I read in either Parents or Babytalk that you can use a mixture of Eucerin Aquaphor and Mylanta on diaper rash and that it works great. Has anyone ever tried this? I'm about at my wits end with a never ending diaper rash on my daughter. It will go away for a day or two and then comes right back.
My DD had a very bad diaper rash a few months ago and nothing I tried worked. And I tried all the creams and ointments. The combo that worked for us was changing from the cheap walmart brand of diapers at bed time to huggies night time pull ups. They are supposed to be more absorbent. Then we added some diaper rash cream called Beaudroux's Butt Paste. When I used those two things together the rash went away and has not returned. You may try that and see if it helps.
Beaudroux's Butt Paste has worked wonders on my DD's poor bottom.
I have never used that combination, but Aquaphor does work great. Also triple paste works wonders. My son was on antibotics for several months and had the worse diaper rash. I would use a perscription the doctor gave us, and on top of that I would apply the triple paste. It worked after just a couple of day. I did continue to use the triple paste after every diaper change for the rest of the time he was on antibotics. I also had to make sure he was never in a wet diaper for to long. I would change him almost every hour if needed. At night time I would just put as much on as I could to protect his bottom. I would call your doctor tell them about the rash they might want to see her because it might be a yeast infection. If it is no amount diaper rash cream will work you need Lotrimin. You might also change diapers my nephew was allergic to Pampers.
Yes, after a very nasty diaper rash, my Pedi recommended Mylanta and also an anti-fungal - I only did it for a day or two when his rash was very bad - and it worked wonders. Good luck!
Yes, this worked great for my daughter when the diaper rash was really bad. But you had to use it in a certain combination.
1. Clean the area with water and a soft cloth and then pat dry with another soft dry cloth.
2. Then apply the Mylanta with a cotton ball, this will soothe the burning.
(2B. If your diaper rash is really bad with bumps and a fungus infection, I would also apply a thin layer of antifungal at this step.)
3. Next apply the Aquaphor to start the healing process
4. On top of that, I applied a white zinc oxide diaper cream. This type of diaper cream is waterproof and will seal in all the good stuff so it's not washed away the next time your daughter pees.
This is what my doctor told me to do and it worked really well for my daughter's really bad diaper rashes. It's kind of a big goopy mess, but it works! Good luck!
When my daughter got a diaper rash from an antibiotic, I used Renew lotion and it was gone by the next morning! It works great. It is a lotion, so it can be used for other things too: dry skin, eczema, sensitive skin, I even use it on my face! It also helps to reduce the signs of scarring. My niece plays softball and therefore has alot of scars on her legs, from sliding, etc. and she told me that her scars are minimizing!!! :o) Not only does it work great - but it doesn't contain any harsh chemicals or toxins, so it's safer and better for you!
I remember an awful diaper rash with my middle son and we bought Vitamin E gelcaps, cut them open and applied to the area. I hear that now you can buy Vitamin E oil/gel. If you haven't tried that, I would highly recommend it.
Good luck!
Use Boudreaux's Butt Paste.
I have not used this combination, but my daughter has had some really nasty rashes and over the counter diaper rash ointments just weren't doing the trick. There were two things that really worked. One is only sold at the pharmacy across from the old Hospital (at 380 and Graves). It's called Super Duper Diaper Goo (or something like that). I do not know if you need a prescription for it.
The other you can get at Walgreens. It's called Bag Balm Ointment. (http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp?CATID=100951&navAction=jump&navCount=0&skuid=sku310744&id=prod10744) It was designed to prevent cows from chapping in the cold Vermont environment. After I stopped laughing about it, I tried it and found it does indeed work.
I used a mixture of water and Mylanta in a spray bottle last year when my baby's bottle was SO tore up from loose stools by being sick. I couldn't even use wipes because it was SO sore. I would just use the spray to rinse off his bottom. It helped so much. It's suppose to cut down the acid and coat the bottom to protect it. So I would think it would really help. :)
I also highly suggest a product called Rensinol. It's so GREAT on any kind of rash! You can special order it at Walgreen's or a Wall mart pharmacy. It was the ONLY thing that helped my oldest son's teething rash on his face and has really helped my friends baby with eczema.
Hi Lisa,
I don't know about the science experiment Parent magazine is talking about, but what I do know is my daughter and now my 10 month old son always have rashes somewhere or another. And what has been a God send is Neosporin. It has antibiotic AND is also a pain reliever. Works like a gem, clears it up right away. Be very generous when applying, your baby will love you even more.
We were in a similar situation ... and it turned out my son had a yeast infection, not diaper rash. Until we saw our pedi, we had tried everything and nothing was working. My pedi prescribed a cream and it knocked it right out. You may want to call your pedi and see what they recommend. Good luck!
My daughter had a horrible case of diaper rash when she was about 8 months old. I got on a "mommy group" and asked what else I could be doing to clear this up. Someone suggested Milk of Magnesium (same as Mylanta) and I tried it. My daughter went from having an absolutely raw bottom to a slightly pink in areas bottom overnight. I was absolutely amazed. I used straight MOM and just spread it on. Remember, MOM and Mylanta are acid blockers/reducers. The acids in the poop and urine are what is irritating the skin and causing the diaper rash (in normal, run of the mill diaper rash anyway). So really, it makes sense. I recommended it to my god-daughter for her daughter and she had excellent results as well.
I would also suggest giving the bottom as much air time as possible. On a warm day (supposedly Spring is really coming), leave the diaper off and play outside. The sun really does help to speed healing. Or if you kitchen is large enough, have some play time in the kitchen where there is no carpeting. That will help as well.
Hope this helps.
I have been using this mixture for 2 years now, it works wonders. Our pastor told us about it, I started using it and it immediately started clearing up. I asked my peditritian about it he said his dad used to "prescribe" it. The mylanta is the cure for the burn, it pulls out the acid, the aquaphor is the barrier. You can also use Vit. A&D ointment as a cheaper substitute for the aquaphor. My sons both get major burning diaper rashes, skin peeling, this works better than perscription creams.
Thank you for all the advice. I didn’t even think about the Bag Balm and I had some of that at home since it’s the only thing that seems to help my dry, cracked hands in the winter. I’ve used that for the past 2 nights slathering her up before bed and this morning when I checked out the diaper rash she was cleared up completely.