Air Travel Security

You can bring pretty much anything you need for baby, as long as you declare it at security, take it out and show it to them. I just carry all my "baby stuff" (including food, formula, and snacks) in a large ziplock and take it out when going through security. What i found to be the easiest, to make bottles I bought the powdered formula that is sold in individual 4 oz packets, though the only drawback is I've only seen them in 2 types of formula, Similac Advance, and the Emfamil eqivalent, so if you use something else, this might not work for you... Good luck!!

I took the little single serve applesauce and had no problem. I'd recommend putting it in a ziploc bag just in case it breaks open with the air pressure or if it gets squashed. If you look at the TSA or SeaTac website it spells out pretty clearly that you can take a reasonable ammount of food for kids. Just make sure that you have any liquids available for the security people to check if they want. I didn't have any problems with it, but it's better to tell them you have it than it is for it to show up on the x-ray thingy. Also, big airports like LAX are more likely to be difficult than littler airports. My experience is also that the flight attendants are busy on midlength flights and are less available to help with stuff. Also, depending how long your flight is, your kiddo may sleep much of the way.

I flew out of SeaTac last year by myself with my 4 months old daughter and had the worst experience. It was early in the morning and the screener I had was clearly grumpy before it was even my turn.
She made me dump the pedialyte I had filled in 2 babybottles to keep my daughter hydrated on the flight in case my breastmilk supply took a hit from traveling (fortunately I didn;t end up needing it). She even yelled at me for not bringing it in a sealed original bottle. I was allowed to keep the pumped breastmilk though.
My advice, bring everything in sealed original containers, buy formula singles/premade bottles for the trip, in case there is no suitable water on board.
Pack as light as you can - and don't forget to take your baby's booties off when you go through the checkpoint.
Good luck!

Hi Susan,

I have to agree with Maya, but you have to realize that the people checking your things are thinking about the safety of all people. I stongly suggest that you call the airlines and double check on what you CAN bring. I would think that the airlines (800 #) would be of great help.

good luck!

Hi - I am sure you have gotten plenty of advice already -- but here goes mine. Breastmilk is under the medication guidelines of TSA security is what I have been told at least. Also FYI, I paid for our car seat when I flew and on my return flight the curbside guy said that I didn't need to pay, that car seats were checked as a courtesy (at least that was on United). Hope that helps! Tamara

We have traveled quite a bit with our two (4 & 2 now), and have found that all airports, and even security people are different. What you can do is plan for the best case senario, and bring what you need. Place all items in separate zip locks. BE SURE to remove them from your carry on and set them in a bin together. The guards get vary upset and strict when they have to pull you aside. That said, I have gotten through with 4 juice boxes, 4 milk (liquid) bottles, and some food items. They may ask you if it is for the baby, and disallow water or items you can get on the flight. If they try to take your juice for that reason, push for bringing it. Restock for your trip home either from checked luggage or in local stores. Don't forget to put your bottom cream in a zip lock & the bin, too!

I have a 16 mo. old and have been on about 20 different flights with her. I would agree that you can bring just about anything for the baby, but SeaTac has given me a hard time for water on more than one ocassion (you can buy that once inside). So, I wouldn't advise bringing water or anything that looks like water. If you like to dilute juice with water, like myself, make sure there is some color to it. As for putting the bottles in warm water on the flight - I've tried this and it's pretty difficult given the water that is served on board isn't piping hot (just a heads up - not necessarily a problem if your little one is just as happy with a luke warm bottle). You could bring a small empty thermos, and then once through security, have the barista at starbucks fill it with hot water from their espresso machine and bring that on the plane. Have fun.

I've seen some recent reports that say the water on board the airplane is not good for drinking. So I'd buy your own water at the airport or ask the attendants for bottled water.

Just declare it at the security check- you are allowed to bring formula and food (reasonable amount, I suppose). We took applesauce, etc. this summer to Hawaii and had no trouble. Good luck! Oh yeah, and diaper bags are a "free" carry on, you can still carry another bag and your purse :)

pre-made little person juices that can have a bottle nipple screwed on or jiuce boxes if she can use the straw are great. Also take finger food snacks such as, cheerios/crackers/gummy bears, stuff such as that that can go in little snack baggies or rubbermaid snack containers. Be sure to have babywipes in a baggy for clean-ups.