Hi Ladies,
I am in need of some suggestions for books to read on Breastfeeding. I am currently pregnant with my second child and it is my hearts desire to nurse this baby. I tried HARD with my first to nurse and I was unable to get him to latch on. I spent a lot of time with the lactation consultant here at Porter Hospital and she even couldn't understand why my son refused the breast. I ended up pumping for about a month and ahalf and only ever pumped 2 oz in total in one day. The first two months were horrible and I would really like to not relive that. SO any tips, suggestions or books would be MUCH appreciated.
Hi Rebeccah,
I'd suggest that you now find a La Leche League Meeting in your area or at least a Leader you can talk to while you're pregnant. www.llli.org can help by helping you locate a Leader and Meeting and providing information via online forums and articles to read.
That said, "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" La Leche League's signature book is helpful.
Good luck with breastfeeding. I had a very difficult time with my first daughter (I was in agony for the first eight weeks of our nursing arrangement) but had absolutely no problems at all with our second daughter. It's great that you desire to give this gift to your child. :)
I would recommend joining online support groups as well as reading books. I like www.mothering.com/discussions/
Also, I know of a fantastic lactation consultant who helped me with my second daughter's latch, her name is Peggy Healy
Also, you could find a La Leche League in your area. They have great borrowing libraries even if you didn't want to attend a meeting.
Check out:
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
The Nursing Mother's Companion
The Breastfeeding Book (in the Dr Sears series)
The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers
Don't give up! Get help as soon as you realize you need it. Whatever you do, don't listen to nurses in the hospital who have no training in helping women breastfeed. Actual IBCLC certified lactation consultants are awesome! Feel free to email me if you have questions or need more help. I successfully breastfed my first daughter until 3.5 years after a rocky start and am currently BF my 13 month old after she had a TERRIBLE latch with tongue-thrusting and the whole 9 yards! I hope to get certified myself once my kids are old enough to be without me a bit.
Ditto on everything the other moms said. The womanly art of breastfeeding is great. I have an extra cope if you would like it. I don't know where you live in relation to me, you can pm me. My LLL group is great. I'm sure there is one near you and they are amazing leaders who will help you in any way they can. the Dr. Sears book is great too. Also, ignore nurses, doctors, MIL, mothers, husband, etc. Anyone who is slightly discouraging or non-supportive. Tell them to leave you alone! You don't need that. You need helpful people around you if you have a tough time getting started. You WILL have plenty of milk to feed your baby! Be confident in your body's ability to nourish your baby.
The Nursing Mother's companion I think is the best most practical book...and the section on the first two months is a lifesaver.
I would recommend also going to a couple LLL meetings just so you have some real life people to support you if the going gets tough, and just to become familiar with it.
Good for you!!
My favorite is "Breastfeeding Made Simple"
Go to LLL meetings... you can bring your son. Start getting your support circle now.
I second the nomination for Peggy Healy. She is fantastic.
You can do this! Your first has nothing to do with your second.
Chiropractors who work with babies can also help when babies can't latch.
Unmedicated birth can get everyone off to the best start. Make sure no one offers any supplements at hospital. Keep your baby with you!
Hi Rebeccah!
In my Bradley Class, the instructor recommended the Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers when I asked what book I should get if I only wanted to get one.
I also echo what people have said about going to LLL before the baby is even born. I didn't start going until my 1st was almost 4 months and one of my regrets from that first year is not attending sooner.
Good luck!
I also recommend The Nursing Mother's Companion. Good practical advice.
I also wanted to tell you that my first born also never really took to the breast and I only nursed him for about 6 weeks. My second born latched on like a pro and didn't remove herself from the breast for 7 months. So it is possible...don't stress! Good luck.
I also recommend the Nursing Mom's Companion, it was a life saver!
I also got a good book from my hospital lactation department, it's the AAP's New Mothers Guide to Breastfeeding. I don't know if you can get that one at stores.
I also had many problems with my child and I found Kellymom.com to be an excellent resource and there were consultants on there that could answer your questions anytime, day or night!
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding - by the La Leche League - is very good. It presents a LOT of possible problems and solutions, as well as good tips. Further, contacting a La Leche League Leader is never a bad idea - it's like the next step up from a lactation consultant.
While you're reading, I'd like to recommend Spirtual Midwifery. It's more a focus on labor and delivery, but I found those two books together did wonders. I didn't think I would be able to nurse at all, and now I've been nursing my son since he was born, going on 9 1/2 months, despite difficulties in latching and remaining awake to nurse the first couple days.
The two essential books are: Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers (Dr. Jack Newman is AWESOME) and The Nursing Mother's Companion.
I like both for very different reasons....but really, Ultimate is Ultimate. It's co-written with a La Leche leader...
Also, check out Dr. Jack Newman's website. He has some really handy illustrations of positions, etc. You may be able to get everything you need FOR FREE off his website. When I was still having serious latch/milk production issues at 6-8 weeks, his website kept me in the game.
At the same time, however, when I was truly sleep deprived when my daughter was a newborn, I found the Nursing Mother's companion to be a great reference book. It is repetitive and simple in a way that comes in handy when you can't see straight.
I dont have a book but I did nurse 6 children for at least 1 1/2 years each with great sucess. I loved being pregnant and nursing and at night I put them next to me in bed as I could get my sleep and still comfort them. I think its slilly to let a child cry. They need you and once they are comfortable they will sleep. They grow so fast and soon they wont need you in the night again. Cherish thease times when they need their momma. i FOSTERED 50 INFANTS AND TODDLERS AND ADOPTED 2 MORE now have a 6 yr old girl and 6 grandchildren so far, so I know all about the baby thing! i have always beleived in a super healthy diet and what you eat really affects your child nursing. I Have a business listed here a powerful nutraceutical in a liquid formulation you can look at its wonderful. I hope this helps! Blessings, Nancy
I have found kellymom.com to be a helpful site with breastfeeding questions.
Ditto on La Leche League. It's not too early to start going.
Lots of people have already mentioned The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, put out by La Leche League. You can find a local LLL group for extra support as well by going to their website.
So That's What They're For!
The BEST most down to earth realistic book there is.
Wow, 3rd edition... been 9 yrs since I bought it... LOL.
Please check out kellymom.com They have info and forums where you can post or browse. Also don't rely on the hospital lactation specialists. One of the best in the western suburbs, is Carol Chamblin. I think her site is breastandbabyproducts.com Invest in a my breast friend pillow, and good luck.
Hi there! The book our lactation consultant gave us during our breastfeeding class was "Breastfeeding Made Simple" by Mohrbacher and Kendall-Tackett. I know that the positioning of the baby can make a big difference in his/her ability to latch on, but I'm sure you would have worked on that... I'm glad you were working with your lactation consultant individually and wonder if you might want to also get connected with a support group? Best wishes!
Just wanted to wish you the best with your pregnancy, delivery, a healthy baby and breastfeeding! Your heart is is the right place and I hope it all works out for you.
What happened? I will need this same help for my next child. Did one or more of these suggestions work for you?