5 weeks and complications

I know that everybody is different and just because it happens to some doesn't mean it will happen to others, etc... I guess I am just looking for a little peace of mind.
I found out Saturday I was pregnant after 8 months of trying. Sunday I had bleeding and mild cramping. They did a sono but did not see a sac, which is not unusual since I was only 4 weeks and a few days. My progesterone was low, so they put me on pills and gave me a shot. Today my bloodwork came back great! She said to take it easy but that, at the current time, I am not miscarrying. I go back in next Friday for a sono, to see if they can find a sac. Has anyone had anything similiar? I am still having a little spotting and some mild cramping, but not too bad. Just need a little reassuring that it is okay to be excited.

On the bloodwork, did it show a high hormone level for the pregnancy? The hCG hormone should show on the bloodwork and rise each day.

I don't want to alarm or worry you but to be on the safe side, I would ask for more bloodwork if it was not. Also, did they do a vaginal ultrasound when they could not see a sac?

I am very cautious about all this because I had my first ectopic pregnancy in 1995 at which time they went in to see if it was an ectopic due to the fact that they did not see a sac. Well, while they were in there it was ectopic so they removed it as they said it was ruptured so i lost that tube. Three years later i had a healthy baby girl but due to the first ectopic i had to carefully plan the pregnancy and they started doing sonograms at 4 weeks to make sure it was in the uterus.

3 years later we decided to try again and got pregnant right away however when they did the sono, they saw no sac. They did bloodwork every other day for 4 days to make sure the hormone levels were going up as they should in a normal pregnancy and they were not so they gave me a shot to terminate it as it was in the only tube i have left. Now, 6 months after that i got pregnant again and after many sonograms, they were ok with it being it the right spot. I was high risk after the first ectopic so now everything is carefully planned and i have to rely on bloodwork sometimes to make sure everything is ok.

This does not mean that you are in the same boat but it doesn't hurt to check.

I don't understand what the pills and shot are for? I am not a doctor or anything just speaking from personal experience.

Good Luck...


It is very common to spot or even bleed like a normal period when you first become pregnant, it is just the egg emplanting into your uterus. The cramping is normal also. Just get plenty of sleep and fluids.

Good Luck and Congrats.

I had spotting at 5 weeks with my son, who's now 18 months. I was so freaked out (he was our first), we went to the ER and everything. They did an ultrasound and saw the sac (I think I was 5 weeks, 3 days or something like that) but they couldn't find a fetal pole yet. The doc said that my cervix was closed, but to take it easy. I went to my doctor's appointment at 8 weeks and they found a little heart beat right away! So, don't worry- it actually happens to a lot of people. I wish I had known that to begin with- I thought that any sight of blood meant I was going to miscarry....

Congrats on the pregnancy! I found out I was pregnant when I was 5 weeks along as well. I went to a clinic that did sonos just to double check (I was in slight denial!) and at first they didn't see anything or hear a heartbeat so they ended up doing a vaginal sonogram and confirmed I was about 5 weeks along. Anyway, after a week or two and following sex I started bleeding with the slight cramps. I freaked out and went to the ER. I was sure I was miscarrying, but nope, they told me it was common and I should go back to the ER the next day just to check my HCG levels. From what I was told they should double everyday (at least). Sure enough they did. It happened again and my OB did the same and the baby was fine. The rest is history and now my Princess is 4! BUT, always get yourself checked. My SIL was about 7 weeks when she started having the same thing. She called me and described her symptons. It sounded like mine, but then she really started cramping. It ended with a miscarriage and her having a DNC. So whatever is happening, get yourself checked by your OB just to make sure. Just know if you do miscarry (and I pray you don't), there is a reason and you did nothing to cause it. Had my SIL not have miscarried, we wouldn't have the sweet and crazy 3year old Jesse we all know and love! :) Good luck.


Wow, does this bring back memories for me...your pregnancy sounds like a carbon copy of mine. I had the same, spotting, cramping(very uncomfortable) and my projesterone was also low...my ob put me on progesterone pills, and told me the same as yours did....take it easy...which I did...there was not way I was going to lose this baby(I was determined) The pills did the trick, and I had smooth sailing from then on, and now have a beautiful 14 month old baby girl. Congratulations!!! Hang in there!

Your hormone levels should continue to rise as the pregnancy progresses. They may not do blood work a second time because the ultrasound should tell them what they need to know, and it's a quicker way to get results.

