Since you're into eating healthy, etc. you may have heard about colonics. Basically it's a continuous enema. I bet this would help with the tummy issue. I have some friends who bought a colonic board that they use at home. I have no idea what it looks like, but they say the cost evens out by the time you've gone and had it done by professionals. They are rather young, late 20's, and they still have an icky black tar-like substance coming out and have lost up to 20 lbs. the first time they did it. Pretty amazing. If I were in your shoes, I'd check into that before surgery---yikes!
Hi Casey,
I'm a mother of 3. A 7 yr old boy, 5 yr old girl and 1 1/2 year old boy. Pre-children, I was always complimented on my body. Flat abs, muscular arms and legs. Well, after 3 children, things have changed quite a bit. I'm not as thin as I was. I'm tired from trying to keep up with the children, keep the house up, be a good wife and work a full time job. Exercising takes soooooo much energy that I just don't have.
I too considered surgery, but there are risks! I didn't want to risk my life to have a body that is socially acceptable. I finally came to the realization that my body is this way because I've decided to enjoy the family that my husband and I created. I will not over exhert myself trying to "be thin" again. I have to be happy with who I am now. This is my grown up body. I'm not 20 any more. I do believe it is important to be fit, but it is not required to be thin with flat abs. Your body is not why your husband married you and that is not why your children love and look up to you.
You do what makes you happy because thats what's important. When we believe that we look good, we feel better. Go shopping for clothes that fit the body that you have now (that was a major part for me), get your hair done, get a manicure, and enjoy your family. Sometimes little things help us to feel better about how we look.
3 small kids that close together...your body needs time to heal before you do something that drastic to it. A breast reduction is major surgery, but if they are causing your body distress, it might be worth it.
Make sure you look at the pros and cons before you decide.
Hope this helps!
Be Blessed!
Hi Casey -
First I think you should do what will make you happy. There are risks in everything we do, so I would find references for plastic surgeons and get backround information. If this is truly something you want then do it... I as well, eat right, excercise but it is hard to tighten stretched skin, I don't feel or think any amount of excercise can change that, it needs to be nipped. Just be careful and do your homework, you will know what is right...
And you are NOT vain..
I hope it was just worded wrong, but if your DH actually had the nerve to say you weren't working hard enough, he deserves a kick in the ______ (Someplace very painful!). Having three babies in three years and then taking care of them full time at home is way more work than any man has a right to speak of!
The structure of a woman's tummy area and what happens to it when she carries a baby makes it virtually impossible to "exercise" back into pre-baby shape. A few women may have incredible good luck, but it is definitely no fault of yours if that miracle doesn't happen for you.
You may actually be working too hard. What do you do to take care of yourself? Do you have hobbies or activities that regularly take you out and away from that mommy role? You need to have an image of yourself as a real and unique individual to have that self-confidence that you are seeking. Hopefully your DH is just trying to talk you out of a procedure that terrifies him without admitting it, and he will be supportive and loving enough to make sure you get those opportunities! ;)
I had a breast reduction when my youngest was about 18 months (They are now 8, 6, and 3 1/2). I had considered it long ago but really wanted to breast feed. It's one of the best things I have ever done!!!! My only regret is that I didn't go smaller :0). Depending on the bra, I was a 34FFF prior to the surgery and am now about a 34D/36C. It gave me a whole new lease on life...I hadn't run since high school gym required it (20+ years ago) and have done 3 sprint triathlons since the reduction. I plan to do 1 or 2 more this summer. Get referrals for a good doctor and good luck!!
I've had a breast reduction and would LOVE to have a tummy tuck so I don't blame you for your feelings!
The breast reduction; IF and ONLY IF you are done having kids you should consider it! I say that because I had extremely large breasts as a teenager and had mine done not quite a year after my first daughter was born because that's when I had good ins. that I knew would cover it and was losing that ins. shortly after. I regret it because I had another child plus my weight has fluctuated over the years so they seem so low and saggy for my age, that makes me wish I had waited a bit until I was a little older and also I would have had more taken off, I was still young enough to let my husband's opinion weigh too much on what should have really been for me and what was best for my body. I would LOVE to get a breast lift and tummy tuck but it is wishful thinking... so I say if you can do it, go for it!!!
I have no experience with plastic surgery, but I can tell you that two years after having my baby, my body was smaller than it had been one year after. I would give yourself at least one more year before considering anything drastic.
