especially in the ears) has a tendency to move and causes odd sensations and internal sounds--have a docotor look at his ears and sinuses--it may be very halpful! Irritability is normal--especially with multiple teeth coming in--they hurt, the gums hurt--something cold to chew on is very relieving--it can be simple--like a frozen clean washcloth---there are teethers that can be frozen--I had several that I kept in the freezer and alternated using them! Good luck!
Me - Mom of 2--Nana of 3!!Merry Christmas!
I believe he is trying to tell you his ear hurts. Most babies will pull on their ears or where ever it hurts. He may be just getting an ear infection. You said he was chewing on things, that is to help him break through the skin fir the new tooth to come down. It must be Instinct, to try to communicate .My G.Granddaughter is also 8 mo. and has been real fussy lately and does not want anyone but her mommy and breast milk.
Please take him to his DR.Better safe than sorry.( Cover his head from the cold air out doors.) Hope this helps.
My second son acted much the same when he was getting new teeth. He seemed very irritated most of the day and whined and cried a lot. He, also, bit all of us once or twice while he was getting his first molars and he is normally very happy and sweet. Since your son is touching his ears a lot, I would check with his pedi and rule out ear infection. If it is his teeth, give him a dose of Infant or Children's Tylenol and it will help. Call your doctor for dosage amount.
It wouldn't hurt to get him checked for an ear infection. My daughter fussed at me but never runs fever with an ear infection. It does make them whinier than normal. Have you tried Similisan? They are over the counter ear drops that help with the pain. Also try Teething Tablets for the teething. They will give enough relief to allow them to sleep if the teething is a problem. If you use the ear drops, make sure to put some cotton in there to keep of from running out. It dries like glue in their hair and is a mess to clean out. Good luck.
Have you noticed changes after a vaccine? PLEASE read Dr. Sears book about vaccines and a safer schedule or Stephanie Caves Book. This is not normal. Your doctor probably will tell you it is. If you would like more info on a more natural way to help your son then you can email me. [email protected] You should have his ears checked too. They do not need to have a fever with an ear infection.
Thanks, laura
I would suggest taking him to the pediatrician. He may have an ear infection. My 5 month old had congestion and was batting her ear. Plus was screaming every once in a while like she was in pain. Turned out she had a little cold and ear infection. Poor thing :( It may be just the teething; however, if you have insurance it is worth paying the copay to rule out anything.
Have you tried Hyland's teething tablets? I think that they work much better than the gels, and they are less messy.