I'm wondering if anyone has does acupuncture treatments to treat infertility. I have read some studies and they seem to be promising. My husband and I have been trying for baby number 2 for 15 months. During that time we've done pretty much every type of infertility treatment - clomid, inseminations, shots, etc. and have had no luck. Our only other option at this point is invitro, and I'm not ready to do that yet. I'd love to hear from you if you've tried acupuncture and if you've been successful or not. Does anyone have any recommendations for which acupuncturist to go to?
I have a friend who used an acupuncturist for fertility and swears it is the only reason she was able to have kids. I will get the name of the acupuncturist and send it along to you -- he is in St. Paul I believe.
Good luck!
I am 29 and we tried for around 14 months for our first baby. I am due in December. We went through everything chlomid, injectables, inseminations and we were not getting pregnant. I was diagnosed with a condition called poly cystic ovarian syndrome (I didn't ovulate regularly and had cysts on my ovaries.) After researching this condition (which you probably don't have) I heard about a diabetic drug called Metformin that helped alot of women bring there insulin levels down and helped in ovulation.
I had also heard about acupuncture. So I tried both acupuncture and Metformin on the month that we went off of medication (our next step was also invitro). That month I got pregnant. I do believe my prayers helped me the most but I would try the acupuncture. I really think that helped us also. I didn't go to a chiropractor that specialized in infertility but had dealt with patients before. It is very relaxing.
I'm sure your doctor has run tests on you however, I would be sure you are going to an endocrinologist that specializes in infertility.
Let me know if you have any other questions. I will keep you in my prayers.
I also was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 25. My husband and I underwent various fertility treatments for 6 years and ended up having our daughter (5) and son (2.5) via in vitro. About a month before I got rid of all my baby stuff (we wanted more kids, but couldn't afford more in vitro because insurance doesn't cover it), I began taking Metformin (was not advised about the effects it has on infertility). A month after I got rid of all my baby stuff, I got pregnant (she is now 3.5 months old). People say this happens all the time, but it wasn't supposed to happen to me. I was told throughout my various fertility treatments that I lacked the ability to EVER get pregnant on my own because I did not ovulate (no egg = no baby). I was told my chances of getting pregnant on my own were less than 0%. I fully believe prayers helped me the most too, but Metformin was a strong second reason I got pregnant. My advice to anyone out there struggling with infertility (even when seeing an endocrin specialist) is to take Metformin for 6 months and see what happens. My case is as good as any to prove miracles do happen.
I was also diagnosed with PCOS before having my first son. I was on metforming for 4 - 6 mos and got pregnant. I ended up miscarring, but when I was able to try again, still on metformin, I concieved my oldest son after 2 tries. I got on a weightloss/fitness kick after my first was born (maintaining a healthy weight helps with PCOS) and was able to concieve my second son with out the use of metformin.
If you haven't been checked for PCOS, see if your DR will run the blood work, if you have it, see if they'll prescribe metformin for you to try.
I have friend that did this and she had incredible results.
She saw someone in Chaska.
This lady is great too, and she offers a sliding fee.
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Hi, I am sorry you are going through this. I cannot share personal experiences but in this article https://fertilityroad.com/mag/how-acupuncture-can-help-you-during-ivf/ you will find answers to all your questions about acupuncture and infertility.