My daughter is 7 months old and my husband and I are considering adding yogurt to her diet soon. But, we are hesistant about introducing anything with cow's milk due to its negative effects on the digestion system and body, once pasteurized. Has anyone introduced Goat's milk yogurt as an alternative? If so, how did your baby respond to it?
Sorry I can't say I have used Goats anything,
But i have given my kids regular yougurt, and they either love it or hate it,
Let us know how it turns out.
Hi Sara,
When I was a baby my mother gave me goat's milk b/c I was allergic to cow's milk... and I did fine with it. I waited until my son was a year old before giving him YoBaby cow's milk yogurt and he did just fine... but I wanted to wait b/c of my own allergy as a child.
Good luck!
I am not at that stage yet, but I think it is a wonderful idea. Cow's have a enzyme that is diffuclt for us to digest. We digest the Goat's enzyme a lot easier. Good Luck
Yes, my two year old started goat's milk yogurt around 11-12 months, after fruits and veggies had been introduced and breastmilk wasn't enough. He did GREAT with it! He is a healthy little guy with no allergies to speak of. He still loves vanilla goat yogurt and has it almost every day, and knows the difference when I give him cow's milk yogurt (he doesn't like it as much!). Now that he is almost three he also enjoys organic, raw, full fat cow's milk and tells me when I pour him a glass "Milk is so delicious!" But I notice if he drinks more than one glass of cow's milk per day, he begins to get more mucous (clear runny nose).
Not only are the proteins in goat's milk easier to digest than cow's, but goat milk is alkalizing whereas cow's milk is acidifying to the body. Furthermore, goat's milk does NOT need to be homogenized (homogenization has some very negative side effects for vein/artery health), whereas lots of commercial cow's milk is.
Go with it!!! Goats milk works wonders on baby's tummy. If you are truly that concerned and don't want to go through the hassles brought on by cow's milk, definitely go with the goats milk. My husband was raised on it due to allergies and my daughter was raised on soy. I switched to cows milk and she had nothing but tummy issues. Went back to the soy for her. Good luck!
never used goat's milk, but used stoneyfield farms whole milk yogurt without any problems-had one twin on soy and the other on lactose free and they both did well with the stoneyfiled yogurt
Never attempted goat's milk...however, I am a HUGE fan of "Yo Baby," which is an organic product. You can buy it in Wegmans right in the yogurt section. Both my son's LOVE it. My 11 month old goes crazy every time he sees the container and my 2 1/2 year old eats the toddler version.
I haven't tried goat's milk, but I do know a source for organic grass fed raw cow's milk yogurt. If you're interested, send me a message, and I'll tell you my source (PA near NJ).
Hi Sara, I never substituted, but my pediatrician told me that for some reason, yogurt is easier on a baby's system than regular milk. Try Stonyfield is organic and smoothe and my kids loved it. Good luck!
When my daughter was 6 months old, we moved to Cyprus (near Greece). Everyone there feeds their babies yogurt, which is made exclusively from goats milk, so I did the same. She loved it and never experienced any digestive problems. Plain goat's milk yogurt with a little mashed banana mixed in was her favorite.
I hear great things about goat milk especially for people who cannot tolerate cow milk or have milk allergy. The operative protein is different or broken down differently which makes it a safer alternative. I'd definitely give it a try!
Never used goats milk but we did use cos milk yogurt. My youngest was entirely breast fed and had no problems with it. My older twind were eating cows milk yogurt at 8 months with no ill effects in fact benefitted. SoI think that unless you have a family allergy with cows milk you should be ok with that kind of yogurt.
Hi Sara. My first was very sensitive to cow's milk...even if I ate it while I was breastfeeding. He was on goat's milk during weaning time adn a little after. we never had a problem with it...except that I thought it smelled weird. ha. But he was fine and when he got older he eventually started having cow's milk and regular yogurt and was fine. The goat's milk is proven to be easier on their digestive system, so it can't hurt.
My son is 8 months old and when he was 6 months old he tried Yo Baby plain yogurt. He loved it but his digestive system didn't. The Doc told us to try soy yogurt. Our local Stop and Shop had only cherry flavored and he tasted it but wasn't oo pumped. If your little one likes the goat's milk let me know. Where would I buy it? We don't have anything closer than 20 minutes away as far as natural food stores go...
considering that goats milk is one of the closest milks to human milk, its not a bad idea, especially if you don't want to do cows milk. No harm will be done by trying it, and he's not gonna say eww mom thats weird (yet) or ever if you introduce it early. If you are still breastfeeding, and worried about taste try eating it yourself every day for awhile, the flavor will go into your breast milk and familiarize your daughter with the flavor, increasing the likely hood of her enjoying the yogurt.
Go for it! Since it's not a dairy product it doesn't have any of the negative side effects that can be associated with cow's products. My daughter (18 mos) ate (and loved) goat's milk yogurt, water buffalo yogurt and her new favorite is the greek yogurt (which is made from cow's milk). Just don't go with fruit flavors - keep it plain and see what she thinks of it.