Bald Spot on the back of my newborn's head

When my baby was little (9 years ago) we had a support thing that kept her on her side. It had two wedges, connected under her by a piece of cloth. You might try it! Good luck!

I know you feel it looks horrible but probably no one else notices. That is so common for babies I wouldn't even take a second look. Try to relax, I am sure he is beautiful and you are doing a wonderful job. Just think, if this is the worst you have to deal with you will be one of the fortunate ones. Just enjoy your new baby boy and his hair will grow in in no time.

its normal most babys lose there hair when they are little all you can do is wait for it to grow back and the back of the head usually is the place they go bald at its ok

It is normal for babies to get balding spot cause they rub their heads and the hair just rubs off. Once he starts sitting up and walking all with look better cause he wont be laying down so much.. Remember to change sides that your baby lies on. Go from left side, right side, back and tummy time. That will be the best thing that you can do to help your baby!!!!!!!!And I understand that you baby might cry in different postions but hell get use to them soon enough.

Don't worry it is normal, and other mom's won't even notice it. Those without kids are just not in the club. Anyway it will get better once he starts walking and drops his morning nap. Once he starts walking he will need more food, and the increased calories and vitamins will help his hair growth.

This is very normal and we all go through it with our babies. As he ages he'll sleep in different ways and the hair will return and even out. Just laugh this one off and rub his little bald spot with love.

I am the mother of 5, 3 boys and 2 girls they ate all grown an mosy ahve kids of their on, 2 of the boy were bron with lots of hair, and they lost it all by the time they wer 4 months old, It is a natural thing, as far as I know there is nothing you can do. It will grown back,by the way both girls were born bald, so they didn't have any hair to fall out.

There is really nohing you can do at this point. It will grow back. When he starts holding his head up really well you can sit him in an exersaucer or walker, with blankets around him for support, to get him off the back of his head for a little bit throughout the day. And he might even enjoy the different view. My name is Kasandra, from Blair, OK. I have a 13 month old son and another baby due in August.

Hi Alisha, believe me, your son WILL grow his hair back. Both my niece and my friend's baby girl went through the very same thing and now they both have long, luscious, thick heads of hair. It's very common for babies who have a lot of hair and also have a little bald spot. It will definitely grow back so stop worrying. I hope this helps you. Take care & God bless!

Every baby has the bald spot now that dr. tell you to put newborns on their back. It doesn't hurt them and with the 6th or 7th month when they sit up and roll they start getting it back.

I would not worry about it. It is perfectly normal and will grow back once he starts spending less time on his back. When my son was about 3 months I got him a BebePod chair so he could practice sitting more and this helped. Just be sure to watch him while he is in it. Once your son starts sitting/crawling it will grow back it.

Nothing to worry about, this happens to most babies. His hair will grow back. I guess it rubs off because it's so baby fine and soft.

Until your baby really starts rolling over alot and spending more time on his tummy, he's going to have a bit of a bald spot. My son who is now 8.5 months old had the same thing. We did tummy time at least 2-3 times a day, but since babies sleep on their back and aren't really able to control their head very well until at least 3-4 months when on tummy or in the upright position the spot just gets rubbed alot and the hair falls out. Don't worry, it's only temporary and his hair will grow back. What I did sometimes was during the day is I would let him sleep on his tummy on his playmat in our den. I would stay in the room and fold laundry or something like that so I could keep an eye on him and get stuff done. HTH.

Congrats! It is very normal for your baby to have that bald spot. I normally don't say this, but look at other babies and most will have the same bald spot. I personally think it is cute and the hair I promise does grow back!:)

I was concerned about this when I had my baby , My hairstylist told me to buy a piece of silk and put it in the carrier or carseat where the babies head goes. It protects the hair from being rubbed off. I never had to do it because me baby was a side sleeper and wasnt in her carseat very often but she said she did that with her 3 kids and it worked. Good luck ! Alicia

AS soon as the baby learns to turn over and starts sleeping in other positions the bald spot will disappear. In the scheme of things, if that's all you have to worry about with a new baby, you are lucky. Enjoy your precious gift.

Girl that is tottaly normal all my 3 girls had it its from them sleeping on there back and rubbing there head so tatally normal i know it looks funny but it will grow back in about i month

All three of my sons had bald spots... Once they started getting older, sitting up and crawling their hair grew back. It looks horrible but most babies have it.