Bedford Height Elementary's gifted and talented program

Thanks to all of you who responded. I will look into the HEBAGT website.

We are looking into relocation to the HEB ISD and wondering if some parents could tell us about its gifted and talented program, in particular, at Bedford Height Elementary school in Bedford, TX. I am hoping to hear parents' perspective and experience with the GT programs.

Any experience, thoughts, and opinions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and for sharing.

You could call the school for information. The counselor or someone would probably be very happy to talk with you about the program. I don't know about that program specifically, but HEB is an excellent school district, so I don't doubt that the GT program is excellent as well.

Hello, I am the VP of the HEBAGT program and can help you out. I do not have time to write right now but can you call or email me directly and I can answer you with everything.

HEB has an excellent GT program better then most isd's. They even have the IB program which is great and gets most of those students into good colleges with scholoships.


My son is in the GT program at Donna Park Elementary (also part of HEB ISD). If I recall correctly, all kindergarteners are given an IQ test. Based on the results of the test and the student's performance in class, they may be considered for the GT program. A survey will be sent home asking you questions about your child's thinking process, imagination, etc. Once all input is considered and your child is approved for the GT program, they start in 1st grade.

At our school, the GT kids in my son's grade level meet with the GT teacher once a week for about an hour. I thought it would be more intensive than an hour a week, so I'm a little disappointed. However, it may change as he gets into middle school (he's in 4th grade now).

I realize my input is not specific to the school you're considering, but since it's the same ISD I assume the program will be run the same.

I can't give you a lot of information about the current program. My brother and I were both in Bedford Heights' GT program when we were there over 15 years ago. We enjoyed it. My dad was HEBAGT president for many years and still serves on the Texas Board. The best source is probably the poster who is the current VP of HEBAGT.
On a side note, if you are still house hunting, my dad is selling our old house.

Hi, Anna!

I couldn't be more excited about answering this post! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the HEBISD and, especially, Bedford Heights Elementary. My older daughter is @ Bedford Junior High and attended BHE from Kindergarten through 6th-grade. My younger daughter is still @ BHE and will also go all the way through 6th-grade there because, as far as I'm concerned, it's one of the best of the 19 elementary schools in the district!!!!!! Both of my daughters were identified for the GT program in Kindergarten and are still involved. In addition to having a parent's perspective, I'm also a former HEBISD student who was in the GT program. Plus, I'm the Treasurer for the HEBAGT (Hurst-Euless-Bedford Association for the Gifted and Talented) Executive Board. All of us are striving to strengthen the program in order to ensure that our GT students get the best education possible. If it's convenient for you, I would love to meet you @ Starbucks, Panera, et al and answer any questions you may have about BHE, the HEBISD, etc. Or, please feel free to call me.

Shelli - (817) 914-1900