Car Seat / Travel system

I am due in October and need to start registering for baby gear. I was wanting any feedback for good and safe car seats / carrier / travel systems. I have a 2008 Camry, no other children, so space is not really an issue, but would like it somewhat light and maybe on the narrow side. I also would like the carrier handle to be able to stay in the upright position, with a detachable base. Colors and price are not a big issue if I can find something with good review and comes highly recommended. Any info would be greatly appreciated as I am totally overwhelmed with the topic and would like to get some reviews on some newer models if available. Thanks!!!

There are a lot of recent reviews on Also, when I was expecting I subscribed to where you can access safety reviews of many different baby products. I found their information very helpful. Some of it is free on the site but you can subscribe month to month to get all of the results of the product testing they perform.

It is definitely overwhelming....good luck!

After MUCH research on this issue for our 3 little ones-- BRITAX brand has received the best safety ratings-- yes, they're more expensive than the rest-- but they are GREAT quality and will last until your child is about 4- 4 1/2 depending on their size!

i would go with the chicco cortina travel system hands down. i have done tons of research and i have 3 kiddos! once you are done with an infant seat, i would recommend a britax boulevard. unfortunately, we've crash tested the boulevard in a horrendous accident and my boys walked away without a scratch. i am not a fan of the britax infant seat, but their convertible seats cannot be beat!

check here for awesome safety info & recs: