Activities for Toddler

Up until recently I worked full time and my daughter was in daycare. Now that I am a stay at home mom I am looking for suggestions on activities that I can do with my daughter. My daughter is two years old and full of energy.

Check out the local library and city services. Most have a lot of free programs you can take advantage of during the day. We live in Rochester and there are lots of different library programs and programs through the nature center, etc.

Most of the programs allow you to bring an infant in a carrier too. Also, gymboree has a lot of programs where you can bring the baby for free.

You can do things like read books, my son likes to sing.. such as the itsy bitsy spider , abc's, twinkle twinkle little star, i have been recently been teaching him his colors by coloring and telling him what color the crayon is he is using, talkin about the color of his shirt,someone on here gave me a good idea that involved learning colors ... just take a couple paper plates and color on it the color that you are learning for the day or week or whatever and have them go around the house looking for things that are that color and setting it on the plate.. you can even have her help you with your everyday chores .. like laundry dishes whatever...i dont know if you have one already but my son has a baby vsmile and we play on that which is also a learning tool. my son is pretty content with just about anything as long as he is involved with helping..good luck and have fun!

There are lots of "mommy & me" local activities. Gymboree is great, Soccertots at Total Soccer, The Zoo has a new exploring class for mom's and kids ages 2-3 and it starts this month, Kindermusik & your local parks & recreation usually has classes & events. Also, check on and look under calendar for events each month or try for monthly events.

I just recently enrolled my son (21 months) in tiny tumblers at the YMCA. You can look up all the Y info on their website too to see what they offer.

Check your local library for story times. Also, check your area for mom and tot or play groups. You may also want to do a search at to find local activities. Sometimes the city offers free activities/events.

Best of luck.


Michigan has a great state funded program called "Great Start" for children 0-5. My son participates, they have playgroups and outings etc. The Great Start program leaders will also help you find specific things if you have certain programs you are looking for. It has been an awesome resource for us. Ours is run through our RESD.,1607,7-197--81751--,00.html
I believe in this program so much that I have joined the Board for Shiawassee County and also the Parent Coalition. We also use the library, the parks, the YMCA does have some great programs that aren't too expensive even for non members.
Good Luck!

There are great ideas for outings, arts and crafts and recipes for every age group and just about every interest at Hope you can find something there.

start with the parks and rec brochure for you city or the surrounding city. check the library for story times. royal oak community center has a play room for toddlers, centerline has a play with me program where the kids play and mom stays in the room,

2 yearold do nto need a lot of scheduled activity... but a one hour outing in the morning will help everyone..

I have a 21 month old gilr and a 3 month old son... maybe we could do playtime...

I stay at home also.

There are some good books for things to do with toddlers. I used one for my son and I gave it to my sister for her daughters. I think the title was "Toddler Play" It has a ton of activities you can do at home and games.

We have a rolling 3 drawer cart that my kids call the craft cart. It is FILLED with paper, crayons, markers, stamps, stickers, scissors, playdough, paints ..... My kids love it. We roll it our often and it's also great for those times when you need a couple minutes alone to make a phone call or clean. It keeps my kids busy for a long time and lets them use their imagination. My hsb calls it our crash cart :)

The other thing is go to the book stores. They have reading times where you can go and listen to one of the employees read to the children. The best thing is, the one by me has a Starbucks inside the store. Bonus for mommy! Hey, you have to get those little luxuries in somehow..
I hope that helps...

Hi Rachael,

I also worked outside of my home and then became a atay at home Mom after my 2nd daughter was born. I went through Teacher training with Music Together and opened Harmony and Me~Music Together in Canton this past March '07(Both of my daughters are in school now). I participated in Music Together classes as a parent, was trained by one of the co-founder's and absolutely LOVE teaching music and movement classes to infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers!! I'm in my 5th year of teaching this program and invite you to check it out for you and your daughter! Classes are mixed-age so your infant can come to class with your 2 year-old.
Feel free to contact me 248-489-9330, Fall session classes are listed at my website

Hi Rachael,
I am a part time working mom, so sometimes it is also hard for me to come up with creative activities to do with my little ones as well. I recently found a great website that emails you either daily or weekly with some great play activities geared for children ages 5 and under at I received my first email yesterday, and actually did the activity with my 3 year old last night. He loved the special attention and was very proud of his work when he finished!

