So it has been 10 years since I last gave birth and so many things have changed! However one thing that remains constant baby names. Once I had thought I was done with babies I started giving the names I loved to our pets. That's right - my dog is Logan Bryce, our hamster is Bella Rose, etc. So now that I am unexpectedly pregnant with my third (and last) I have no names left!!! I can't name our new son after the dog, but I truly love the name Logan! My husband and I cannot agree on any names!!! This is my third child and his first and only (it's my second marriage). So I have been trying to let him call a lot of the shots (I've done this twice before and this is his only chance). He doesn't want to find out the sex of the baby, fine, I can live with that (would make the babyshower and nursery planning easier, but fine), he is all over me about driving in bad weather, what I am eating, etc. Fine I can deal with that - most of these things will end in 9 months when baby gets here. BUT names - now that is permanent. He doesn't seem to get the idea of unique names. He thinks everything sounds to ethnic to one nationality or another!!! Well duh - every name will have some history or meaning! or he'll tell me the first thing that comes to mind when I say it, like a food or something stupid!!! Ugh!!! Does anyone know of some babyname sites or books that we could look through? I like the sites that let you know how common the names are. My oldest is Cody and that is very common. That is why my youngest is Blake, not as common - and if the damn dog wasn't Logan - we'd be set!!!! Thanks for all your suggestions. that was my favorite site when trying to name our latest. We could not agree on any names. We named her the morning of discharge from hospital.
I have 5 little boys,
Caden, Rhys (Reese), Peyton, Gabriel, and Wyatt...each harder to name than the last....I love the names Baylor and Taigue for boys and the last 2 were almost one of those....there's so much in a name but I think simple is best....something they can grow with....Enjoy your new little boy.
What a story!! There are many naming sites on the web, sit down one night together and go through them. Maybe there is someone you might want to name after, you can take the first letter and find a different name. This should be the worst of your problems, you will have a beautiful family with beautiful names, whatever you might choose. Good Luck and I hope you have an easy delivery.
Hi. I named my son Gage because I too have a love of unique names. It is of french origin though. I suggest going to the Social Security database. They have a ranking of the popularity of baby names - I believe they go up to 500. Maybe you and your husband can find something you agree on! Last I looked, Gage was 150 on the list and we haven't met another one yet.
Same here, I gave my favorite baby names to my pets too!
Girl - Geraldine Lotus
Boy - Buddy Sawyer
Good Luck finding a name for your little one -
Hello Brooke and Congratulations!
Just to tell you a little about myself, I am a mother of three older children, ages 14, 13 and 10. I am not in the same situation as you, but I have some ideas for you.
First of all, with writing stories as one of my hobbies, I enjoy finding names for my characters, though I admit my names tend to be way off the usual track since my stories are fantasy. However, have you looked on any websites? They might provide you with a name, or at least some inspiration to create an original name of your own.
Secondly, maybe you can involve your other children in the baby-naming process. Have a sort of family meeting and let them give some input.
Last, do you or your husband have either a relative you would like to nanme your baby after, or at least use a relative's name as inspiration. Or perhaps you and/or your husband have favorite character from a book or movie?
I hope I could help. Again, congratulations!!!
Good luck on naming your child and congrats on your pregnancy! This site is a lot of fun when searching names:
What about giving your child the middle name Logan? We were going to name our daughter after our dog (died 3 months before she was born) because she was like our first baby but we decided to use it as a middle name. Luckily her name was Jacqueline and not Fido!
Our son is turning four years old this month and his name has been getting high ratings since birth...Luca. As parents, we love hearing it as well. You need to pick a name that satisfies you first and always; Not one that has to "grow on you" in time. Good luck and congratulations!
Joann, Brooklyn, NY
I went through this four years ago, when my daughter was born. My husband and I have different ideas about names. I was suggesting things like Zoe and Fallon, and he liked Jennifer and Samantha. I had liked the name Isabella, but that unfortunately had become the name du jour. We then chose Madeleine (pronounced Madalin)another name I always liked. The old-fashioned quality made it different without being weird, but the French spelling gave it that unique twist I was looking for. Of course now there's a Maddie in every class...
Maybe you could give him a big book of names, have him highlight what he likes, then you could narrow it down from there. I can understand wanting him to choose the name since it will be his only one, however that's your baby too and you have to love what you call them since you're going to be saying it A LOT.
Good luck!
