My four month old has been sleeping through the night for about a month at least mayby longer. He doesnt cry when he wakes up i hear him playing in his bed 7 am as soon as i get in there hes very excited to eat and a little impatient.
thorughout the day hes very happy and like to eat 1 1/2-3 hrs depending on his naps.
Do you think this is ok?
As long as he is producing enough wet diapers and is growing without concern...BOY ARE YOU LUCKY!!!
You are a lucky one. If Doctor say its fine don't worry about it.
Congrats on nursing!
This is totally okay, though not entirely common :-) Enjoy it while it lasts! an excellent point about counting diapers to be certain of good hydration...
It sounds like you're nursing on demand throughout the day...that would give me more peace of mind about the longer stretches at night. It could be this is the tail end of a growth spurt and he's getting ready to be more active :-) I remember a friend saying that from the time her dd (now 7y) was a baby, her growth spurts were very obvious - eat a lot, sleep a lot, buy new shoes :-)
congrats again
Kelly, mama to
Catherine, 4y
Samuel, 15m
I would thank the Lord right now because this too shall pass. I also agree with the response to check diapers for dehydration. My son went through the same thing for stretches at a time, but then went back to waking through the night.
Just be thankful for the extra sleep right now, because he probably is just going through a growth spurt and will be more active soon.
Absolutely, my older brother was like that. I am still hoping for one myself. Fouth time is a charm?
My breast fed son began sleeping through the night around one month old. I was concerned and spoke to his pedi about it, and she advised that as long as he was eating well throughout the day, and gaining weight well to let him sleep. He too would wake up happy, but was very ready to eat in the mornings.
it's absolutely ok! my 6 month old girl did exactly the same thing. as long as you're little one is thriving weight-wise and such, let him sleep and be grateful! :)
I have 3 children who were all breastfed and they all started sleeping through the night at 4 months old. They were fine and I was counting my blessings at having a complete night sleep. In the mornings I was pretty full so the baby would feed off one side and would pump the other and store the milk.
Baby's sleep when they feel they need sleep. Both of my boy's (one 3yrs and the other 12yrs)slept through the night the day they came home from the hospital. Feed them when they are hungry and make sure they have good weight gain. A child will tell you what he or she needs, so let him tell you if he needs food or sleep.
I think it is just fine. I am a new mother, my son is 4 1/2 months old and he litterally eats every hour n a half. They say at his age he should be eating every 2-4 hours,but from what I understand every baby is different. Maybe your son is still just trying to figure out his own schedule. I don't think you should be concerned that he doesn't cry when he wakes up, my son does that sometimes too!
If your son is gaining weight appropriately then do not worry about it...If not, see your doctor.
Girl!!! Enjoy it! If he doesn't seem to mind, and is growing and healthy then I wouldn't worry. I've had all four of my babies sleeping through the night at three months. God Bless.
I read in a parents' magazine that weight is the factor in sleeping through the night . . . that once they hit 13 lbs. or so, they can go longer. (Mine started sleeping through at 3 months, but ate like crazy during the day.) As I've watched friends with their new little ones, this seems about right. So if he's a good weight, enjoy!
My daughter was breastfed and started sleeping 8 hour stretches at 5 weeks old and 10 hours at night at around 2 months old. Every child is different, so count your blessings! My pedi actually recommended "tanking her up" during the day, particularly in the afternoons and evenings so that she could sleep through the night. As long as your little one is gaining weight appropriately, then you have nothing to worry about.
Happy sleeping!
As long as he is growing well and is happy, you are doing great and are very lucky! Good luck with the breast feeding.
Consider yourself very lucky that your baby sleeps so well and is happy during the day. I have 3 children and I was very lucky with my first 2 as far as sleeping through the night, but my 3rd(now 16 mo) didnt start sleeping through the night until he was about 11 months old. As long as your baby is happy and healthy, your doing great!!