I am looking for a good double stroller and I don't know whether to go with the tandum or the side by side. For my son, I had the Chicco Cortina KetFit Travel System, which I loved. They don't seem to make a double stroller that fits an infant carrier. I would like to be able to use my infant carrier. If anyone knows if there is stroller that fits the Chicco carrier please let me know. If not I am looking for a good double stroller.
I have a sit and sat stroller. It's suppose to be adjustable to fit any car seat. Everyone I know that has a side by side hates them. You can't fit through any doorway. And shopping at the mall is impossible because you don't fit through the racks in any store. Most of the mom's I know who had the side by side got rid of it for a tandum.
Check graco products. I have a graco duo glider and it is wonderful. It doesn't hold an infant seat but they may make one.
Also check peg perego. I know they have several double models but are pricey.
I love my peg perego but if I had to choose between a peg and a graco, I'd choose the graco. They are great quality for much less. Also graco considers the details better than peg perego. My peg perego infant seat is so so so heavy and impossible to carry with a baby inside. I actually injured my sholder after my first because of it! I see so many moms effortlessly carrying their babies in the graco seat.
I only loved my side by side for walks in the neighborhood. It was awful in the stores - too wide! The tandem was much more conveinent in malls, airports, etc.
I have this one...
It's a great stroller and it has an attachment so you can fit any infant carrier in the front seat.
This is also a sit n stand. The back seat is removable so you can convert to a sit n stand for a bigger toddler, it's basically a step at the back where they can stand and ride and there is also a bench so they have the option of sitting.
Hi Kimberly,
Being a mom of twins double strollers are a must! I have a tandem to go shopping and run errands, and a jogger for recreational activities (go for walks, to the zoo, on the beach, etc.) I have the Graco Duoglide which has done fine and the jogger by Instep (swivel wheel a must!)that is amazing! I got it on Amazon for @$168. The only drawback with joggers is there is not a lot of storage room below.
Hope this is helpful.
Hi Kimberly,
I have the exact same issue. I contacted Chicco and was informed that they have a double stroller coming out this year that will work with their infant carrier. I have been meaning to get an update but haven't yet. You might try contacting them through their web site.
Good luck!
hi...mountain buggy...best double stroller for us! it fits infant car seats...there is an attachment that you can buy seperately, but i have one for you (no $) if you decide to buy this one. check out the website. www.mountainbuggy.com its the urban double one. fits thru ALL standard doorways...i havent had a problem yet! it's awsome!!
Hi Kimberly,
I don't know if it will fit your carrier or not but with my first and second child, I used the Jeep Double Stroller, tandum, and it was a Godsend! It can accommodate many carriers because the seats don't "click" into the stroller. There are straps that hold it in. It had a ton of basket space. The only thing I didn't like was it didn't have a parent tray but your 17 month old would probably really like the steering wheel to play with. :)
Now for my second and third, my second child is older so I have the Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller. I love the basket space and parent sections and my older son likes that the front seat is just a seat. It doesn't have a tray though it does have the little cups on each arm rest for snacks. I know that it only fits the Gracy baby carriers though.
Personally I prefer the tandum strollers because I don't have to worry about fitting in aisles like I do with the side by sides. I have one of those too...an umbrella type version...and it definitely is not the shopping kind of thing in my opinion.
Good luck and don't forget to test drive them!
I don't know from experience BUT friends have told me they MUCH prefer tandem due to doorway, corridor, and shopping aisle widths just to name a few.
I really like the baby trend sit n stand. I have used several types of double strollers, and ultimately decided to go to this one. It's wonderful for toddlers since they can sit and be strapped in or stand up. Once the child gets older, you can still use it w/o them being too heavy.
I got mine through Walmart's website. I didn't find anywhere that beat their price. Great size wheels for easy turning,and fold up easy. Fits in my trunk very well.
The other thing is that my kids were getting heavy and bulky to get in and out of the stroller seat. this one is nice for the bigger child since you aren't lifting them into the seat. Good luck!
The Graco Duo Glider is a great tandem stroller. I bought this to replace the horrible Kolcraft Express Rider that a friend bought for me. The Kolcraft will hold any carrier carseat, but with an older child in the front it is extremely hard to steer. The Graco only fits 2 Graco brand carseats, but I made mine fit and it's Evenflo. I just held onto it if I had to go over a curb or anything too bumpy. This stroller has a huge basket for storage, and great sized canapies. The thing I like most, besides being easy to steer, is that both seats have a 5 point harness, and the shoulder straps can be removed when you don't need them anymore.
I'd call Chicco and ask them. Or else, I have a combi side by side and i LOVE it. It fits through doorways and it's easy to manuver. I had that combi infant seat too and it fit right in... actually, i might still have it and if i do you i'll give it to you. We moved a few months ago and so I can't remember if we gave it away already or not... i'll have to check on that...
I am a mother of a 2 1/2 year old VERY ACTIVE son and a 13 week old daughter. Speaking from experience I would go with the tandem. Side by sides are just way too difficult to try and use in stores, especially the mall! I have the Graco Quattro Tour Duo and I absolutely love it. It handles with one hand, and folds with one hand. You can have the baby in the back seat and the toddler can be in the front with their own cup holders and a separate basket right underneath them, or it comes with an adapter to switch out the holders up front and replace it with the support arm for the baby carrier; I do this if I am going somewhere for a long period of time where I think my toddler might fall asleep that way he can be in the back where I can lay the seat down. The only thing is I believe it only accepts Graco car seats. If you have a Babies R Us near you, you should be able to go check them out there as they were in stock at ours, and myabe you can try putting a Chico car seat that they have there to see if it will accept it. Hope this helps.
I bought a Gracco Duo Glide when I had my almost 2yr old and newborn. I loved it! Easy to use and manuever around, plus was so comfy for the kids. I was always AGAINST the front to back ones (b/c they looked like trains you had to push around), but none of the side by side ones were tall enough for me and I would kick the middle wheels, etc. I was very happy with my purchase. Now my almost 3 1/2 yr old walks everywhere. We got a good yr and half of use out of it. Now I'd love a sit and stand so she could rest, etc once in a while. So, if your child will stay in a sit and stand type of stroller, that might be a good bet, too. Go and test them out in the stores with your kid in them so you can feel the weight and see how they handle through doors, etc. Good luck.
Hi Kimberly,
I have a Joovy Caboose (a sit n' stand). And I totally love it! This will accomodate most infant carriers, plus your little man will probably love his "big boy" seat and the fact that he can stand up. The down side of this stroller is that it doesn't have a parent tray and the storage basket is pretty small. It is also lighter and easier to manuever than the regular double strollers. I previously had a duo glider but I found it to be really bulky and hard to manuever. Hope this helps!
Joovy Caboose Sit 'n Stand, LOVE IT !!! Easy to use, folds very compact, tried the Duo Glider and actually returned it and exchanged for this. Couldn't be happier !
I just got the joovy caboose stroller for my newborn and toddler and love it. You can check it out at babies r us. The older child can sit or stand and it holds infant carrier and the when baby grows then she/he can sit in the front and has a tray and both can be wheeled at same time and not so wide as side by side or bulky as tandem. The only negative is that you have to pack a light diaper bag or hold it if you have an older child in the back since it will be in the way and the under basket is small and doesnt hold a lot of weight good for coats.7 strollers and two boys...I must be nuts. Dont ask how many diaper bags.
Phil and Teds makes a single sport stroller and you can buy a double attachment. It's great!