Deanna, Definitely test him for allergies. I went through this with my son only started while I was still nursing so that was tough. He was allergic to everything. He is six now so I need to have him retested. Just know that unless it has a severe number with eczema it's hit and miss one time Jared had a banana NOT on his list and he broke out in hives, I called the allergist and he said oh that is the way it is one time it will affect him and one time not OH MY GOODNESS. I was at that time trying to take everything away DAIRY, SOY, CORN, WHEAT. I even tried to make my own rice bread after that I stopped and just tried everything in MODERATION. He still has dry skin but it is not to the point of bleeding anymore. I'd start with Dairy, (rice milk is not bad)
With him being 5 you will probably not run into so many false positives on the allergies so hopefully will be easier to manage. they gave jared Zyrtec too! Elidil works too if there are no open cuts, it hurts. Good luck! Have a great day!heidi
I have read some of the responses to your request for help with eczema. There is a product that has helped thousands, of people (including my husband and myself) get rid of their eczema and is not expensive. It is called Renew Lotion from Melaleuca. If you haven't heard of it, it is because the company doesn't advertise. It is a direct marketing company, so they give the advertising costs back to the customer, in savings and checks. Most people have toxins in their home that cause many different kinds of skin irritations. I found relief from eczema, allergies, headaches, and sinus problems when I stopped using soap, laundry detergent, and household cleaners with toxic chemicals in them. My body is better equipped to fight the toxins with their amazing vitamins, and powerful anti-oxidants also. Our skin is the largest organ we have. We absorb toxins and skin irritants from our laundry detergent through clothes, wash clothes, sheets and blankets, everything we wear or touch. We wash with soap that we think is made for sensitive skin, but they still have irritating ingredients. I lived with eczema for over 17 years. Melaleuca's products have changed that. They are amazing! I can give you the information about the company. If you are interested please email me at [email protected].
Good Luck and God Bless,
Have you thought about the ingredients that are in your products?? We went through something similar although it started within a few weeks of my son being born.We tried numerous things with advice from a ped and nothing to seemed to work.I did some research on ingredients in what we were using and was alarmed to say the least.We have since switched to shopping at an online wellness company and within a few weeks of us doing that,his ezcema was cleared up.Please feel free to contact me via email or private message for more information.I don't want to be seen as a walking advertisement.
I hope this helps several of you with family members with this problem.Quite often,the everyday products we are using in our homes is the cause of eczema.
Hello Deanna,
I also found out that my son had eczema at four months old. We actually found a great doctor at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Allergy Department. The doctor's name is Dr. Polowski. There are many things that my son is allegeric to. My son cannot have milk, peas, and tree nuts. At the time we had a dog and to soon found out he was allergic to dog dander and also to dust mites. Unlike Dermatalogist, the allergist tries to find the triggers to the allergies which aggrivate the eczema. We became frustrated with most Doctor's approaches which involved strong cortizone creams and oral steroids. After removing our carpets, sadly getting rid of our dog, and monitoring our son's diet, the eczema is 99% gone. We do moisturize his skin regularly especiall during the winter months. Good luck.
Hi Deanna,
Two of my kids suffered with eczema, and I was able to totally stop it by changing their diets. I added lots of good fats, like avocados, walnuts, and olive oil, added foods with probiotics but no added sugar (plain whole milk yogurt and kefir smoothies made with fresh fruit and even some flax seed oil for more good omega 3s), and totally eliminated processed foods, expecially white flour and sugar. It was tough going at first, but we all got used to it and the eczema STOPPED. Now we keep to the same sort of diet, just because it's healthy. However, in the winter, we all take cod liver oil (I take capsules and the kids take lemon-flavored), and in the summer, once we're getting more vitamin D from the sun, we change that to fish oil. No more eczema, not even any dry skin in the winter. Well worth the changes!
My son had eczema also. I used a lotion from Melalucha. The lotion is called renew intensive skin therapy. you can google it online. It worked for him. He ever once in a while will break out and I put the lotion on and it clears it up. We tried aveno, and even perscriptions from the doctor and nothing worked but this did. Hope it helps
Hi - I don't know if you have ever tried California Baby's Calming botanical moisturizing creme. My son had a few eczema patches on his back and he doesn't have them since I have been using it. I also recommended it to my neighbor who's son also has eczema and she had success with it too. Try using it every night. I don't know how severe your case is...but, it is worth a try.
Good Luck!
Reduce the amount of baths, the water dries out the skin which lessens its ability to protect itself. Spread Vaseline all over him at night time, it might not help with the eczema directly, but it will prevent more from coming, and clear up anything that it can.
My doctor explained that eczema is a form of an allergy, its similar to hay fever just manifested differently.
My two year old has it, and it used to get so bad it would break into open soars, we have it under control, but have to be very diligent about keeping his skin healthy.
My daughter has a mild eczema. I've tried all sorts of prescribed creams with steroids, and tons of moisturizers. Finally I found a cure. The miracle cure only costs a few bucks it's an Indian soap called *** Neem ***. It's an antibacterial/moisturizer. It was like magic. Improved my daughter's condition 80%. I also use aveeno eczema moisturizer and bath treatment. I am very happy but we still haven't completely tackled the eczema.
I also read on that Culturelle is a probiotic that's good for eczema. I am trying that at the moment haven't noticed a difference yet.
I haven't done allergy testing yet. But that's on my list.
I have a 7 year old that has eczema really bad as well and also an 11 year old that has eczema on the inside bend of his arm that we can't seem to get to go away! No allergy testing was recommended for us. We were advised to use unscented Dove bar soap, Keri, Lubriderm or Cetaphil lotion on him. We also use the oatmeal bath when he really has flare ups. Good luck!
