Bad rash on baby's bottom

Hi Mommies,
My soon to be 1 yr old had a nasty yeast rash on his bottom and it is spreading to the whole diaper area. He was on an antibiotic about 2 months ago and I think that is when it started. I put the anti fungal cream on it and it helped for a while, but didn't clear it up completely. If we put anything else on it it makes it worse. He just started another antibiotic on sat. and things are getting worse. What I need from you is any advice on how to get the good bacteria back into his system, will giving him yogurt do this? And what other creams to try on his little bum.

Thanks in advance.

yogurt would be good to give him. we use "resinol" to clear up rash on baby. you can get this at your pharmacy but you will have to ask the pharmists for it even though it is an over the counter med

Give him Activia yogurt, has probiotics in it.

Also try a mixture of aqua phor and maalox, heat in microwave safe bowl for 5 seconds, mix it up, let it cool and you can store in fridge if need be. the aqua phor heals and protects the skin while the maalox takes the burn out of it with each stool.
You can get probiotics in capsule form too and sprinkle in food, ask your pharmacy.

I know that you can give yougurt to help restore the balance just make sure that it has the live or active cultures in it. As for treating his butt.....Everytime that you change his diaper let him air dry. The yeast loves the moist warm climate that diapers sometimes produce. So change the diapers a little more often to keep him super dry. When you change them let him air dry or even take a blow dryer and put it on cool to dry him up. Then after he is dry you can put on what ever cream you decide to use. It might be necessary to get a script from the doc if it isn't clearing up as it might be something more than just yeast. Good luck.

Yogurt is best when given while your child is still on the antibiotics because antibiotics have a tendency to kill normal healthy flora (that keeps normally occurring yeast at healthy levels) as well as the bad. At this point it would be best to take him to the doctor for a prescription. Do not use OTC creams intended for adults on your baby unless your pediatrician has recommended it. The problem with infection, any type of infection, is if you treat it with something that isn't quite strong enough at first the infection, this time it's yeast but it's true for bacterial infections as well, will get worse after a short period of slight improvement. It becomes more resistant to treatment. Take him to the doctor. In the future, anytime he needs to take antibiotics (this should be done for any adult, especially women, or child alike) give him at least one serving of yogurt (or acidopholus supplement appropriate for his age and weight) a day during the entire course of treatment. But for now it sounds like you really need some council and advise from your pediatrician and a prescription.

Giving him yogurt can definitely help get rid of the yeast rash. I use that in my house on a daily basis just to ward them off.

I recommend using antibiotic ointment for topical treatment to help avoid further irritation. You can also use corn starch to keep the area dry.


Have a GREAT day!


We always used Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema Cream for rash and rash prevention. It doesn't cure the rash, but it does protect it and it doesn't burn, even when things are really bad. Yogurt will help. You can also buy probiotics to give him. I know you can use yogurt for a yeast infection in girls, so I wonder if it would help for a little boy's rash. Maybe vinegar baths, too. Just some thoughts. Poor boy. I hope he feels better soon!

My 2-year-old has had lots of yeast problems like this. We were told to get some acidopholus and mix it in his food or in his milk. You can get it in powder form in the healthfood store, and they even have it for kids.

Yogurt is also good, and if you can disguise grapefruit seed extract (it's NASTY) that's a fantastic way to kill the bad stuff in your system. I got a yeast infection in my milk duct and as soon as it was over I got strep. Didn't want to go back on antibiotics because of the yeast. But two days of the grapefruit seed extract and I was right as rain.

So, good for adults and for kids. Definitely do the acidopholus and the yogurt though.

Also, you can smear yogurt right on the bum rash (plain). Totally safe.

Activa yogurt, Kerfir, anything stating it has live active cultures in it.

Make sure his bottom is dry before you put on the antifungal cream, once the cream is dry put Desitin overnight on top of that. If you are in a rush add cornstarch right after the antifungal cream. Also bathe him everyday (no strong soaps) and let him run around without a diaper as much as possible. try changing him before you go to bed as well (you want to keep him dry).

They do have a liquid anti-yeast medication that he can take (like the pill for woman with yeast infections). If you can't get it under control you can ask you pediatrician about it.

Hang in there!

