I've heard about several moms groups- but all meet early in the week?
Does anyone know of any that meet later in day (3:30 and later)? I'm in West Sacramento and hoping to meet other mom's who want to meet for play dates.
My baby girl is one.
Hi Heather,
I don't know of any mom's groups for us working mama's, I am looking forward to seeing the responses you get. I work 32 hours a week and live in the Citrus Heights area. I ended up putting my 2 year old son in a daycare/montessori school rather than have my mom watch him so that he could have more interaction with kids. I would like to have more play dates though too!
I don't know about any working mama groups either. I'm hoping to see some good responses. We could always start our own! I'm in the Carmichael area.
I am with you guys - I have been looking since my 4 year old was 1. Now, I have 2 kids and still no mom's group for working moms! Maybe we should start one. It doesn't seem fair that my kids miss out on all the fun stuff because I have to work. I have a friend that was in a great mom's group that invited me to all of the activites, but I had to keep declining because of my work schedule. I can sneak away for a couple hours in the afternoon, but 10:30 am just wouldn't work! I ended up feeling more bummed out than anything. Even the story time at Border's or Barnes & Noble was early in the day!
PS - I am in Antelope; I have a 4 year old daughter and my son will be 2 next week.
Hi Heather! I'm a stay at home mom and I have enjoyed having a close mom's group. I'm sorry there are not more available for working moms. I did see this and thought I'd send it your way. This is an infant/toddler play group through Mother's Support Network located on Avalon St. in Sacramento. Here's the info:
Evening Infant/Toddler Playgroup at Moonfaeries
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m.
Parent Resource Center (2460 Avalon Dr.) -Directions to the Center-
Perfect for little ones from crawling to about age 3. Open to mothers, fathers, grandparents, caregivers, etc. Ideal for those who can't make it to groups during the normal weekday and still great for anyone who wants evening social time with their baby. The plan is to provide social time for parents while incorporating educational play, music and stories. Group will be offered the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. For more information, contact Temperance Harkins, (916) 879-0571 or [email protected].
Good luck to all of you working moms!
The MSN Group was just moved to Tuesday nights I believe. Temperance is one of my mommies and a friend - great lady!
Check it out!
I totally want to be in a mom's group for working moms. Maybe I'll check out that MSN group. Looks like it's next week. I have a 10 month old baby girl.
Hi Heather,
I also heard alot about moms groups and thought they would be fun to be a part of. But I also had the same troubles of trying to find one that supports working moms. I know this is a late response but I was wondering if you had any luck finding one or did you start your own? We also live in West Sacrameto and my babygirl is 19 months old.
***Thank you so much to everyone who replied- it’s a shame that we don’t have more women out there who want to support one another while we are working and raising families!!! Grrrr- Well, I’m going to look into the MSN one and I may respond back and see if anyone wants to start one! I’m tired of hearing about how my SAH friends all have so much fun and I’m stuck in front of a computer all day!!!