Bachorlette party

Hi, My bestfriend is getting married and I am the maid of honor--we did not do a bridal shower (her request) and decided to only do a bachorlette party--she has requested no stripper, which is fine with me, but now what do I do?? My thoughts were maybe a sex toy party at my house then go out to a couple bars, is that the normal kinda thing?? and if it is, any one know anyone who does sex toy parties?--I live in New Haven

Why not a lingerie party. Do they really need sex toys. Too expensive anyway for what they are worth. Cute, sexy, thongs,underwear, chemises etc something she would use.

Tammy-if you would like to do one of those parties go to and you should be able to find a consultant in your area.

I think the BEST party I went to was a pampering bachorlette party. They had massages, pedicures/manicures, wine/cheese, and a great night for everyone. Some of the spa's will do this too. I'm with your friend on the stripper thing, ewwww. Just watch that your guests don't feel like it's a home tupperware party with the sex toy thing. No one likes to feel like they have to bring a gift in addition to buying something. Good luck to you....

I think it's great for a bachelorette party when everyone gets together ahead of time at someone's home. That way all invitees get to know each other ahead of time. Pure Romance parties do allow everyone to open up. For one bachelorette party we went to a comedy show. I believe in was in Clinton Township somewhere, and that was really fun. Mt. Clemens has a good selection of bars and the new piano bar is cool. It's called the Keys and I know you can make reservations for a table. No matter what you do- have fun!

I dont know when the Party is scheduled for...But the new Sex and the City movie comes out May 30th...why not all go and see that and have cosmos before and after.

Hi Tammy. How about taking her out to a really nice place for dinner and finding a female massuse to give massages?? If you have the room, great! If not, maybe someone in the invitation list wouldn't mind donating their house. Lynne S.