best day and time of the week to have a birthday party

Hi - I have never really had a big birthday party for my son, he was homeschooled for 2 years, so never had a very large circle of friends, my family are overseas and my husbands family live 4 hours away. This year my son has started school, and so has quite a few people he would like to invite.

I was just wondering which day and time is best - I am thinking weekend is best, my husband couldn't get off work till at least 7pm, so if in the week it would be late...So Saturday, or Sunday?

The party will be outside at a park, my son wants an army theme - any ideas for games?

Any other party advice please!

Weekend are could do Friday night or Saturday or Sunday anytime. I suggest Saturday unless a lot of the kids are involved with other activities on that day. Timing is really open but keep in mind that if you do the party before 2 or after 4 you may need to supply a lite lunch or dinner. I typically try to do mine on Saturdays from 2 - 4 pm.

Army theme...think camo and tanks. Capture the flag (sort of like tag but in teams and you have to capture the flag of the opposing team) or obstacle courses requiring the "army crawl" but you will want to be sure kids are dressed for that. You can use army men for decorations and as take home goodies. Dog tags can be another trinket.

Well, to get away from having to feed a lot of people I always have my girl's birthday parties AFTER lunch, around 1:30pm. And as long as the party is over around 4:30pm then no one expects to be fed dinner either. I still do cake and a few snacks, but no meal.

I'm more of a let-them-run-loose kind of party thrower, as long as no one gets bored (but I've never had this problem). For an army theme, maybe a scavenger hunt? capture the flag?

I have had the biggest turn outs on Sunday afternoons. Not sure why, maybe people don't have plans. A park is a great place to set up a treasure hunt. Hide multiple army themed items and dived them into 2 squads and give them clues ect.

If your child is young.... Parties... usually for us, are planned depending when "nap" time is... and not at night. Otherwise, things are too rushed, the kids are over-tired/fussy, and we do not sacrifice nap time for a party nor plan a party which was at our kids' nap times.

I would opt for a Saturday... since the Monday after Sunday is a work day and/or school day for the kids.
If held on a Sunday.. .make it for early.. like 11:00am or earlier.... so that kids are not tired and can get home with their families.... not at night time.

Also, factor in set-up time for the party and clean-up time after wards... because this can take time... including the actual party.... for you. And then per your kids....

For games/party stuff:

Then decide, if on a budget, if it will be a 'mealtime' party or not? If for lunch or dinner??? Usually, daytime parties are best for kids.
If on a budget, make the party of non-meal times... and just serve cake/ice cream etc.

ALWAYS designate, ON the invitation... the timing of the party and when it ends. ie: "The party is from 11:00ma to 1:00pm" for example.
Otherwise, you will have a party that never ends... and it will go on and on and on....
Most kids' parties are 2 hours. Maybe longer for older kids.

ALSO, factor into the timing of your party... IF you will be opening presents AT the party or after at home. If doing it AT the party, opening presents takes TIME. 1 hour or more... and have a notebook/pencil with you, to jot down who gave what gift to your child.

ALSO, cute is: getting a large poster board... and having the kids sign their names on it or putting hand prints on it. Then title the poster board with the event name and date... as a souvenir for your child.
ie: "Jack's 4th Birthday Party" at such and such park.

all the best,

We generally do Saturday. You didn't mention how old your child was, but most people mentioned working around the nap time...that is key, not only for your child but also for the party-goers. We've had a few parties that start at 11am and go until 1 (really more like 2 with our people, but whatever!) and we serve lunch and cake.

If you're not into making a whole meal then I would say do it from like 3-5 pm. The army theme is cute. The suggestion you had of hiding army men around is cute. You could also do a water gun fight (if you're okay with that) and the water gun could be part of their party favor. You can get cheap water guns and army looking hats on Oriental Trading can probably get some other party ideas too. Capture the flag was also a good idea, but the kids would have to be a little older for that. You could set up an obstacle course and utilize the park for it as well as bring along things like hula hoops they have to jump through (laying flat on ground), crawn through tunnels, etc....just like they do in basic training! The first person to the end could get a badge or something like that.

Most young kids birthday parties are held on Saturday afternoons. It all depends on if you're planning on serving a meal (pizza, bbq, etc) or just the cake and ice cream.

Have fun!

You didn't say how old your son will be. We've had issues with Saturday morning parties because kids often have soccer games. We've had the best luck attending and giving parties on Sundays.