Can we ever buy a home?

Hi all. I don't work much so I can stay home with my daughter. I have great credit, but my husband does not! He is the one who works.
How can we ever buy a home? I don't know if I can even apply for a mortgage with his name becasue of his credit, but if I don't, I don't know that I can get the loan becasue I have no income.
Any advice?

Go to a bank and get preapproved. Its free and doesnt take tons of time and if I remember right you dont even need an appointment. Since you will both be buying the home together they will look at both of your credit histories. Try a few banks. Then you will know if you have any chance of getting a mortgage. Good luck!

Instead of a bank I would go to a mortgage broker who works with alll different kinds of lenders and can guide you. Write me if you want someone's name.
Good luck. It can happen!

I would also go to a broker because they can help you with many different programs. When I bought my condo as a single mom, I only worked part time but I had a good chunk of money for a down payment. My broker put through a no income verification loan which was strictly based off of my good credit. You could try that route or I'm sure a broker will have a program in mind for you. Doesn't hurt to ask. Good luck!

u can try co-signing the loan with a family member with good credit and a good income.