Try Gengiviolet. IT is an over the counter that you can get at your pharmacy just be prepared for it to dye his butt purple...and everything else his bum comes in contact with. It is seriously the best treatment for a yeast infection but it is a bit difficult. I went to savers and bought my daughter some sleepers that I didn't care about so she could live in those while she got better.
You can also do tea tree oil if you want to go more natural. Put a couple of drops in a couple of oz of olive oil and then put that on everytime you change the diaper. Don't put it directly on the infection because it can really burn.
As for a reintroduction...yobaby makes a great yogurt.

When I have had a yeast infection I have been told to put yogurt directly on the infection and to insert accidopolous (sp?). I am sure that you could buy some capsules and break them open to put right onto the infected area for a boy. I don't know if it would flavor his food badly but you could try putting some in some baby food as well as giving him yogurt.
Hope this helps

Hi Liv,
Sorry to hear about your little one. Internal flora is KEY. A good probiotic is very good to get the flora balanced & back in shape. I know we use one called "yum-yums", but I think it is for 2 & up. I would consult a good naturopath about probiotic dosage or get some acidopholus capsuals. While yougart has alot of good bacteria at times it is not enough to "kill Off" the over abundance of the bad bacteria. Also an over growth of the naturally occuring candida can sometimes be the culprit. Avoiding Sugar, Carbs such as flour, anything (carbs) white. Sauces, pre-packaged foods with yeast in them, can help your little one & get control of this over growth of bacteria.

Take care, G

Yogurt is good, but probably not potent enough for current condition. Go to health food store and get some acidophilus or probiotics (they come in a powder form that you can mix easily with any food/drink for 1 year old). I've done this personally with my foster baby when he was on antibiotics for prevention of diarrhea and diaper rashes and we never had any. I also read in a book that you can use 5 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract (also available at healthfood store) per 1 oz. water in a spray bottle and spray on baby's bottom as needed with diaper changes.

Hope this helps you and little one starts feeling better.

So many babies and toddlers are having problems related to digestive wellness. Antibiotics are the cause of your son's diaper rash. The antibiotics kill good bacteria as well as the bad. You need to re-establish his digetive wellness, by giving him probiotics. You can purchase probiotics for babies at a whole foods store or online. I know he's still a baby, but I hope your not giving him anything with sugar, which will make his problem worse. You might like to read my blog>

The yeast grows in moisture so the less cream and moisture trapping stuff you put on it the better. I would lightly dust my son's bottom with corn starch to absorb some of the moisture and change him more often or let him go with out a diaper for periods of time. Do not flood the diaper with powder or corn starch as it will trap the moisture as well and cause the rash to spread as well. That's what worked for me good luck.

Yogurt is a great idea to get good bacteria going again. Also, my doctor just told me to get Resinol for my son's bottom that has lots of rashes. Its over the counter, but you may have to ask your pharmacist to order it, or they may keep it behind the counter. She says its not specifically for diaper rash, its for all skin irritations but says it works great on sore bums, it has an ingredient to help the pain of the rash too. Good luck!

Call your doctor for a perscription anti-funfgal cream. Yogurt can be very helpful as well, make sure it has active, live culture in it. Activia in particluar has twice the live cultures of most other yogurts.

I haven't read all the responses, but most talked about the good bacteria, that I know nothing about. As far as the cream, I have my favorite. My son was given antifungals, a compounded cream, a prescription, and on and on. The rash never seemed to get better (and got worse with some). I then tried MotherLove Diaper Cream and Thrush. This did the trick! When we change my soon to be 1 year old, we take off his diaper and clean him up, and then he usually rolls away and wants his naked time. This gives him time to dry out from the wipes. When I am able to wrangle him back for the diaper, I put the cream on. It also works great on dry skin and on nipples too. Good luck!

put baking soda in his bath, and let him play. I do it with all of my children when they get a rash. It works really good, I've had to make it into a paste for my baby becuase he is only one month old and doesnt like baths very much yet.

My baby had a little yeast rash on his neck at his 4 month appointment and my pediatrician wrote me out a prescription for it. I got home and remembered that I had some Melaleuca Oil (also known as Tea Tree oil) in my medicine cabinet, and that its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. I decided to give the natural remedy a try before getting the prescription filled and WOW it knocked out the rash completely in just two applications! Its good if you can apply the oil and then put something like Neosporin over it to lock it in next to the skin so it wont just evaporate. I never even had to get the prescription! And My son is now 7 months and it hasn't come back. I definitely recommend this remedy!

Yes! My Pediatrician says yogurt is and awesome thing to have your little one eat while on antibiotics! Definitely! Poor little one.