Does anyone else besides me, think that's exessive??
My daughter has always struggled with reading and never truely learned the basics of reading. Not sure why or how she slipped through the cracks, as she's been in CDC's since she was two, attended Headstart (preschool), then a magnet school(kinder-1st grade), then a Montessori school (2nd-4th grade). She's in a regular magnet school now because we've just recently moved to Texas, and they are saying she's so far behind in reading that she might need to redo 4th grade again because 5th grade seems too hard with the TAKS looming over her head. They've all but said she's going to be held back this year.
She failed reading and math the first six weeks of school, but seems to be doing better now...everything was passing in her last progress report last week...2 A's, 2 B's and 2 C's....Reading was a B!!!!
ADD and ADHD have been ruled out, the school counsler gave her an IQ test and said she has normal ability and can learn...but why isn't she???
I'm trying to figure out if she has a learning disability. Dsylexia has been ruled out too, but are there any other disabilities that I should be asking the school to test her for?? I realize that being so far behind can be a learning disability in itself, but she's been is school since she was two years old???? How could she not have gotten all that she was suppose to learn???? She's our only child and we give her so much attention...I just thought she wasn't reading well because she didn't like to read...not that she didn't have the skill level to do it. It makes me want to sue the schools for not doing their job. Seems like the schools have been doing a huge dis-service to her. Her previous report cards have been all A's and B's and an occasional C. We were under the impression that everything was just fine...until that first report card came home with the failing grades a few weeks ago. It's been going down hill from there. We are just amazed that she's that far behind...we just didn't know...had no idea. At every Parent Teacher Conference, the teachers have always raved about her and said she was doing fine...had trouble with reading, but nothing to be concerned about.
We had a very shocking and sobering discussion with Sylvan today and they suggest 170 hours of tutoring to teach her all the skills she should have already learned to read. They also suggest that we take out a loan to finance it. They want to see her 3 days a week, 2 hours each day at a rate of $40 per hour. I'm just trying to figure it just me that thinks this is crazy??? I mean I'm sure Sylvan can assist her, but $7000 is a bit much, right? Please be honest...if that sounds about right...just let me know. As she's my only child...this is my first experience with this.
Thanks for your advice!