Are you NOT suppose to have a baby shower after having just had a child?

It’s amazing the difference of opinions, but as the emails have come in the tally shows that most of us who love having children want another shower to celebrate the child. Hand me downs are great but every new baby/spirit deserves a few new gifts. I just didn’t understand what was inappropriate about it. I would give a gift to any new life of a close friend. Thanks so much for your notes of opposition and support. It was really bothering me becuase invitations had gone out and I felt concerned that I was not doing the right thing. But I don’t know anyone that would not want any help in this economy with diapers,milk and so on! So I believe it is truly a blessing to give and recieve! I am having the shower anyway and I will just be thankful for it all. If she comes I will just thank her and try not to worry about her opinion of it!