Good luck!


What I have done for my 2 year old lil girl is I went to Target (or you can go where ever)And I got things like finger paints, color wonder markers and paper. popsicle sticks, finger paint paper,a bucket of foam stickers and a few other crafty things for her and I just used a cheap shower cover (so we could sit on the floor and have more room). With just that lil bit of stuff there are TONS of fun things to do! She even has her own lil tote that it all goes in! The first time she made her daddy a picture and was so proud! lol I have learned with mine, 2 year olds are happy with just about Hope this helped!

Hi! I too am a stay at home mom with an energetic toddler (although I don't have another one yet...) I also used to work in an amazing day care center. I would try to set up a routine so she knows what to expect and try to balance time she plays alone with time she's with you. There's going outside for a walk...Lucy and I usually try to either look for certain things like squirrels, leaves, cars...and we count them as we go or we listen for special noises...once again cars, trains, airplanes, wind, birds...whatever. Sometimes she's in the stroller, sometimes she walks and we don't go very far...but to her it's out of the house and a change of scenery. Also we do art projects, coloring, watercolors, stickers, gluing Anything to practice fine motor...if you're daughter is 2 you may be able to start cutting with her...let her cut out your old magazines or newspapers then the next day she can glue her pieces onto a paper (or later the same day). We also do story time and play with her toys which I try to rotate which ones are on her shelf so they always seem new. Another trick is we go to the library each week and pick out books. I have a basket I keep on top of the piano with her library books in it. They only come down at special times so they hold her attention longer. It's a basket with about 5 books in it, and I'll let her look at htem alone while I make lunch then after lunch we snuggle together and read them before nap.

There's lots of ideas out there...try to think in the categories they did at school...sensory (which is exploring different textures and a sand box or cotton balls), science, reading, math, small motor and large motor...if you do a few activities each day she'll be happy...and remember her activities can be helping you get things done as well. As long as you talk about it like it's exciting and ask for her help she should be happy to "play" with you even if its folding laundry. Lucy loves to "try on" my clothes as I fold laundry. It keeps her busy and I get chores done. I also give her a dry rag while I wash windows and the floors sometimes.

Good luck! Staying home can definitely be a challenge but I think it's awesome for your children if you're able to do it! They'll learn how to be children and eventually adults from you!

My daughter is 2 1/2 and loves going to the park where she can play on their slides, etc.

If you don't have those, an open field works too :)

Maybe some playdates with other kids her age and coloring, movies (and popcorn), dancing, helping you around the house, making cookies, cakes. Involve her in your daily tasks if possible.

Some of the things that I do with my daughter who is almost 2 is story time at our local library and we also do playgroups. The playgroup is through Great Parents Great Start and is funded through the local school districts, so there should be one wherever you are and it is free. That has been great. It is an hour one day a week and it gets her interacting with other kids around her age and gives me different ideas of things that I can do with her at home. Story time at the library is good too. The library we go to has a children's section with all kinds of toys, the computers and of course the books. Story time last about 45min to an hour and they sing songs and do a project. She really likes that. Hope that helps give you some ideas. We also get together with friends and go to the playground and as a last resort or rainy day thing, we head to the mall. Have fun.

You can look up your local mom's club at It is only $25 a year to join and you'll be part of a playgroup and be invited to several larger group activities a month that are free or very inexpensive. You can go for free a few times to see if it is a right fit for you.

I don't know where you are at, but see if there is a local chapter of the International MOMS Club. Their website is I started a local chapter in Dearborn in March and we now have 19 members, it has been great getting to know other moms. Also try your local library, many have storytimes, which have also been great. Good luck! Erika

what i have done for xmas is find crafts online to can do this ne time just look upo crafts for toddlers or perschool they can be fun good luck