There are 10 or 20 of us on this board... it's just a slow (holiday) weekend.
We've been HS'ing for 4 years now, and love it. There's so much freedom, flexibility, opportunity. It DOES make things a little 'backwards'. Most families are trying to squish in time with their school aged children, while we do the opposite. We look for opportunities away. :) We don't have to limit activities, or confine things to school breaks, or worry about absences or tardies.
In our county there are over 20,000 registered homeschoolers.... making us the 2nd largest "district" (there are several dozen districts in our county).
Like a couple others... we started for academic reasons. After 3 years of PHENOM! montessori preschool we went into public K and were simply appalled. My son is a huge extrovert and was THE popular kid (no problem there), he had the BEST teacher (Yay, Mrs. S!!!), and was bored out of his ever lovin' mind. I'd always planned on HS'ing middleschool... but his teacher agreed wholeheartedly that he needed to NOT be in the public school system. We had 3 options; a lottery system montessori school (where he was #600 and something for a 30 something slot class... not going to happen), was accepted into the private gifted school (which would have been great, I sure, but came with a 15k per year price tag). So we decided to try door #3 for a year, and fell in love.
Good thing, too! Last year my son got sick (with something similar to, but not, asthma) and spent several months in the hospital. Upon coming home, one of the meds that WORKS (yay!) gives him massive insomnia (boo). We're talking up until 2am-6am. Oy. He's not even up until 10am-1pm. If we were in awayschool, they'd be HAVING us homeschool at this point. Even if he didn't have the insomnia issue right now, he'd of had to have repeated the entire year last year. Instead, we were only a couple months 'behind' (where WE were, still a few years ahead of the PS system), and just picked up where we left off. We start school now either around noon or spend the afternoons playing and do school at night. It works out well.
Sure, I occasionally long for the big yellow bus (rarely), but that's just life. Everyone gets stressed out from time to time regardless of what mode they're using.