My daughter is alomst 7 months and the doctor recommended that I introduce a sippy cup so she can get the feel for it and start drinking from it. Please let me know what sippy cups you've had sucess and failures with. Thanks!
In the beginning Nuby ones worked best for us. The nipple is really soft and you can even get them with a bottle nipple for transitioning (if you bottle feed). Now we use the Platex ones because they are pretty much leak proof. The Nuby ones my daughter figured out how to make them drip and enjoyed doing so very much. But they are pretty cheap and a great first sippy cup. I think the Platex ones are 2 for $7. So not too bad. If you run your dishwasher as much as I do, you can get away with only 5 or 6 cups.
The best first sippy hands down is the Nuby with the soft spout!!
My daughter instantly took to the Nuby ones with the soft spouts when she was 8 months old. We then transitioned her to the Nuby ones with the straw when she was about 18 months old.
We loved the Gerber ones that had the soft spout for her to suck on in the beginning it was kind of shaped like a flat thumb and had two handles which made it very easy for her to hold. I got them at babies r us. The next step Gerbers are my favorite we have the ones that change colors when the liquid is warm or cold, I got them at Target, they leak very little (you have to really try to get them to leak). We do not like the nuby ones we bought at Walmart as they leak like crazy but they only cost 98cents so I don't feel it was a total loss.
We found the Avent ones with the magic spout and handles to work best with our first and currently my 5 month old is starting with those and they seem to be working very well. My oldest also liked the Gerber soft spout ones, but the valve doesn't stay in very well. It's happened on all hte ones of that type that we have, so I think it's design, not specific to our cups.
I agree...NUBY's all the way! and no valve to mess with!!!
We started our daughter out with the Nuby cup and it was a disaster. She figured out that she could bite the spout and make it leak EVERYWHERE! After several days of soaked shirts, we decided to give the Playtex ones with the valves a try. The spout is hard, so she can't make it leak and the valve prevents spills if she throws it off the high chair (which she does all the time). I think it's truly a matter of trial and error. I would get a couple and see what works best for your child.
A friend got us a "Got Milk" cup that had a base and handles that she could grab. She took to it right away and had very little problem with the handles. Our daughter is a strickly breastfed baby with very few bm bottles, so she was not used to holding a bottle, but it was not a problem with the handles.
My kids drank out of all different sippy cups. My advice is to pick one brand and stick with it. Then the lids and valves can be interchanged. We use Gerber.
We tried a bunch! The Nuby's worked well with the soft spout but they do tend to leak if you don't get the top lined up just right.
The Gerber cups work well for us.
We weren't a fan of the Avent cups.
Just keep trying.....
I like the Gerber ones best. And the value is a heavier plastic its easier to clean then the playtex ones, and I have found they don't get eaten by the dishwasher or garbage disposal as often
That's great that you are trying at 7 months. I wish I had done that more. I swear by Nuby "3 stages" to start off with. Good luck. Hopefully she takes right away... if not, just keep with it. And maybe start off with water first and then move to milk.
My son has loved the nuby first stage ones with the soft spout since he was 6 months old. They do leak occasionally if not lined up right and now more that he throws it around a lot. I just recently switched to the next stage without handles and he is liking those too. The piece inside can go to slow or fast flow.
I just went though this and tryed many differnt cups. My daughter would not use any of the cups until I got her the Nuby's. Now that she is used to the Nuby's she will use the other cups. I think it's because the Nuby's spout is alot like a bottle nipple only shaped like a sippy. Now I am thinking about stopping using the Nuby's because she has learned how to turn them over and pound them on things and milk goes everywhere. Nuby's are cheap so it is worth a try. good luck I didn't get my daughter switched until she a a year so don't worry about rushing your daughter.
We started my boys on the Nuby Sippy's with the soft top. They're a couple dollars at Wal-mart. They work GREAT on transitioning baby! Also they are very easy to clean!! The only thing is, once they are older and stronger and start biting the top, you should switch to a hard top sippy. But it is GREAT for starting out! Good luck!
when we introduced the sippy cups, we went with gerber and playtex. my boys were both bottle fed, and had no trouble with the transition. GOOD LUCK!
My son loved the Nubby sippy cup and liked the Avent one as well. He also liked the playtex and gerber. I just bought one of each and let him see which one he liked best.
I always use the playtex ones...the cheap little ones always leak everywhere...
Nubi cups are great. Wal-Mart and Target sell them. The nipple is a similar feel to a bottle and they do well to drink from them--this hepos transition into other sippy cups later.