ADHD all natural diet

Do any of you have any experience good/bad/indifferent about the "all natural diet" to treat ADD and/or ADHD in children in lieu of or in addition to medication?

Hi Jodi,
I do have some information on treating ADD/ADHD naturally. I have a couple of friends who have gone this route with amazing success. I could send you a pamphlet that they have shared with me.

Let me know if you'd like me to send it to you.

Good for you for trying to go the natural route. In addition to diet are good vitamin supplements and products that don't have any chemicals, dyes, or fragrances in them. This way you are treating the whole person both inside and out! I understand that some kids just have to be on medication, but if you could just change these things as well, you will be on a healthy path for the rest of their lives and will never have to question if this could be a small contributing factor. I would be happy to share what I know about a safe and pure line of product with fantastic vitamins. Eliminating as much sugar, processed foods, fast foods and junk food is a good start. There are so many healthy alternatives and once you start, you learn more about it and just have to keep going until your whole house has been revamped with healthy alternatives. I have been doing this for 10 years now and slow baby steps will help you on your way to healthy and long term health and well being - for all of you. It puts a lot of stress on you and you as well need rest, vitamins and good products that will cleanse and refresh your mind and body. Good luck to you and if I can be of help to guiding you to some great botanical products without dyes, chemicals, fragrances or other known irritants, I would love to help you and your family. Let me know and stay healthy! You're in the right direction!


I woudl suggest looking at some books, as Beth suggested.

All natural can only help! Try and cut out processed foods which is HUGE! and if you cn manage to go organic, at least stay away from pesticides on fruit/veggies where you eat the skin. All of that can help. I know others that have had success with this route. However, it can be ALOT of work.

It is amazing that simply getting the diet adjsuted can make a difference.

Good Luck

My son & hubby have had a good response with daily Omega 3 supplements etc. Check out THE ADD ANSWER by Frank Lawliss.

A book by Dr. Doris Rapp called, "IS This My Child?" discusses how food and environmental allergies can trigger ADD/ADHD behavior and eliminating these foods can help treat their symtptoms and get the child off drugs. You have to find an allergist that will do a complete panel and believes in following a diet that helps relieve ADD/ADHD. Her website is you can buy the book on amazon.

Good luck!

My oldest son has ADHD and honestly, I put him on cod liver oil daily and I have seen a huge improvement with him not being so hyper. He is still busy but not bouncing off the wall like he was. Even his teacher has noticed it.

Hi! My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD earlier this year. We were very hesitant to try medicine. We found a diet online that we have been using. Basically for 2 weeks you cut out ALL junk, sugar, dairy, yellow foods, and processed foods. At the end of 2 weeks we noticed a HUGE change in our daughter! It was like she was another kid. After another week, she kind of leveled off....not as great as she was at the 2 week mark, but by no means as she was prior. They say to gradually add back one food at a time and watch for the reaction...but we did not do that. We just kept all of those things out of her diet...she does not need them anyway! I thought about going to an allergist, but I do not believe she is allergic, just that she has an intolerance to these foods. Her major trigger foods are goldfish crackers and mac and cheese. She does not get these at all. She drinks almond milk when she does want milk, and no dairy. I buy all of her food at Trader Joes now. They have a bunch of yummy stuff that is natural, organic, and soy or potatoe. (she cannot eat corn products either) I would HIGHLY recommend a diet change. I eneded up keeping a food journal with every little thing she ate all day and how her attitude/behavior was that day. Then I could look back and find common triggers and eliminate them from her diet. She handles these changes very well.
Good luck!