Back Ground Check

Does anyone out there know a good contact that they could refer to do a background check for childcare?

I am a daycare provider. If a person is listed or registered then they have already had a background check. Here is the Dept. of family and protective services if you have other questions. 214-583-4253 or 800-582-6036 website:

I have used twice. Look for the childcare package.

This company is pretty reliable. Good luck!

if the provider is registered or has a lisencse then she is required to have a bakcground check every 2 years and so is everyone else who is over the age of 14 that lives in her home

My company, Mom's Best Friend, can do a background check for you. I am assuming you found a nanny on your own and want to do a criminal check, good for you! We offer a couple of options. One is what we call the Post-Placement Package. With this option, we do the exact same screening process for you as we do for all of our nannies, the only difference being that you found the nanny, not us. This would include reference checks, verify Drivers and Social, Criminal background check including sexual misconduct and driving record plus she would come to our one day Nanny Training Institute class. We would also provide you with some materials and be available for support throughout your placement.

The second option is simply a background check and the cost various depending on how many states and counties you want to do. Let me know if you would like to speak in person. You can email me directly at [email protected]

Kim Winblood
President, Mom's Best Friend of Dallas
972-446-0500 ext.4

If you are going to use an In-home or Child care facility, they should already have had a back ground check done. You can find more information on The Department of Family and Protective Service's website.
