8 Month Old Baby Won't Take Bottle From Husband or Babysitter

My baby girl has stopped taking a bottle from my husband and the babysitter. It started on her 8th month birthday and has been going on for a week now. Have you ever heard of this? Does anyone know what to do? It's hard because I can tell it makes my husband feel really bad. We feel like we have tried everything, but want to hear what you expert Moms have to say! Thanks in advance!

If she's hungry enough she will accept the bottle from anyone, even daddy...If he offers it and she refuses, wait another 20 mins and have him offer it again...she'll take it sooner or later. The hard part is waiting it out. But at 8 mos. she can go longer periods with out eating, its not as significant that she eats every 3 hrs like a new born.

It's not clear from your post if you are breastfeeding your daughter, too, or how long she has been using a bottle.....

I echo what Trish said--if she's hungry enough, she'll drink out of anything, from anyone. If it's imperative that your daughter continue to take a bottle from people other than yourself, don't cave. Pump your milk if you are breastfeeding.

I am wondering, too, at this age if she is teething? I nurse my son and some days I have to try different positions because his teeth bother him. Maybe try sitting her straight up or even laying her down.

Also, at this age, you can even try a sippy cup or even just a regular, smaller cup. Babies got by for hundreds of years without fancy bottles!

The babysitter makes sense, but your husband's issue is probably about not holding her enough in general. He should spend more time holding her when she is not feeding and have her get used to his body. Babies (especially girls) are super sensitive. Tell him not to take it personally, women have more fat and are less rigid in structure. Let your daughter get used to him and eventually she will come around to taking a bottle from him too.

8 months old is really young... she has a lifetime to get to know her dad. He should start slow with this one.

when you feed your baby - part way through hand the bottle to your husband - or sit next to him and have him hold her while you give the bottle - do it together for awhile and then decrease your time that you are present and she should get used to it. Same with the baby sitter. Have them both do it the same way to - either with the same blanket . What I did with my son as well was to take a shirt of mine that has my scent on it (not my perfume, but just one that I have worn that isn't actually dirty)and draped it over my husband shoulder so he could smell me when he was burping him. It got easier each time.

Good luck!

Sometimes children will do that if they are not feeling well. Children can sometimes have ear infections without the symptoms of the infection. If she appears even a little more fussy than usual you might want to check for that.

Also during this age children prefer Mommy over other adults. I know that it can be hard, especially on Daddy's but if Daddy is patient and doesn't take offense she will want to snuggle/eat with Daddy soon. That is a normal phase for her to be going through - she wants to bond with you, her Mommy. When she feels secure with you she will venture out again with others. Be patient with her and give her extra snuggle time.

I'm guessing that since you said babysitter, that you aren't always home? My first thought was that you should leave the house for a while so that there had to be someone else giving her her food. Is she eating solid food yet? It could just be a phase, some attachment thing. Maybe ride it out for another week or two and see what happens. Sorry I'm not much help, but I wish you the best.

I do not know if this helps but my daughter really disliked the bottle at that age and I would even have a hard time getting her to take it. We started giving her, her formula out of a sippy cup and she loved it!! We took the stoper out of it so it would come out quickly and we would lift it for her. Do not know if this will help but it is something to try. Good luck to you!!!

There is a bottle on the market by Adiri that is really similar to a breast that may help. It's also 100% bisphenol-A and phthalate free making is safe for baby. You can read more about it here:


Amy you might try not giving her a bottle an using a sippy cup an let her drink from it on her own ... Babies will as a rule will eat when they are hungry ..unless there is a medical ...an if the baby is only taking the bottle from you then there is a reason for that //