6 week wait for dr appointment for lump - this is very detailed

Just to let you know i plan to be very descriptive on this posting. I have a lump/knot on my breast but I can't find much information about one at this location and have put my name on my dr. list for an appointment. it will be approx. 6 weeks before they can see me, but i they couldn't make the appointment on the phone - i have to wait for a call back. So I know no one can tell me what is wrong on here, and that I need to see the doctor, I am just trying to determine how large my cause for concern (if any) should be.

Approx. 5 weeks ago, I developed a hard knott in my right areola, which was painful. about 1 week after it appeared the pain stopped, but it has grown from about BB size to dime size over these 5 weeks. It is not red, there is no puss or discharge. The knot itself does not hurt, but my entire right breast is sore (not period sore, or breast feeding sore) As it has gotten larger, it now covers from the edge of my areola to under my nipple. it is not free moving. About 2 days, the area started to turn a light bruised color.

Again, as I said I am planning to go to the dr. and am waiting for the appointment. 6 weeks is just so long, i was hoping for some insight - experiences, since I can't find much on this description online.

thank you for any comments you might have.

Eliza, I don't have any insight on the lump for you BUT if it were MY breast and MY lump, I'd be on the blower insisting to be squeezed in sooner than in 6 weeks. Just to be safe. Good luck!

I'd see if there is another doctor that can see you sooner. Maybe try the womens center at your local hospital.

Did you tell the receptionist why you needed an appt? They should be seeing you sooner then 6 weeks. I'd push it. Leave a message for the nurse to call you and explain it to her-they WILL fit you in. If not, call another dr.

I know it's hard, but try to not be concerned yet. Focus on getting in to see the dr first. And push it-go with your gut and don't let them tell you it's ok to wait 6 wks.

I haven't read far but agree with Cate, Don't BE concerned but stay on top of this. 6 weeks seems unreasonable to me. Call back and if you haven't explained the situation, do. Let them know you are concerned as it seems to be fast growing and it is a LUMP IN YOUR BREAST! If they can't see you they need to find someone who can, that takes your insurance etc.....Take care and sorry you have to PUSH to get the service you need.

Hi Eliza-

I would see if there is a number to call and talk to a live person. I have had two lumps found, both benign Thank God, but each time the Dr's squeezed me in either that day, or the next day.

Good luck, please don't panic! Please let us know how it all turned out.


Why would you wait? Why can't the dr refer you somewhere else?

Personally, I wouldn't wait for your doctor. Especially if you see this growing and changing. Your doctor should have "emergency" appointments available. If not your GP, then get into to your OB/GYN.

Although I am sensitive to breast care issues, I would feel the same way if I found a lump like this ANYWHERE on my body.

I think it's crazy that you are being asked to wait 6 weeks or even 2 1/2. Get in to see someone before then, this is your life and your body, not theirs.

I would get a referral somewhere else. Either GP or GYN. Growing at that rate I would not wait even 2 1/2 weeks.

did you also ask to be put on a cancellation list? that way if someone cancels an earlier appt. you would have a shot at it. good luck!

I amglad that they got you in in 2 1/2 weeks but see if they have you on the cancellation list so that you can get in sooner. I am not a doctor and cannot say one way or the other what could/would/should be done in your case. But the sooner you can see someone the better.

Please do keep us informed of your progress. I will be keeping you in my thoughts.

The other Suzanne

I would push to be seen right away, esp with the changes. If that meant self referring to my GYN and having to fight insurance, then so be it. Dr. offices should see you within the 24 hr period for emergencies, and if not then they shouldn't be allowed to accept you as a patient or they should give you the referral to the gyn. What would you do if you were really sick with say pneumonia? You could always go to the local urgent care center and they can evaluate it to put your mind at ease. I wouldn't wait considering the rate of growth.

I had a similar situation several years ago but I was able to get in right away. They tried to asperate it, but the needle bent (it was solid). After an ultrasound and mamogram it was decided it was a benign cyst but my doctor still wanted to remove it and so I had surgury. 6 weeks seems like too long to wait in the event that it could be something more serious. I would call the office directly and try to schedule something sooner, explain how much anxiety this is causing. Chances are it is not something bad but you are right to want it checked out sooner, rather than later. It may be a cyst that is hormonal in nature and reacts to your cycle, much like cysts on the ovaries do and it seems as if these are hereditary (both my sister, mother and grandmother have had them). It will grow and shrink depending where you are in your cycle.

I understand the pains of insurance controlling your healthcare (and frankly it annoys the heck out of me). However, 2 and 1/2 weeks it still far to long to wait. Especially if you consider that the primary is going to have to refer you to your GYN office which may also have a waiting list. Perhaps trying calling your GYN's office and explaining the situation to them. They may be able to contact your GP's office and have a referral faxed over to them. If it were me I would be concerned about the rapid growth rate and tenderness. Good luck and God Bless.

I'm floored they are making you wait. If I were a patient of theirs and I knew you had this lump and were waiting for an appt., I'd give mine up in a heartbeat!! The new healthcare law requires insurance companies to allow you to select any available primary care physician in your plan, and also prevents insurance companies from forcing you to get a referral to see an ob/gyn. http://www.healthcare.gov/law/provisions/choice_access/index.html# This isn't supposed to apply to "grandfathered" plans, but I'd call your primary back and explain again in detail why you need to be seen ASAP, mention the new law's intent, and ask them if they'll send a referral directly to the ob/gyn or let you come in and get a paper one. Your health is paramount, and this lump has a lot of the typical signs of concern. Please update us. We're here for you!

Tell the doctor's scheduler that you are willing to come in and wait-you just need an order for a mammogram or a diagnostic ultrasound-see if that helps-good luck.

6 weeks is WAY too long to wait for an appointment to check a change in a breast exam. Please call around and find another GYN or PCP that will see you in the next day or two to get a referral for a comprehensive mammogram and sonogram and possibly biopsy. Pain is usually good...cancer is usually not painful but please do not wait 6 weeks

Risa Rispoli CNM

I agree that 2.5 weeks seems too long to wait for a lump that is increasing in size at a rapid pace simply b/c they will be referring you to another doctor which in turn increases your wait time to be seen by the appropriate specialist. I am sure your anxiety is at such a high level! Do you have a planned parenthood in your area? They offer care for women's health...not just pregnancy issues. Maybe they can get you the diagnostic testing you would need?!

Find a Dr. ASAP. That could be an abscess that could need surgery if it gets bad enough.The fact that it is spreading and you're seeing discoloration around the breast concerns me. Find a walk in clinic or go to an ER. I would not wait to have it looked at.

Good luck!

P.S. Just read your update-a walk-in can at the very least start you on antibiotics and give you care instructions such as warm compresses etc. They can also tell you if you need to go to an ER.

You still might want to go to that walk-in clinic. They can evaluate it, refer you for a mammogram or ultrasound if necessary, or even incise and drain an abcess or refer you to a breast specialist. You will still need to see your PCP for insurance reasons, but at least you'll have things in motion and some results to discuss with your doc rather than just starting them.
Wishing you the best.
In the meantime, warm compresses to see if it comes to a head as an abcess might.

I don't have any insights for you, but I would call your doctor and insist on an earlier appointment. If you had the flu they wouldn't make you wait 6 weeks, so you shouldn't have to wait for this.

Good luck!