Last night, the show 20/20, had a show on Bullying... which, they say, is "epidemic" in the USA.
If you go to their website, the host of the show, said you can see/respond their bullying episode.
Yes, kids nowadays do not have empathy... are narcistic etc. Which are actually what 'psychopaths' and 'sociopaths' have as traits. Clinically...
Very... disturbing... what 'our' society is doing to children and how they are being impacted and how they are raised... AND that kids, very young, are allowed to go on internet venues such as Facebook and YouTube etc. and have e-mail... one girl, was bullied online where some kids made a 'fun' video of her, depicting how to "kill" her...
Anyway, its very very dark and disturbing... and these kids, are like mini-psychotics.... and sociopaths. The parents of the Bullies though... well, they are equally defending their kids... and don't think their child is "bad." Go figure... from sports that kids are in, to social events to classrooms to online activities... kids are bullying... and get NO consequence. For the "Bullies" at schools.... the schools are NOT doing anything to them... per the 20/20 episode.
So what exactly, IS being done to the bullies... who's Victims... die from their bullying????
Look at that 20/20 show.. it was very disturbing... because all across the Nation... the schools are NOT doing anything... to the Bullies or perpetrators.... only the "victims" are getting slammed.
After a kid at one school hanged himself to death... the next day, the other kids were wearing NOOSES around their necks, making fun of him... still. And the School did NOTHING AT ALL... to these kids who wore nooses around their necks and MOCKED the child who committed suicide. Nothing. So.... adults... are equally at fault... it is not just the kids' problem... it is the adults'... who also perpetrate it.
Yes, kids are 'desensitized' to 'reality.' They don't know... the difference. And yes, 'reality' shows, make it worse. It reduces life down to a non-reality.
It is 'entertainment.'
I discuss 'bullying' with my daughter. Even in Preschool, she was bullied and once in elementary school. My daughter, takes Karate. Not for those reasons of "bullying" ... but yes, inside, I am glad that my girl is learning to "defend" herself... in more ways than one. Which is what any martial arts... teaches. But my daughter, simply loves taking Karate. It is 'fun' for her. She is only a child.
all the best,