Am I pregnant or what?!?!

Hello. I am currently on cycle day 42, THE longest in my life! I was never able to get pregnant on my own, and we ended up having our babes with IVF. I was on continous birth control pills so I would not have a period, but stopped that in the fall of last year because I was having daily headaches. My periods seemed back to normal which for me is every 30 days...then last month I went to day 34 and then started and now this month I am on day 42 and have no period. I swear I was going to start all last week, with cramps, back pain PMS symptoms galore, and NOTHING! I took a pregnancy test on Monday and it was negative and still no period. I dont know what is going on! I called my Dr and he said to wait till the end of this week to test again and if it came back negative then I just had an anovulatory cycle and I started my next one. This has NEVER happened to me though and I dont know what to think! Has this ever happened to anyone?? Sorry this was so long...



I would highly suggest that you check out the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility and their web site:

Dr. Toni Weschler helps you better understand your cycles and what is going on with your body each month.

Is there a possibility that you had a stresser this past cycle that would have caused you to skip or delay ovulation?


It's happenend to me before, still don't know why but I was not pregnant.

I dont know if it means anything or not but even when prego I could never get store bough tests to ever show positive no matter the brand. The only way I could know for sure is by going to the Doc. Good luck. :)

My cycle wacked out last year at this time after I quit breastfeeding my son in Dec. I had 3 months of 26 day cycles -and I have been 28-30 days since getting off birth control in 2003. I wound up getting pregnant (surprise!) with my second son last March (now 3 months old). I was in total denial even though I was a week late; it still took 3 home pregnancy tests to convince me. Anyways, not totally the same as yours, but I do know that changes to the hormones can cause things to happen!

My cycles also whacked out majorly after my September 2005 baby. I breastfed for almost a year and didn't get my first post partum period until July 2006. I then bled for 3 months straight, then had a 47 day cycle, then a 37 day cycle, a 32 day cycle and I have yet to see what it'll be this month! Hopefully another 32 day cycle so it'll be somewhat regulated. But, yes, I do know what you're going through. I took 4 or 5 pregnancy tests when I had the 47 day cycle and it was so frustrating! I'm so jealous of women who have a 28 day clockwork cycle, LOL....

Hi Erica, I too had fertility problems and had to have my first with the help of IVF and our specialist told us that if we didn't get pregnant within 12 months of having him that we would need it again. Fortunately we did (nearly straight away) but 12 months after the birth of my second my periods went haywire again and I experienced what you are going through. The times between my cycles got longer and longer and it turned out I was no longer ovulating again, though I did still get cramps etc. Hope this helps.

I could not agree more with Jodi D. I love that book. I learned so much from it. Last time I totaly went arye (did I spell that right?) I was able to got to the Doctor with my charts and say see I am not crazy. We did blood tests and got to the bottom of it.

What kind of tests are you buying??? Same thing happened to me except I missed for THREE months!! I was buying the cheapy generic tests and they all said NEGATIVE. I would take one, nothing...wait another two weeks, certain I was going to start...but NOTHING again!! Well, I finally broke down one day, bought the $17 EPT (I think it was) and went first thing in the morning (March 31, remember it like it was yesterday) and clear as day POSITIVE. Being in denial, I sent honey to buy more and sure enough, I was prego!!! Even then I didn't believe it and went to a clinic to find out AGAIN! The sono didn't lie there!!! :) But I've got my perfect 4 year old DD and couldn't be happier!!

Your thyroid might be low. Have you been dieting? Or any cause for stress in your life at the moment? Did you start an exercise program? Or even your sex life, has anything changed? This all are factors that could effect your periods, a prolonged period does not mean that you are pregnant. If you skip more than 2 periods in a row, then it's time to take another pregnancy test, if it still shows up negative, then consult your doctor.

Try another pregnancy test! I was in a similar situation when i just thought i was going to start anyday and i even took a prego test and it said negative...well it wasnt two weeks later i took aother and BAM positive! Doncha love those little suprises?

i never took infertility, but it did take 9 mos. for us to conceive my first baby due to irregular cycles and when i was preg, i had the most positive pms symptoms too (cramping, headache, bloating, etc) but I was indeed preg. My second preg. was a complete surprise (we were doing the rythem method and all was working great until I got sick and my cycle suddenly changed) and then too I had what I thought was pms but yet it still seemed odd. Took the test and yes, I was preg. My dr said that when many women get sick (the type of sickness can depend by the woman, but for me it was flu-like sick), it throws their body into "baby-making overdrive" due to mother nature wanting to reproduce in case you can't get over what ailes you. She also said that many women who have a prob getting preg the first time or two have no prob afterwards because the body is more in tune with conception.

Basicly what I am saying is it is very possbile you are preg. It is also very possbile that you just did not ovulate this mos. and missed a period. The only way to be sure is to do blood work. If the preg. is a tubal (and I sure hope not), the home test may come back neg. because you are not producing the hormones to supply a uterine preg. The home test may also come back neg. just because you are not far enough along yet either as was my case the first time I took a test w/ my second preg. I wated and week and the 2nd came back totally positive!

Hope all works well!

Best of luck whichever way the tests fall!


Sometimes Stress can change your hormones, change your daily routine, and even affect the regulating your period. Over time, stress can lead to illness or sudden weight gain or loss, all of which can impact your cycle. A missed period or late period can actually be harmless, Some low-dose pills can cause a lack of menses that isn’t dangerous. So wait for some time and take the retest to confirmed about pregnancy.

I ended up bleeding on Friday, it seemed odd to me some of the things that occured but I wont post any TMI here :wink: I did not test although now I think I should have because I might have miscarried and I know that even though I am bleeding the test would have come up positive…I am calling my Dr. today.