Does anyone have any ideas for neat or interesting baby names? Both male or female as the sex of the baby is not known as of yet.
Girl; Brynnlee, Hollyn, Ashlyn, Harper, Kirby
Boy; Aika
I am pregnant and these are some I am considering :) My daughter is 14 and her name is Ashlyn. I have some traditional boy names in mind, but Aika is the only neat or interesting one I think. The other name I'm considering for a boy is Luke. Congrats to you!
Kind of hard to say if you don't give any preferences at all. Good luck.
Congrats on the newest addition....
This is hard as you don't put out what you already have or what you have already nixed.
Girls names
Boys names
I could go on but not having the last name, heritage or anything like that kinda stumps me.
Yeah, you're going to have to be more specific. What is interesting or neat for you may not be for me. Some general tips I'll pass along though: Don't have the last letter of the first name be the same as the first letter of the last name or the names blend together, for example Sara Anderson. Always look at the initials to be sure they don't stand for something else, like PMS. Most of all remember this is the name your child is going to use throughout his/her entire life! Some names transcend a lifetime better than others. Little Ruthie can become Ruth as she gets older. Also consider the spelling of names and how many times your child will have to spell his/her name for people if it's spelled unusually. My name is Jessica, but I go by Jessie, so it's pretty simple for me to say "Jessie, with ie." I'm glad my parents didn't spell it Jessyka. We named our son, Weston, so most people can make an educated guess on how to pronounce it and spell it. Easy pronouncing is also important to us. We don't want all his teachers stumbling over his name, not to mention every person he meets in his life.
When I was looking at baby names I would pull up the top 100 names for at least 2 years previous. I would avoid those. I also would look up other countries and go through various websites looking at those names.
Just make sure as you are looking through names to keep in mind ways kids can tease over a name or make horrible nicknames with the name. Watch the initials as well because sometimes you can spell/hint at more ways for kids to tease with just the initials. I know odd but trust me growing up with a name I hated thanks to endless teasing one tends to be very careful when naming one's own children.
There are so many great names out there! Be sure to pick one that isn't part of a fad, and I always found that when I was picking names, it seemed like when I found the right one it felt right and it just stuck!! Good luck and congrats!
If you could change your name, what would you pick? Ask Dad to do the same.
I will again, give my requisite list of names (LOL):
Finnegan (Finn)
i went to barnes and noble and bought a book to get some ideas.. i was looking online but it seemed to be mostly the same names over and over again.. the book i bought had 60,000 baby names in it many of which i have never heard before it really gave us some great ideas... however it didnt help with narrowing down the list of names we already had it just made it longer
Hi Jenna:
First of all, I second what Jessie said for advice on things to think about. You want to write the names down, read it, see how it flows together and the spelling of it too. I personally prefer with looking at a name being able to tell if it's male or female. I have probably been in Human Resources/recruiting for too long! I would look through family history-what were some of your great-grandparents names on both sides including their middle names etc.? Also decide if you want the boy/girl child to be named after someone-family member, close friend etc.(middle name or combination of names). Start watching movie credits and some interesting names will usually appear there. I would pull the Social Sec top 10 baby names for both sexes the last few years so it will lessen the chance that your child is not the fifth person in the class named... (you get what I'm saying). With that said, my name is Kenda, my children's names are Olivia &Christian. Some other neat names within my family and friends are Caleb, Quinn, Harper, Finn, Brody, Kyler, Ryker, Preston, Bergen, Presley. Here are some of my other favs: Girls-Grace, Nora, Elice/Elyce/Elise, Ella, Ellen, Ava; Boys-Beau/Bo,Blake, Drew, Gavin, Lance, Levi, Luke, Parker, Tate. I wish you the best in this endeavour-Congrats!
I have lots but yes last name matters the most, initials, etc..
I like: amelia, Anna/Annie, Avery, baylie/bailey, brooke/brooklyn, Clara, Cora, delaney, Emma, eliza, Finley, Gianna, Hadley, Harper, isla, Jaclyn, Jillian, Jenna, kinley, lane, London, malia, Naomi, Nadia, Natasha, natalie, Olivia, paige, Peyton, Quinn, Sadie, Stella, taryn, Tara, Veronica. Aaron, Adam, Brandon, Brendan, blake, Caleb, Cory/Corey, Damian, drew, Emmett, Gabriel, jake, kellan, Landon, Leland, Michael, Matthew, Nathan/Nathaniel, Oliver, Parker, Preston, Ryan, Robert, Sam, Sean/Shawn, Thomas, William.
I have lots but yes last name matters the most, initials, etc..
I like: amelia, Anna/Annie, Ava, Avery, baylie/bailey, brooke/brooklyn, Clara, Cora, delaney, Emma, everly, eliza, Finley, Gianna, Hadley, Harper, isla, Jaclyn, Jillian, Jane, Jenna, kinley, lane, London, malia, Naomi, Nadia, Natasha, natalie, Olivia, paige, Peyton, Quinn, Sadie, Stella, sydney, taryn, Tara, Veronica. Aaron, Adam, Brandon, Brendan, blake, Caleb, Cory/Corey, Damian, drew, Emmett, Gabriel, jake, Jack, kellan, Landon, Leland, Michael, Matthew, Nathan/Nathaniel, Oliver, Parker, Preston, Ryan, Robert, Sam, Sean/Shawn, Thomas, William.