My five year old began getting eczema at a few weeks old, and was at a dermatologist by 4 months old because it was so severe. He gave me some great maintenance advice that I use to this day. (Keep in mind that it is probably going to contradict what your pediatrician says)
Bathe everyday, but do not totally dry off. While skin is still moist, slather with Cetaphil CREME (Not lotion). While it is a bit pricey, I use the CVS brand - it's identical and half the price. This should keep it under control, particularly after using a steroid or other prescription to get rid of a severe outbreak. Now, at the first sign of a dry patch, I go back to this regiment, and haven't had a problem since his infancy.
Your right about the allergies, though. Eczema is usually linked to an allergy, and you might want to eventually have him tested. It was a milk allergy with my boy.
My son's eczema improved a great deal when he stopped eating yogurt, and even more when we took him off of dairy alltogether. He is in the process of being tested for allergy, but the doc said that a lot of kids with eczema have a sensitivity to dairy. You might want to try a couple of weeks without to see what happens.
I have helped countless people with this same problem. First you need to help get him comfortable, I highly recommend Arbonne International baby care products, and their intelligence skin conditioning oil. Call me 631-484-5721 or e-mail me [email protected]. You can also visit my website I will help you choose the right products for him, and show you how to save as much as 35% on these products.
Arbonne's products are 100% natural with NO DYES OR FRAGRANCES. Dyes and fragrances can cause the problem as well as intensify it. Also, any thing with mineral oil or petroleum is only covering the problem not treating it so it might look better, but is not getting better.
My other suggestion is to think about his diet, and changes of soaps or detergents etc. This can be allergy related.
Good Luck...Call me!
There is a shea butter you can get in just about any health food store. Put in on the scalp before bed and let it work overnight. Cleared up my 5 years olds problem in a short time. I also use: in the kids water, juice and anything liquid. The minerals have helped big time with the dry skin. It's a water enhancement that is all natural and very good for any age. My entire family drinks nothing but this water now and our health improvements have been incredible.
Best of luck with your child
Donna K
My son also has eczema at age 2yrs, he is now 5 and his skin is good. At around 2 we had allergy testing done(blood work) and he was allergic to nuts, dogs and cats and some other things. The dogs and cats were with him from birth and continue to be in our household. He has asthma, which they thought he would develop because of his family history of allegies and asthma. At age 2, the doctors thought his eczema could be a precursor to the other allergies. I still use Eucerin Calming-Creme moisturizer on him every night. We also used to only bath him with 100% colloidal oatmeal in the water, and would even make it into a paste and rub it on the effected areas and let it sit during his bath. (That colloidal oatmeal is great for all kinds of skin problems like poison ivy, bee stings, etc..) When he was younger we also used Ellidel cream on the lesions but that has been taken off the market. He did have steriods periodically, but we found that if we were diligent with the oatmeal baths and moisturizers, we could maintain it well. As far as what is causing it, have the allergy testing done so perhaps you can find the sourse of the problem. (We did see an allergy specialist, they often have a diiferent perspective than our regular pediatrician group.) Good luck!
Michelle D
All of my sons have had eczema at one point or another with my two oldest having it the worst. I tried everything from over the counter to prescriptions and nothing helped. Then I found Arbonne's Baby Care Line - It has been a Godsend for my children and me and even helped keep my middle son's face from scarring. I ran out one time and grabbed some soap at the store to which my oldest whipped the shower curtain open saying, "That is NOT my Arbonne! My skin is itching!!" I've never run out since. :)
If you'd like to receive a sample, I'd be happy to send one to you. I could also send you some amazing before and after pictures of a baby who had eczema and nothing had worked until the mom tried Arbonne. The results in a matter of a few days are amazing! You just have to send me your private email address.
I have a 5 year old daughter with the same problem. As an infant we went through every cream you could imagine, both prescription and over the counter. My pediatrician kept telling me she would row out of it, but I was not happy with that answer, especially once it started appearing on her face (I was worried about scars). I took her to a Dermatologist, who told me it is usually caused by allergies. I then took her to an allergist who tested her and found that she was allergic to eggs and milk. Also, my son who is now 7 had eczma had an infant on his. We didnot find out until he was 4 that he was actually alleric to the soy-based formula he was on. When we looked back at his pictures I noticed that the eczma cleared itself up around the same time as he went on regular milk. I have a month old who has alresdy started with eczema patches on her face and neck, we are managing it with Cortaid 10 ointment for now, but when she goes for her 9 month check-up I am going to ask that she e tested for allergies.
I would definately have him tested for allergies. If he does have an allergy clearing up the eczema might be as easy as cutting out or limiting something in his det.
My son is 4. I have been using renew lotion by Melaluca. It is the best product ever. Totally safe and all natural for any age. When my son's excema even slightly bothers him he begs me to put in on for him and within minutes he feels so much better. And he never gets the redness any more.
I have been prescribed stuff from the doctor, liquid for itching and greasy, messy creams. None of it worked and I hated to see my poor little guy suffer. I also tried over-the-counter stuff like Eucerin and Aquaphor only to find that the greasiness in Aquaphor (like vaseline) only intensified the problem. I definitely recommend tryin Melaluca's Renew lotion. I will gladly send you a sample if you like. Please contact me if you have any questions and do hope your little one finds relief soon!
My husband is a pediatrician and he always says really bad eczema may have an underlying allergy. Usually allergies and eczema go hand in hand. I have 3 girls. @ have food allergies and bad eczema. Once we dicovered the allergies the eczema got better
My sone had eczema really bad also when he was a baby. Now he is 7 and without eczema. I tried everything the doctor prescribed but nothing worked. My aunt told me about this lotion and soap called Cetaphil. Let him use the soap and use the lotion on skin while still wet. You can get it in Coscos or BJ's in bulk. No carpet, pet's stuffed animals any one of those things can triger it. No fur.