Advice on biting

I'm sure this question has been asked over and over, but does anyone have advice to get a 2 year old to stop biting? My son is a very good and usually very tender boy, but he's had 3 or 4 incidents of biting other kids. It's not out of anger, but more because he has so much excitable emotion that he doesn't know what else to do-- he give them a big hug- tackle and a bite. He's also very verbal and is perhaps frustrated that other kids his age are not as verbal? I don't believe in the advice to have the other child bite him back or have him bite himself to see how it feels-- he has been bitten by other kids and knows. We've been giving him timeouts and explaining that it's not okay. Is this a phase? Or, is there something else that has worked for you?

Hi Kristen,

My daughter nibbles from time to time when she is hungry. So, we now have snacks everywhere. Is it possible to give him something else to bite instead of biting a person? My child chews on her blanket or a stuffed animal. I also found this article about biting and thought it might be helpful. :)



My one year old is a biter. We try to redirect him from biting. He is a little young to really explain to him much. But definitely knows no biting. We have taught our older son, who is three to push him away when he is going to bite, and get away from him. In your case, you may be able to explain a little better about biting. Not only is it not ok, it hurts. Teach him other ways he can release that excitement and energy. Or else cut him off from the situation or circumstance when the level of emotions is getting risky until he is able to have some self-control. I know this is difficult and trying, but you really can prevent a lot of hurt(including physically with bruises and cuts etc) in the long run.

At our preschool co-op we try to redirect biters and keep an eye on them when playing closely with another child. If you see them going for the chomp step in with something that is okay to bite. Basically, we try to stop the bite before it happens and teach an alternative to biting another person. Good luck!

Sounds exactly like my daughter, she is almost 2 1/2 and is the kindest most gentle girl. BUT, she will be playing very nicely with her little brother and suddenly she leans over and bites him. She will even cross the room for no apparent reason to bite him. I would like the magic wand too!
I am told it is a phase, and especially difficult with siblings so close in age - her brother is 12 monthes younger.

It probably IS just a phase. And I think the advice on trying to get to him before he bites and give him an alternative is great. The thing that tickles me is what you say about when he bites AND that he is very verbal. My friend has a son who is six now and when he was your son's age, she started noticing he reacted to things a bit differently. She was finally able to find somebody who understood. He has whats known as a sensory processing disorder (I dislike the label disorder). Besides chewing on everything and verbalizing as much as my 6 yo girl, he also needs to manipulate things like clay with his hands when he's upset or have things pushing on his body (he pushes on you to get the same result) to calm down. You may want to check it out a bit for reference. But from the sounds of it, it's just something to keep an eye on for now.

Peace be with you,