Congrats-I had 2 girls, but the names that we had picked out if one was a boy were, Tristan, Chad, Bailey and Casey. Good luck, I know with our second, I had to just let him name her! We couldn't agree on anything, I liked Dakota, but her name is Holly, an old name that is not used much anymore...
i got a good laugh out of your email. check the social security website for the most common names registered last year. when my daughter was born we loved the name emily and it was ranked #1. obviously her name is now Serena. When my son was born the #1 boys name was Jake I think. My son is Austin which was around #100. you can also google by ethinc names. We found a gaelic name website but could not pronounce any of those names. but loved trying to figure them out. I think choosing a name is one of the most fun things we did together and we still love them and are not tired of them. good luck!!
Sell the dog!
JUST KIDDING---I love my dog my Molly and did the SAME thing...figured why not use up those names I love on the dog
If you google baby names they will come up, but here's what we did
We took a little notebook with us everywhere we went and FILLED it with names. Names from our past, people we loved and forgot about. Names of people in movies, names we saw on the street. What I found out was when you were not looking or thinking about it they just pop up
Then you can compare your lists together every week and make it fun to make fun of the others name choices and take the "pressure off"
Law of averages is that you will hit on a name you both like by making it into something you enjoy
Law of attraction applys here too; just have fun with it and imagine what kind of personality your new baby will have at 4 or 5
I would love to hear from you when you name the baby
I so enjoyed reading what you wrote
Best of luck
Donna K
Congrats on your new angel! When we were thinking of names for our son, who will be 2 in April, we wanted it to be something no one else in the family had. My husband is a Jr. and didn't want to have his child be the third. He wanted his child to have his own identity. I always loved Kayla for a girl so we came up with Kyle for a boy. Kyle is actually gaelic for Handsome. Then, of course, I wanted to name him after my brother and father whom I adore so his middle name is Henry which actually means "leader of the house" so our son is Kyle Henry the "handsome leader of the house"! =)
Good luck!
It's funny you say that because it was an argument with my husband too! We used to live in a ski/ mountian town out west and everyone had at least 1-2 large dogs with which to hike & bike with. Dogs were more prevalent than children, and they were all named things like Cody, Baily, Dakota, Logan, Jackson, Baker, Mia, Shasta, Bella, Sydney, Scout, Emmy, Cooper etc. When we had our first child, the names my husband gravitated towards were those types of names, and I couldn't do it because all I could think of were my friend's dogs! We have uber traditional names for the boys now- Ryan & Alex by default.
I think girl's names are easier to come up with and be creative with. Boy's names seem to need to be more grounded to me. Regardless, whatever you select, don't let anyone tell you they don't like it. If you like it, that's all that matters.
My husband and I had a similar problem. We actually agreed on boys names and thus named our first two kids Chris and Matt. However, we never agreed on girls names (good thing we had boys!)
With baby #3, I knew we would have a problem. My solution was to go through a baby name book and type up a list of every girls name that I liked along with the meanings. We had already picked out 3 possible boys names. A week before the baby was born, I handed my DH the list and said "Cross off whichever names you do not like." We were left with 5 names and when our darling daughter was born, Alexandra was the clear winner.
Turned out to be a win-win situation. FYI, the babycenter website has the most updated list of popular baby names. This could be a help to you.
Good luck!
Don't let your husband's responses discourage you. My husband was a punk too when it came to turning down all the names we came up with. I was miserable in my first two pregnancies because he always saw something wrong with all my names and wouldn't come up with any of his own.
With my third pregnancy, I didn't tell him any of my names, I just kept a mental list and after we had the baby I gave him a list of my favorites in the hospital and told him we had to decide before we took the baby home. This worked for him because that's how he likes to make decisions. Good luck!
Hi Brooke,
I'm 3 months pregnant with my first child and my husband and I were having a difficult time deciding (more like agreeing) on a name. But then I found this great book at the store called "The Baby Name Survey," by Bruce Lansky. The great thing about this book is that it has great baby name ideas, but it also tells origin, meaning, famous namesake, and the best part...peoples first impressions about that name. It's fantastic and I highly recommend it. It actually settled our dispute.
Good luck,
Rebekah S
Hi Brooke! Congratulations! Sounds like we have similar lives. I have an 11-year old from a previous marriage (Chris). I didn't think we would have any more children so used people names with our animals (Molly, Casey, Grady, Luther, etc!). Then, I got pregnant, my husband drove me CRAZY. He didn't like any of the names I came up with, he wanted something original but not too "out there" and he wanted something that coincided with our backgrounds. I swear to you, we didn't decided on the name until we were in the delivery room and my husband picked his middle name two days after he was born, we settled on - Maxwell Garreth for our Welsh and English heritage. Funny thing is that now Max seems to be the hot celebrity pick so you know all the originality is gone!!!!
Good luck, I promise you will find something that you both love!