Am I pregnant?

I am almost a week late, took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. The thing is, this happened to me with my last pregnancy. When I took the OTC preg. test it came back negative (I was a month late with that test). I know I am taking the test correctly. So my question is: Has anyone experienced a negative result with an OTC pregnancy test, but found out you were really pregnant?

I have always heard you get false negatives but, never a false positive. So, I would wait a bit longer and then call the doctors office for a blood test or ultrasound.

Yep..I think I just took it too early...a week later it was positive.

There are some cases which hormone levels rise more slowly...that's where physicians use blood testing to measure how fast or slow.

I am a Medical Lab technician but have not been in the field since my twins were born 10 yrs. ago but I assume not that much has changed. The over OTC pregnancy tests are testing for the presence of a pregnancy hormone called HcG. Some women just don't produce enough of that hormone at the beginning of their pregnance to cause the test to turn pos. Even though the manufacturers are saying that their test are more sensitive, if you really want to know, a blood test is more acurate. Most doctors wont order a blood test until you are at least a month overdue. But when I was trying to get pregnant the local hospital would do a blood test without a doctors order for a cash fee. You could either check with your doctor to see if they will order a blood test and if not check with the local hospital or urgent care labs to see if they will do one for you without an order. I know I didn't want to wait a month either to find out. Good Luck!

I always came back negative until I realized that I had to wait for the nausea of morning sickness.... as soon as I started feeling that feeling I was always positive. So even if I was late I did not worry until I started feeling sick then took the test and then got a dr appt set.

Yes w/ all four of my kids... the best thing to do is to take it with your first morning urine when the chasnges the test detect are the highest. That's the best way to get an accurate answer still the blood test is the most accurate but until your levels are up enough the OTC won't give you the right answer. Good Luck & God Bless

Hello Shelley,

I was negative on OTC tests for a long time. My body just doesn't produce enough hormone I guess. A positive also seemed to be later with each pregnancy. My last (of 6) I was showing before I had a positive test.

yes, I have heard of false negatives. My sister in law took 4 that came back negative and she was pregnant thus my 7 year old neice. My cousins wife took 3, all negative and they have a blooming 13 year old. Just go to your doctor, they can take blood tests or buy a couple more and take them in the morning after you have not gone to the bathroom for a while.
I was the opposite of the moms who responded; my tests for both my pregnancies came back positive the day I missed my period. I also had hyperemesis (where you vomit your entire pregnancy and need to be on medication) so I must produce a bunch of the hormone and that is why I get so sick.....interesting.....I never thought about that.
Best of luck! Let us know what happens.

I am 32 weeks pregnant with #4. When I KNEW I was pregnant, I took a home pregnancy test and it came back negative. If it's too early to detect but you HAVE to know, I would just suggest going to your doctor. They will be able to tell you for sure. Good luck!

My second pregnancy had many negatives. I went through 5 tests and even took a urine test at the doctors office, all came back negative. When my period did not come around the second month I went back to the doctor and they took a blood test and confirmed I was pregnant. Sometimes the hormone is just so subtle that the test will not pick up on it.

I had the same issue with my third baby. I had the feeling I was pregnant, but over a week I had three false tests. I assumed I wasn't pregnant. After another week passed without a period, I took the test again and this time it came out positive. It's so hard to wait though! At any rate, if you're really worried about it, go get a blood test done, then you'll know for sure. Otherwise wait another week and if you still haven't started test again. Good luck! I hope congratulations are in order, be sure to let us know!

I just wanted to let you know that I have a friend that had to have the blood test to get a positive reading for pregnancy. Good Luck!
Bobbi Jo

I "knew" I was pregnant and took several (by several I mean at least 10) OTC pregnancy tests and they ALL came out negative. I finally went to the dr. (I think I procrastinated because I only wanted one at the time, now that she is 8 months old I wouldn't mind another one!) and I was 13 weeks prego with number two!!!

With my third, who I just had in May, I felt pregnant but it was too soon to take the test; I was too far from when I would get my period if I were going to get it for the OTC test to be accurate. I took it anyway, because I just knew I was pregnant and, as expected, it came out negative. About 7 to 10 days later, within 3 or 4 days of when I would've gotten my period, I took another test and, no surprise to me, it read positive. Good luck! -Shannon

Hello Shelley,
I had this happen to me. I was quite late and took to at home tests, which came out positive. I then went to see my OB, his nurse ran another one in the office and it came back negative. I was indeed pregnant, an ultrasound confirmed this. Good luck.

My sister had experienced the same situation.She knew about her pregnancy but when she took OTC pregnancy test after two weeks it came out the negative.She decided to visit the doctor to know that how it is possible.The doc had adviced her for the ultrasound tests.The results of those tests came out positive that confirmed her.Sometimes it can happen due to some hormones issue that the test cannot check properly.So don’t worry and take the test after some time.
Good luck

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Hi, home tests might be false positive or negative if you test before 10 DPO. iYoni app that I use always reminds me to test min on 10 DPO. However, Beta-HCG blood tests are the most reliable.

Unfortunately, I am not pregnant, just a week late. Thanks for all the positive responses.