book suggestions for a 7 year old girl

I am looking for suggestions for books that are appropriate for a 7 year old girl. I know she likes the Junie B Jones. I just don't remember what age my younger sister was reading what. Some that I have thought about are: Magic Treehouse, Legend of the Guardians, Chronicles of Narnia. But I'm not sure if they are age appropriate. Thanks in advance for your help!

I just bought my 6/almost 7 year old God-daughter some of the "Ramona" books from Beverly Cleary. She LOVES them! Her mom also said that she really likes the Sweet Valley Kids series and has read a couple fo the Babysitter's Club books.

Some friends of our have an 8 year old and she has been reading Fancy Nancy books for about a year.

My 7 year old girl likes the Junie B books, anything Beverly Clearey (sp), the Dairy of a Wimpy Kid series, Nancy Drew anything, The Phantom Tollbooth... everything and anything. She's so much like me, being an avid reader. I read Jane Eyre in 3rd grade, and understood it. By 5th grade I had finally convinced my parents to let me read Stephen King. I think my daughter would like the old Goosebumps books, I just have yet to find mine in the basement ;)

My son is hooked on Magic tree house Books and has gotten one of is "Girl" friends hooked too! It is about a brother and a sister that travel in this magic tree house to places in books it is a great series and she is still writing new ones. There is something like 40-50 books right now. We read it together it is great time for just us! Good luck!

Beverly Cleary books are awesome!
Sara, Plain and Tall, by Patricia MacLachlin.
My daughter loved Nancy Drew and had the whole collection.
Both of my kids, a girl and a boy, loved the "Nate the Great" series of books. I really enjoyed them too.
Anne of Greene Gables.
Mirette on the High Wire, (A Caldecott Medal Winner)
The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Grey Bridge
Because of Winn Dixie (my son LOVED this book although the main characters are a girl and a dog.
The Rag Coat by Lauren Mills
There are lots of awesome books. Check out Amazon.

Best wishes and happy reading.

Magic Treehouse is definitely age-appropriate; my 8-year-old and 6-year-old love them. The Mercy Watson books by Kate DeCamillo are cute. The American Girl series is another one my daughter likes. I've also seen the Rainbow Magic series (each book is about a different fairy) at the bookstore; my daughter hasn't read them yet, but they look fairly popular. All the Fancy Nancy books are cute and have great illustrations. Those are just a few I could think of. Hope that helps. :-)

The Franny K. Stein books are lots of fun. My son enjoyed them and he doesn't like to read!

My daughter also loved the Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo books.

We've been enjoying the Ivy and Bean books by Annie Barrows. My daughter also loves all of the Ramona books, the Mermaid SOS series (Gillian Shields), the Mercy Watson series (Kate DiCamillo), and the Gooney Bird Greene books (Lois Lowry).

We haven't read any of them yet, but have the Amber Brown books by Paula Danziger on our library list.

If this is for a gift, you may want to consider a magazine subscription. Check out They have several different publications for a range of ages and reading levels or interests.

The Boxcar Children, The Little House on the Prairie series - stick with the classics some of the newer series (Junie B Jones etc.) the characters are disrespectful to their peers and adults - its frustrating to see another form of media modeling disrespectful behavior.

There is a reference book called: "Some of my best friends are books" by Judith Wynn Halsted. (Most libraries have it.) Books are listed by approximate grade level and reading level. Also, if you email me off line I can send you a couple of reading lists I have compiled for my 7 year old daughter. (I homeschool, so have spent many hours searching for good books.) I agree with one of the posters, try to stick with more "classical" books. Not only are the stories timeless and the behaviour respectful, they also expose your children to more vocabulary. My email address is :

You can't forget the Cam Jansen books.