After losing a pregnancy due to suspected low progesterone I had to take the progesterone pills with both of my subsequent (successful) pregnancies. Some spotting and mild cramping is normal for a couple days as the embryo implants in the uterus. Also, the progesterone won't sustain a "bad" pregnancy (which was my concern the first time I took the pills), but it will maintain a pregnancy if the only thing wrong is your body's ability to make the right amount of progesterone. I started mine as soon as I had a positive result on an over-the-counter pregnancy test.
I know it's hard to wait for proof one way or the other, but there's another way look at this waiting time -- and I wish I had realized this when I had my miscarriage, then again when I spent the entire pregnancy with my daughter sick with worry: God is the creator of all life, and for that we should be thankful that he chose us to care for it, regardless of the outcome on our Earthly end. While I was praying through the worry during my pregnancy with my son, God gave this thought to me. Whether I get 8 weeks or 80 years with this little life, God has trusted me with His creation and I am blessed and changed because of it.

Hi Susan! Congratulations! OK, my husband and I tried for 2 years. When we were finally pregnant I spotted the whole first trimester and was on progesterone suppositories 2X's/day till 10 weeks.

You know, I was looking for all the tell-tale signs of pregnancy and I had NONE! I was tired, but that is about it. I had all of the Aunt Flo signs...cramping, bleeding, etc.

Hang in there...seriously take it easy...keep us posted...and most of all, good luck!!!

Oh I'm glad they are being so proactive in testing all those levels. I had had a miscarriage due to no one checking that, but the last time they did and put me on progesterone supplements as well and now I have a beautiful baby girl who is 7 1/2 months!! Congratulations on your pregnancy, keep a positive outlook...the cramping is normal, and a lot will be a bit intensified, due to the "extra" hormones. So stay relaxed and enjoy!! I know it's scary, but you'll do great!

It also hasppened to me. I started having SEVERE cramping like I NEVER had before. I went to the ER and found out that I was pregnant but baby was not in the sac so I had to stayover(Military hospital) and they did another sono in the morning and everything was fine and right where it should be, baby in the sac.
Throughout most of my pregnancy I had severly cramping and spotting and I was put on bedrest but after that had some complications during the end. I ended up in the hospital for a week and had my true blessing 16 yrs ago..


I had mild bleeding, spotting, throughout both my pregnancies. Your right we are each different. But it can happen and have happy endings.


Your right everyone is different. I've had 4 kids. All 4 of them I just didn't spot, I had periods. The first 6 months of all my pregancies I was the most regular every 28 days I've ever been. There was never anything wrong. My kids are healthy and too smart for their own good. Do whatever the doctors tell you to do. If you think its outrageous get a 2nd opinion. Anytime you think something is wrong call or go see your doctor. Don't think your bothering them, thats why they make the big bucks. I hope everything works out for you !!!!!!

Hi Susan. I have 2 children ages 2 1/2 and 4 months. With my first pregnancy I started bleeding and cramping very badly around 8-10 weeks (I can't remeber for sure now). I just knew that I had miscarried, but eveything turned out fine. Now he is 2 1/2 and very active. On my second pregnancy, I pretty much bleed the entire time. What happend is that with both pregnancies, by placenta detached which made me bleed inside. I then formed blood clots to stop the bleeding.

I not sure if any of this makes sense to you or helps, but I know how worried I was when I was in your situation. It is very scary and I had not known any other women that bleed like that during their pregnancies. I now have 2 beautiful healthy children.

Good luck with your pregnancy and I hope that everything turns out ok.

They didn't see my sac until about 7 weeks, when they also found a heartbeat. They found no hb at 6.5 weeks, so I was all freaked out. I also bled and cramped until about 13 wks with my 2nd child. I had none of this with my 1st child! It's scary, but they told me unless you soak a pad an hour, you're probably not miscarrying. I also had bright red blood, and the dr said this doesn't necessarily matter-it's the qty!

Good luck!

I haven't been through this exact circumstance, but I have had 2 miscarriages. At both times we did not know until we went in for routinely scheduled sonograms. Just know that there are so many physiological things going on with your baby at this early crucial stage, that there's nothing you can do to prevent anything from happening. (of course assuming you are taking relatively good care of yourself, ya know 0 alcohol, 0 drugs) I took my first pregnancy for granted, now that i have had two miscariiages, and now pregnant again, I know each day that she grows inside of me is truly a miracle. So just keep your faith, pray for a healthy baby, and let in be in Gods hands!

I had spotting at about 4 weeks for all 3 of my boys because it was implantation spotting and cramping. I know what its like to try... I tried for 7 years and then had my oldest and now I have 3 boys total.

I hope it all goes well

Best of luck
April J

Thank you all so much for your responses. We went yesterday and saw a heartbeat. A strong one, too! I am 8 weeks tomorrow. Hopefully everything is smooth sailing from hear…