As you know, we have 6 children, all adults now. One of our daughters married in her 20's, had a baby, and then they divorced when the baby was quite young (less than a year old). That child is now nearly 6. That same daughter met a man about 2 years after her divorce who had two children. Then, together they have a baby, who is a year old. So, two children (the one from her 1st marriage and the one from her current relationship) are "biological" grandchildren and two are grandchildren of the heart. For the most part, I do everything for all 4 kids the same. There are a few differences, I'm sure - just as I'm sure that the grandma of the other two grandchildren do most the same and then a few differences. For example, I've taken my two bio grandchildren overnight, but not all 4 kiddos (but also they are not home when I take the 2 bios and their mother wouldn't let me take them like that anyways).
My daughter feels like I am very fair in how I treat them all - they all call me Mimi and when I visit, they all sit on my lap, get hugs, kisses, etc. I never bring prizies for bios only - what I bring for one, I bring for all. My daughter's fiance (whom I like) feels that sometimes things are not fair and there are several areas that have come up.
When my grandchildren are each born, I open a college savings account for them and deposit money in it monthly. It is a way for my husband and I to plan their graduation gift (we will give them the account) in advance. With 6 kids, who know how many grandkids we could ultimately have or what our financial situation will be in years to come. It seems like a fair way to handle grad gifts and take some financial burden off by spreading it over the years. I have not started a college account for the other two girls. My daughter isn't married to him and they themselves keep their finances separate - but he has complained that I haven't taken this step with his girls. I think that when they get married I would - the account might not be as high when they graduate as the others, but they would also be getting a gift from their own bio grandparents.
I'd like to get do professional photos with all of my grandkids (I have another grandbaby from one of our other daughters). My plan was to do some with everyone, and some with bio grandkids only. I guess my thinking was that if something happened with my daughter and her fiance, would I want only pictures that included them 15 years from now when I could easily have two sets done? I get that it seems a little fatalistic for lack of a better word, but they aren't married and no one knows what the future holds.
The 2 girls are sweet as pie and I care for both of them. I don't know them terribly well because there is a fair amount of distance between our homes and when I do go to visit, often they are not there (at their mom's), because the dad only has them every other weekend and one or two nights a week.
This is all new to me and I really would like to have everyone feel loved and included and special. I'm just not always sure how to do that - especially when their dad complains about things like the college account.
Thanks for any help with navigating this!