any suggestions for constipated 2 month old?

My baby boy is really constipated. called the ped today and she suggested glycerin sopositories(sorry spelled that wrong) I tried to put one in today, but everytime i tried he just pushed it out immidiately and it never got a chance to melt...he is passing little balls of stool, but he is usually a really regular soft pooped baby (3 or four a day) Im breastfeeding and formula feeding...any words of wisdom? (sorry its kind of a gross question)

stop using formula. It's man made and he is apparently having a hard time with it. My son only had one bout of constipation and it was when I was trying to supplement with formula. Once I took him off of it he cleared up and he hasn't had any problems since.

He's too young for water and foods that might get suggested. The other thing that i did was get one of those ear sucker bulb things (very technical term here) and put a little lubricant on the end and filled it with warm water. I VERY SLOWLY and GENTLY inserted it shallowly in to his rectum and flushed him with the water. He pooped well right after so do it in the bathtub or over his diaper so you can throw it away. Constipation is commonly caused because the body is dehydrated.

my baby was always constipated. try to hold the suppository up there. you may have to get q tips with vaseline and gently turn it inside..worked for me...dr also prescribed her great. it could be the formula but if he needs it try the other things

Hi there
It might be the formula. You could try giving him a little bit of prune juice in a bottle
Good luck

when that would happen to my baby, i would give him oragnic prune juice. the only one i could find that was organic and not from concentrate was Lakewood brand at whole foods.

also, my son became constipated after i learned the hard way that it was not the best idea to add rice cereal or extra formula at night to get him to sleep longer - everybody told me to do this, and i stopped after two days.

hope he gets past it soon!

I also suggest prune juice. You can add to his formula or breast milk in a bottle. My son was frequently constipated and we would jokingly refer to his prune juice/formula mixture as his 'chocolate milk'. You can add more or less prune juice depending on how constipated he is and on how much he likes the flavor.

My lil' man has had constipation from the Get GO! I actually ended up taking him to the doctor specifically for it when he was almost 2 mos. old - they told me to give him like 2 oz of Pedialyte (spell check me, sorry) and/or white grape juice. All juices should be diluted with water up until about 6 mos. of age. So if you give him 2 oz of juice I suggest adding 2 oz of water to it.
It will all work itself out!

Since you are nursing, I would recommend you eat some high fiber fruits first thing in the morning such as a large red apple or peach. Then maybe some organic juice w/flax oil. My daughter would get constipated according to what I would eat, especially dairy and white flour. You can also eat the prunes and it will be passed on to her. Make a diary of foods and see what is not agreeing with her well. Have a large salad every day w/a shredded carrot, cucumbers, spinach, fresh olive oil, etc. and you will notice a difference in her bowels. Best of luck, it helped with my daughter and now I am doing it with my son who is 3 weeks old and he has no colic since I am eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies, no dairy, no refined flours. If all else fails, there is a homeopathic laxative drink that he can take, it may be hylands, not sure, but it is for babies and has chocolate flavor and you can buy it at CVS. Good luck

Prune juice works great, but I would also suggest an exercise. Lie your baby boy on his back. Grab his ankles, bend one knee at a time gently into his tummy - like you are doing bicycle exercises. Do about 20 once or twice a day. This will help move things through and stimulates his colon. Hopefully these tips help!

Not a gross question at all!! Since you are breast feeding watch what you eat as he is ingesting whatever you eat. Also, add some high fiber to your diet (mangos and cantaloupe work great for my 2 year old when he has trouble pooping) as that will help your little one. You can add 3 or 4 tablespoons of prune juice to his formula. Its always best to start lite on the prune juice since you're not sure how he will react. My son had issues when he was a newborn as well and prune juice really did the trick. The leg exercises work too! Helps him get things moving around in his little body since he isn't very active yet. If this continues as he gets older continue to feed him the prune juice and when he can have solids start with fruits that will help him - my son still have some issues but high fiber fruits really help with keeping him regular and his stool not too hard/solid. Also, I had to switch my son from "regular" formula to soy based and that helped him stay more regular as well. Good luck!!

Hi there!

Not read through the responses, so sorry if this has already been said, but... fruit juice diluted with cool boiled water. I'd say maybe 10% juice. Usually works a treat! good luck :)

My 7weeks old baby had severe constipation and gas pain. She used to cry while pushing her body in struggle for pooping. I tried everything under the sun but nothing worked until I put her on Babies magic tea. It was a lifesaving remedy for my poor daughter.