6 Year old birthday party games/activities?

My daughter is turning 6 at the end of May and we are having a birthday party for her in our backyard. We are inviting some of her friends from her kindergarten class and also the children in her Sunday school class so about 10-12 kids. We have a playsystem for them to swing and climb etc but need some game or activity ideas. The theme for the cake and decoration will be disney princess. Any ideas for fun games or activities for 5 and 6 year olds that you have tried and the kids loved? At her 5th birthday party we played pin the tail on the donkey, a blind folded cotton ball game and a clothespin game but don't want to repeat those.

Hi Lauri
My daughter will be 6 soon also and right now she really loves to play duck duck goose with her friends. if you want a variation on pin the tail on the donkey you can pin the hair on the princess. Have a good day :)Tiffany

The biggest hit at my son's last party was a variation of musical chairs. Since his party had a jungle theme, I bought plastic party favors and scattered them on the floor. I turned on the song Crocodile Rock and they danced. When the music turned off, everyone picked up an animal. We took one away and played again. This time, the person who didn't get an animal stood to the side or sat on the couch. Each time the music stopped, everyone would grab for an animal and the one who didn't get one would stand aside, just like in musical chairs.
After the game was all done (we ended up having to play 3 whole times before they were done) everyone got an animal to take home.

My daughter turned 5 last summer and similar theme. One of the girls favorite things they did was make Crowns. I picked up foam crowns from wal-mark (Hobby Lobby, craft stores) and then I picked up a package of princess Foam Stickers and had markers and glitter available and they went to town each creating their own crown. It worked 2 fold - as an activity and also in lui of a goody-bag. They all took their crowns home and were thrilled!

My neice had a ballerina party.

She got a unique gift... her friends all did their own dance style.

Some people have water slide parties.

You can have a ball game like tee ball party.

Plain family party.

Pool the moms and see what the children like and ask your child what she likes.

Little girls just LOVE tea parties! I do daycare and this is just ONE of their favorite activities. They also love playing dressup!
You could have dressup clothes and they can dress up for a birthday TEA PARTY...you or even DAD can be their 'waiter'....Dad's make them 'giggle'. serve tea sandwiches and dainty cakes! Little Baskets with small candies and trinkets at each place ssetting can be thier gift LOOT to take home...... after their 'luncheon' they can hit the playset.

We just had my daughters 5th b-day and we did an easter egg hunt in our backyard. We stuffed eggs with m & m's, each girl could find 5 eggs. We stuffed one of the eggs with gold coins (chuck e cheese), whoever found that was the winner. The girls loved it.

Hi Lauri,
My daughter is 21 now, but if you asked her her favorite birthday party she would tell you her 6th. I had a theme party, all of the girls dressed in a pink skirt and a white shirt. I hired 2 cheerleaders for $10 an hour, (it cost me $20) to come and teach the girls a cheer in full costume. It took up most of the game time but they were all very into it. For a gift, they each received a pom pon. (If you can't find them, you can buy the kind that go on a bicycle) We made invitations on a cut-out of a megaphone. It was quite a hit. We sent each of them a thank you note with a picture pose with one of the cheerleaders. They loved it!

My daughter has had all kinds of birthday parties, from girls getting their hair and nails done, bowling, and games around the house. Even after we spend the money to take friends here and there, the best parties that the kids like most are the ones with the homemade games. We usually play water games because her birthday is in the heat of the summer. The BIG HIT every year is bobbing for apples!! There is also a game of carrying water balloons under your chin across the yard (in teams of 2) and dropping them into the bucket. We have also used a slip and slide or sprinkler system. Some of the indoor parties we had included dropping clothespins into a jar while kneeling on a dining room chair and dropping them over the back into the jar.

When my daughter was 9, we had a "Mystery Dinner Party". The children had to pick out 5 items to start with and I would return with a plate with their pickings. A couple of examples were Scooby-Doo was on the menu, which meant Hot Dog. Or Jack Frost Special on the menu meant an Ice Cream cup. The kids got the hang of it and really enjoyed getting their variety of food...sometimes they received ketchup and pickles, but nothing to put them on. It was really fun for them and fun for me to see their expressions when they received their plates.

Good luck on the party!!

Check out the following websites for some great ideas:

If you google "kids birthday parties" you'll get all kinds of very useful links. Good luck and have fun!

One of the best things that we did a couple of years ago was to get a large (refridgerator type) box from the local appliance store and my husband primed it grey then drew stones on it, notch cut out the top edge, cut a curved top door in it and a couple of windows and she had her very own castle for her birthday. She played with that for years! The boys at her party loved it too, they could slay dragons, be the prince, or a knight in shining armor! It was very cute and very fun for her. My DH did open up the box/ cut one of the side seams so that we could store it flat. Encourage the kids to come dressed in a royal costume.

