
My daughter is 10wks old I am breastfeeding and everything seems to be going good my question is if you are breastfeeding do you start your period? the other thing im confused about is i started taking birth control pill my dr gave me. she said it would not dry up milk very safe but i have to take it at the same time every day. well i started the pack last sunday. and no i dont take it at the same time just things have been happining but i take it with in the hour im suppose to. and i know how the birth control pill works so whats confusing is that tonight i started spotting like im going to start my period. should i stop taking the pill? am i suppose to have a period while im breast feeding? your answer would help. or should i call my dr.
thak you

While some women don't get their period back until they wean completely, others will get it back once they start solids, and others will get it back while still breastfeeding exclusively. With my son (my first child), I started my period about 2 months after he was born even though I was breastfeeding exclusively. With my daughter, I weaned her after 2 months because we were having issues, and my period didn't start for another month. So what you're seeing is perfectly normal, and is not related to the birth control pills.

The birth control pill that you use while breastfeeding is different than the one you take normally. There are different kinds, but some are low dose hormones and others only use certain hormones. So it may not have the same effect on your period that the normal pill does, but it has to be that way to keep from possibly drying up your milk.

You may find yourself spotting for awhile and never getting a period, and it will probably take several months before your periods get back into a routine--you may have 2 periods only 2 weeks apart, and then it might be 2 months before you have another one. Or your body might settle right down into a routine--there's no way to know until it happens. You can always give your doc a call if something's going on that you don't understand; I doubt there's anything you can ask that they haven't heard before. Hope that helps!

you are most likely experiencing a 10 week bleed...completely unrelated to the return of your fertility, just apart of the postpartum process.

that being said, birth control is so toxic for your advice (since you're asking) is get off the pill and begin to learn your body's natural signs and symptoms of fertility (which if you are exclusively breastfeeding, your fertility won't return for a few months)...


I would call you dr just ot ease your mind and a professional answer. BUT I did have periods with all of mine when I breastfed. I also have a friend that gets pregnanat 9 months after the baby is born and while she is breastfeeding and never has a period. She has nine kids and they are all 18 mos apart. She breastfeeds while pregnant. Unusual, yes but that is how her body works. I would call you dr. for a professional opinion and then you'll better what to expect.

My understanding from when I had my 2 children and breast fed, you should not be taking birthcontrol pills...they are contraindicated because they can cross to the baby in the breast milk. Every woman is different when it comes to their period after baby is born...with my first, I don't think I started having a period until maybe 10 months, but with my second it came pretty quickly and I was so dissappointed...I think it is fine to have your period while breastfeeding, but not OK to be taking birthcontrol pills while breastfeeding.


Yes, you can have your period while you are breast feeding. I had mine the whole time I breast fed. Some women are lucky not to get it, but stil can get pregnant even though they don't have it. The pill you are taking does not contain estrogen and that is why you need to take it at the same time everyday. It is not like a regular pill, where if you take a few hours later you are covered. If you do not take it at the same time everyday, take other measures of bith control or you can become pregnant. You are doing a good thing by breast feeding. It so good for your baby. Hope I have helped some. Good luck.

Delma, you can start your period at any time while nursing. It is a myth that you won't have one. I started at 6 mo after birth both times. Usually that is when they start not nursing as much, but you may start earlier or later. As far as the pill, I have heard that even though they say there are some pills that won't affect milk production, you can't be sure. Just watch closely and if you have problems with milk production you might want to try another form of bc.

Hi Delma,

Congratulations on you beautiful new baby!

Yes, many breastfeeding moms have periods while nursing. Yes, you can get pregnant while nursing without realizing you had a period.

If your doctor gave you this pill knowing that you are nursing, he or she must feel it won't affect the baby or your milk supply. If you have questions or concerns, the doctor or a nurse at the office can answer them. Another great source is a Lactation Consultant. They are great!

Know that your milk supply can be affected a bit by fatigue, dehydration and other factors. It is wise to monitor how you are feeling and take appropriate actions if you think this is happening. It absolutely is not anything to worry about, but you can be more successful nursing if you keep track of how you and the baby are doing.

Good luck!

Janet B
Parent Coach

I have a 24 week old and am also breast feeding exclusively. I am on the "mini pill." I also started spotting around ten weeks and then started having periods. They are very irregular and last from one day to a whole week. Kind of annoying, I was hoping for at least six months of no more periods :) I saw my primary care physician Thursday (not for the period question), but I did mention it and she said she was surprised that I was having my period, but was not concerned.

