Bad diaper rash

My daughter woke up this morning with a really bad diaper rash...I mean really red, some blood and just you could tell it was painful for her. She sleeps 12 hours at night and she must have had a bowel movement early in the night and also peed alot. Anyway, she's never had a diaper rash this bad before, so I am just looking for advice for treating it and helping her feel better soon. Thanks!

HI Amie,
There are many over-the-counter oitments such as Desitin...this is a good one.....My pedatrician also recommended I use baking soda and water for a soak..i put water in the kitchen sink with the baking soda and let her sit in it and play for alittle while...not only does it feel good..I believe it helps from infection...make sure to put some ointment on her every time the diaper is helps heal and keeps urine away from the rash...urine or staying wet will make the rash burn...My cousin uses Corona..its an ointment that you can get at Farm and is typically used on horses, when they have sores..but i have had many people swear by is very thick and sort of messy...but it does work....if the babys rash looks raised where it is sore..that could be a bacterial which case the babys Doctor should look at it...
Leaving the diaper off,for brief periods,(I know, be brave!)will help the healing process along as well...I hope some of this helps!! Good Luck!!

Hi Amie,

I'm sorry your little girl has a bad rash. She may have a yeast infection rash (exterior - NOT interior like we women get!). Just sitting in BM's (even for just a little while), especially a "messy" BM, can give little babies yeast infections. Get some Lotrimin (clotrimazole is the generic) and use it just like a diaper rash ointment. I usually would apply the lotrimin and then apply a regular vasaline based diaper ointment. Yeast diaper rashes are totally common and easy to treat. Use only lotrimin (or clotrimazole) though, which can be found by the athlete's foot stuff in the drug store, NOT the Gyne stuff, or monistat or anything that is used to treat internal yeast infections. Hope this helps!

Let air get at it as much as possible. I would treat it with the "butt paste" that's on the market or there is a destin (sp) overnight formula. High Zinc Oxide is what you're looking for. I wonder if you can use that rash ointment on open skin though??? For now keep your child dry.

Poor baby:( That must be painful. My DD had one bad rash that blistered.

I would slather on diaper cream as ofton as possible even if she doesn't need a diaper change. If you can let her run around naked at times to, to air it out that helps.If it doens't get better in a few days take her in to her pediatrician. When my daughter's sensitive skin is irritated I try and not give her a bath if I can resist because it usually just makes it worse and drys her out worse.

I would use Boudreaux's butt paste. They sell it at Target. I put it on my baby every night.

Air, Air, Air. Let her play naked if you can. Also, I've found that A + D Diaper Ointment or Desetine worked best for us. Also, make sure her butt is REALLY dry before you put it on, and when you put it on...rub it in a bit so that her butt and vagina look like a chalky white, so you can see her skin color through it. My daughter has had butt rash that bad too, when it bleeds. I realised that my daycare was putting cream on her when her butt was still wet and then it would hold all the wet right next to her skin. Man, I hated that...she would scream and clench her butt when I would wipe her, or even put the cream was horrible. Good luck. Also, if you do this, it should be gone within a day or 2.

Hi Amie,
Every one else has wonderful ideas, but I also found aquafor worked for my daughter when nothing else did. Air as much as possible and instead of wipes I used warm wash clothes to clean her up. There was a point I even changed diaper brands while she was teething. For some reason she would have horrible rashes while teething and no other time. Hope your daughter feels better soon!

I have always used A+D ointment, has always done the job for me. It's smells bad, but works so good. I was also told not to use any powders, but everyone has their own opinions. Hope it gets better soon!

There are two products that work extremely well. Butt paste and aquaphor. They both are the best.

If you go to Park Nicollet Clinics you can get a RX for "Poop Goop" - it's magic! Otherwise, I've used lansinoh nipple cream, it works great as a barrier.

If its that bad I would bring her into the DR asap, don't mess with trying to find a good over the counter....

We swear by triple paste. You can get it at Walgreens. It is really thick, but it really works. We were introduced to it when my oldest was in the hospital with rotovirus. His skin was horribly shredded and bleeding from the constant loose acidic stool. He was clear in less than 12 hours. I also agree with letting her air it all out. They sell blue disposable chux pads that you can lie on the floor if you are worried about accidents.
Hope that helps


Triple paste works well. I think I saw at walgreens recently.

So sorry about your little girl's tooshy! My little guy had awful diarrhea from antibiotics for an ear infection, and we had to deal with a horrible diaper rash then too.

I always make sure the skin is dry before using anything. I actually used a blow dryer on "cold" and he would smile and look relieved while I used that. Then I used desitin or bacitracin (keep it in the fridge--the cold feels soothing). Last time both of those made him scream so I just used a huge thick coat of vaseline the first night and then went back to desitin.

Whatever ointment you use, use the blow dryer if you can. It makes sure the skin is dry before you apply anything and it is really soothing to the irritated skin. My Sis-in-law runs a daycare and has 3 of her own kids, and she swears by it.
good luck!!

The best thing that we have found for diaper rashes is Aquaphor, you can get it at Walgreens or Walmart. Our first son who is now 14 had severe diaper rash problems that we had to suffer through, I don't even know if the Aquaphor was available at that time, but with our now 3 year old we used it all the time and never had any problems with diaper rash. In fact, when he did get a diaper rash we'd put this stuff on and by the end of the day it was gone. It's awesome!

Hello. My oldest son sometimes got really bad diaper rash and my doctor had me try Cortizone-10. That seemed to work really good for him. Usually within a day or two the rash was completely gone. It is in a yellow tube - I always found the ointment worked better than the cream. Hope things get better soon.

So sorry to hear about your daughter's diaper rash. I hope she is doing better. If not, I've got a good solution for you. I got this recipe from our pediatrician. I've given it to friends that rave about the results too. Daycare lady even put it on her board for other parents to see because she has never seen anything work so well so fast. All you have to do is mix together equal parts of desitin/A&D ointment (or whatever diaper rash ointment you use, we used A&D) with an equal part of liquid Mallox. You have to stir for awhile, fyi. We started out with a tablespoon of each just to try it. Afterwards, we mixed up a larger container. We continued to use this mixture for all diaper changes. The antacid in Mallox takes care of the acidity in the urine that is painful on a sore butt. Of course, check with your pediatrician first.

Hope your daughter feels better soon!

Have you tried Triple Paste? You can sometimes get it in the baby section at Walgreens, and sometimes you have to ask the pharmacy to order it for you, though it's non-prescription.

It's expensive, but in my experience, so worth it! The only thing that cleared up the really bad diaper rashes with my kids. Works fast, too.


I'm so sorry for your little girl! I swear by Butt Paste. We used to use Desitin, but I hated that you had to really smear it onto sore skin, which seemed to irritate it more, being handled so much. The Butt Paste, I just dab it in a few places and let it sort of melt around inside the diaper. I do day care, and I had a little girl this past summer who had the worst diaper rash I'd ever seen; she had diarrhea for a couple of weeks from what turned out to be mold exposure from a dumpster next to her house. :( But her pediatrician gave them instructions for a custom cream. I'm sure if you called, yours could give you the same; she gave me some and never gave me the specific ratios. But it included diaper rash cream to create a barrier, Maalox for the acid, and some Lotrimin (the foot kind) for yeast. It worked wonders on a very severe rash.

I hope she's feeling better soon!