I don't think you are vain, but I would wait a while before doing something so major. One year is very little time to give your body to recover from 3 pregnancies in a short time period. It took me a few years, but I am in better shape now than I was before my two kids. The answer for me is lifting weights. It probably doesn't work for everyone, but it might be worth a try before major surgery and its risks. I would think the recovery would be difficult with 3 little ones to take care of. Most health clubs offer childcare for free or a significantly reduced rate. Good luck with whatever you decide.
You may not want to hear this, but be happy with your body the way it is. Surgery will not give you confidence, you have to find it from inside. A breast reduction is fine if you have other medical problems such as headaches, neck aches or upper back aches from the weight of your breasts.
Hopefully your hubby loves you the way you are. You need to as well. Don't waste your money on surgery. You would be better off talking to a counselor and working on your self esteem. You are a beautiful gift from God and don't need to change a thing. Believe me.
Laura :)
Everybody I know that has had a breast reduction absolutaly loved the results. I have no idea about tummy tucks although I think about them sometimes myself :) keep us posted on your choice and after thoughts!
I only feel some of your pain. I am not blessed in the breast department, and have contemplated a breast augmentation for years. I have 4 children, with #5 due in Ocotber. I had a lap band procedure done about 2 1/2 years ago and have lose 125 pounds. I DEFINATELY will be having the tummy tuck once I'm done having babies. I have consulted very deeply with my primary doctor and she agrees that my babies have really done a number on my abdominal muscles. She said I would never gain that back without some surgical intervention. Also, since the weight loss, my belly just hangs. I won't ever get all that loose skin back to what it was. So...I say go for the reduction, if your breasts are causing problems, but as far as the tummy tuck, maybe give it a little more time and be certain you're done having babies. Surgeons don't even want to see you if you are considering more children. You'd just ruin all that work. Good luck with your decision. Whatever you decide, do it for you, and not for anyone else.
Westfield, WI
Mother of 4 with #5 due October, 2008
Hi Casey,
It's been so interesting reading all of the responses to your request. I know I'm not alone! I haven't done anything, but think about it. I've actually looked into SmartLipo which is a new liposuction that they laser the fat (liquify it) and then suck it out. It is a small incision, done under local anethesia so you are awake. Down time is much less than regular liposuction, results are smoother because the fat is liquified first, and the laser is supposed to stimulate collagen to help tighten the skin. It all looks good on paper, but I don't know anyone who has done it. Also, it will not do anything for the abdominal muscles which does contribute to the problem. I'd just be happy to get rid of the extra skin.
I've decided that I'll just have to live with my "mommy tummy" and my husband is the only one who needs to see it anyway.
Good luck with your decision.
If there is any possibility that you might have more children & will want to breastfeed, you should hold off on your breast reduction unless they are causing overwhelming medical problems. A reduction may very well affect your ability to breastfeed later.
I had a breast reduction when I was a senior in highschool and would do it again in a heart beat. It was tough and painful for a while but I would still do it again. I feel the same way as you regarding the tt. I really want to have one. I have three kids under 5 and feel like my tummy looks like kneaded bread dough! It's horrible! At first I was worried I was being vain but now I know I need to take care of myself too and feel good about the way I look. I'm not doing it to wear a two piece or anything! I would do it to feel better about myself. I know someone that had it done though and suggested waiting until the kids are older. She said it's a very grueling process that's painful and takes a long time to recover. Some people say up to six weeks! It is also pretty expensive. I think I will revisit the tt thing when my kids are all in school. Although I'd like to do it next weekend! ;) I don't think you are taking the easy way out! Having three babies that quickly does a lot to your body! Luckily the children are so worth it!! Good luck!
Your story sounds like mine. 3 kids in two and a half years. I don't know where you are at but i just checked on one in the rock hill, sc area ( below charlotte, nc) it it will cost me $5800.00. That is for everything. He does it in his office, website is . I went for the consult and i really liked him. His wife works int he office as well and she had one done years ago and doesn't mind showing it off and talking with you about it. Also he is board certified and has been doing it for over 20 yrs. Very nice place! Also with all that, he will stitch those muscle up and make them stronger (whatever that is that they do:) )
go fo for it. I feel very guilty because i could use this towards a college ed, but i am sick of being miserable with the way i look and i really think it will make a difference with my marriage. I'm hung up on the weight issue! Good luck!