About the responses to get off of the birth control, I would check with your doctor, it seems like there is a lot of misinformation out there.

And I know someone who has 3 kids who are 12 months and 13 months apart, she was breast feeding exclusively and listening to her "body's natural signs and symptoms of fertility" -- obviously that didn't work out too well for her -- except that now she has 3 beautiful angels :) and a very tired body!

combination (progesterone/estrogen) pill WILL dry up your milk. Have you read about the MINI_PILL or Mirena?
if you want to successfully breastfeed for more than you have already... STOP the pill.
You may or may not get your period. Breastfeeding is quirky like that.
Do look at other options. Breastfeeding is really special and a good thing for both of you.

It sounds to me like your doc gave you the 'mini pill' since there is a strict rule of taking it at the same time every day. It can effect you milk, but assuming it is the 'mini pill' (single hormone vs. double) it should have the LEAST effect compared to others. The Mirena is a good choice to consider,, if you plan on waiting a while for more kiddos.

You do start your period even while nursing. Usually it doesn't happen so early (more like 3-6 months) but because you started oral contraceptives, your body will menstrate.
The break through bleeding (light spotting) is probably normal and will happen until your body adjusts to the hormones in the pill. If you miss your time to take them by longer than a hour you may also have more bleeding.

Best wishes.

Some women do & some dont. I did not. I do know the pill is a back up. Naturally breastfeeding is nature's way of keeping you from getting prego, but not a sure thing. It can happen, & I know women who it has happened too.

I breastfeed 2 of my babies. On my first one I got my period back after I started birth control. On my second one I did'n get my period back for 7 months . If it is really bothering you, call your doctor because every womens body is different.

I had normal periods still while nursing. I never took the pill so can't answer that one! :-)

It depends on your body and how demanding childbirth, pregnancy, and nursing are for it.
I did not have periods for a very long time while nursing. But I also had low iron.

I did not take bc pills while nursing. I have known a few people that did and they say they spotted a little at first while taking it as their body adjusted. I personally was offered the option and did not do it because I just did not want to be feeding my baby things like that. Everything you eat, she eats. It will be diluted, but she still gets it. I watched my caffine, chocolate, sweets, and junk food intake also. ;-)

I would call your doctor and see what they say. You can also get other forms of bc to use during the time your are nursing, or for at least the first few months until baby is older and eating babyfood also.

the only thing the pill did for me was make sure I gotvmy period at the same time each month. I did have a period while breastfeeding with both my girls! It stinks! I also pumped when I could and I think that's what triggered it!! I would stay on the pill if it benefits you! If it doesn't then safe the moneyband the one more thing to remember and stop taking it! It is normal to have a period if you are breastfeeding! You can also get pregnant so be careful! Good luck becca (Austin texas)

If you have any questions about the pill you are taking or your break through bleeding call your Dr. They would rather you call and ask the question than not call and wonder. You can always talk to the nurse who can get an the answer for you. Good Luck

I can't help about the birth control, but I didn't have a period for the first 7 months that I was breast feeding (I am still breast feeding now and having a period). I would call my dr. if I were you at the very least she can reassure you everything is okay!

Haha - i am smiling as i respond - because many a woman has become preganant while breastfeeding. So - even tho i am not a dotor or a nurse, my own Ob/Gyn reinforced that yes - you can become pregnant while breastfeeding. So, unless you want to have two babies in diapers (I have a good friend with two boys that are eleven months apart - that got pregnant that way) I suggest - take the pill the way your doctor prescribed. I think within an hour of the same time everyday is okay -- I think as long as it is "in the morning" or "in the evening".

Regarding your milk - the more you breastfeed - the more milk you will have. If you breastfeed only intermittenly or irregularly - you may not develop a good supply. You will have a period while breastfeeding - but it may take a while for it to re-establish itself. I did not go back on the pill after the birth of my children - so i dont know what impact being on the pill will have on your cycle - but I would think it would make it become regular quicker. I suggest just calling your OB/Gyn - speak to their nurse. They are happy to answer these type questions. My OB/Gyn's nurse has stayed with him for over 30 years - so between two kids, many phone calls times 30 years - we are good friends now.

About me - A 53 yr old mom who breastfed both kids (first child for nine months because I quit work for 2 years) and second child for 3 months (because i returned to work). As you can guess - both kids are grown now.

You can get preg. while breastfeeding your newborn. You also may want to talk with your Dr. about the spotting to see if that is normal and about stopping and starting the pills.
Best of luck and congradulations on your new addition!