Have fun!

I had a princess party for my daughter when she turned 4. We had some older kids there too & they all really enjoyed the games/crafts we did. One was getting a princess pinata & filling it with some candy and toys.

Also, I went to Walmart & found some great stuff in the craft section. They had foam princess crowns that were under a $1 each. Then I bought some paints, foam stickers, glitter, etc so they could each decorate their own princess crown to be worn for "party hats"! They loved doing that!

I also found some suncatchers in the craft area that they painted. We did that at the beginning of the party so they had time to dry before they had to leave.

I got these ideas from a website that I found that you might want to check out:

Good luck and have fun!


balloon popping game. Tie a balloon to each ankle and they have to stomp on each others to pop them. When both of your balloons are popped you are out. Last balloon is teh winner.

We had a princess party before too. One game we played was hot potato, but instead of a potato we used a tiara. We had some princess music and who ever ended up with the tiara was out. A friend of mine did princess bingo. She printed up pages on the computer and used big big rhinestones for the markers. I like to take old games and just adapt them for the theme. I have done it a bunch, but can't think of anymore at the moment. If you have extra time at the end and need them to sit an old favorite at girl scouts is to play telephone.

A great place to get more ideas is from family fun magazine. They have all sorts of different themes on their website and I'm sure you would find a bunch since princesses are so popular.

Hi Lauri....
We have done a couple that seems to be a hit. Get some red shoe lace licorice and a bag of marshmallows then slide a marshmallow into the center of each piece of the licorice. Have each child find a partner, put their hands behind their backs and then start chewing. Whoever gets to the middle first wins. You can also have them do a relay race with marshmallows or small water balloons on spoons and see who can make it to the finish without dropping it?? Let me know if you find any neat ones, I also have a party to do.
Good Luck and have FUN!!

You could try this: the Tiara Twirl. Everybody gets a paper crown to put on their head. Play some music and everybody twirls (make sure there's lots of space between the kids before they start) until they fall down. Last one standing wins the game. You should have lots of giggling and it burns off some of that extra energy.

Hi, Laurie! Party games are so much fun! You can find all kinds of new ideas online for free. Just type in your search for birthday party games and you will have hundreds of sites to choose from. I have used several to find bridal shower games too as it seemed like every shower we were playing the same old games. There are so many ideas out there. Some sites even have downloads for free of the print outs to play games that you need paper for. I just typed in the search and found one idea for you at Party-games-ect.com called Butterfly. Looks like all you need is a net and balloon for each child. They then try to catch other girls balloons without loosing their own balloon. Sounds like a fun game for running around in the backyard. Have fun searching for more ideas!

Have the kids try to sit on balloons and pop them that way. It is a hoot. Also, kids love gigantic cardboard boxes and stuff to stick on them--like masking tape and stickers. I also suggest freeze tag.

Hi Lauri-

I am doing a couple of activities for my 6 year old daughters birthday party this weekend that I thought were great for boys or girls and were inexpensive. In the arts and crafts department at Walmart I picked up up some foam sun caps and picture frames and I got a couple of the multi packs of foam stickers for the children to decorate their frame or cap with. We are also going to play BINGO and I picked up safety pops (Suckers) as the prizes for the winners. Our party will hopefully be outside as well and I thought after cake and ice cream they could play on the playset and do the out door games like tag and hide and seek. I hope this helped, and I hope your daughter has a birthday fit for a Princess (our theme also). Have Fun!!

Are they just girls or both?

What about some simple crafts with that theme - like decorating foam crowns (from Michaels craft store or Oriental Trader) that could be princess and princes! or making wands (princess & sorcerer?

I think dress up would be a lot of fun if you could find stuff for both sexes.

What about duck duck goose but as princess princess frog?

You could make a scavenger hunt around the yard (we have done this often and all the kids LOVE it!) and at each clue there is a little goodie to go in their bag - like pencils, ring pops, stickers, fun fruits and that is the goodie bag. Also when they first come have a table set up with white paper bags that they can color with crayons, markers, and stickers with their names on it to hold all the loot.

Decorate cupcakes or cookies with lots of glittery sprinkles

wrap up a whole bunch of little prizes in ONE ball (so a prize, then couple layers of paper, then a prize, and a couple layers of paper, and a prize - you get the picture. Enough prizes for each kid to get one - and then have them sit in a circle and pass it around. When the music stops the child holding the package tears off the 1st layer to reveal their prize and they are out... then go on till each child has unwrapped something

Hand powdered donuts from a string and have the kids try to eat thru them without their hands. First one to chew it off the string wins - but they all the to eat the donut

Hope that helps a bit
