Hello! I have a 4 month old baby that will not take a bottle from me. If she even knows I am around she won't take the bottle from anyone. I have just started some rice cereal and she really does not care for that either. HELP! I want to wean her from breastfeeding and don't know how to get her to take the bottle from me.
Is there any better reason not to wean Lisa? Baby bottles and formula taste awful compared to the sweet milk and soft nipples of mom. Since breast milk is healthier, why not wait to wean until she is ready? The benefits of breastfeeding outweigh formula 4/1. Brain development, nutrition and nurturing cannot be replaced with a bottle. If she is thriving ~ why wean?
I would take that as a sign. Pediatricians recommend breast milk for one year. The WHO recommends two years. But at least six months of breastfeeding would have a great impact on her health. If you are still intent on weaning you can have someone else other than you try to give her a bottle while you are gone. Or maybe try different bottles and nipples. They sell a bottle called Adiri that feels more like a real breast. I used Avent nipples on Medela bottles.
If I may ask why do you want to wean her?
I had the same problem. Our second child was 2 months old when I went back to work. He would not take a bottle from my husband(School teacher, was off for summer) He would scream and cry, and when My husband could not take it anymore, he would get in the car and bring Thomas to my office for me to nurse him. After 2 weeks of this he told me I needed to take more time off or quit my job. It was not important to me so I ended up staying home. When Thomas was 7 months old, I found out I was pregnant again. My ob strongly suggested I quit nursing so that there was enough nutrition for the growing fetus. I switched him to a bottle with no problems at all! I think it was easier at 7 months for him to adjust then 2 1/2 months. If you can, maybe just stop trying the bottle for a while and then try again down the road a month or two.
I understand that every womans situation is different and I dont want you to feel guilty for your choices. My son was about 5 months when he stopped taking a bottle(I was pumping). I think he was old and patient enough at that point to just wait for me to get home from work. I would nurse before I left and he would start crying the instant that he heard my voice. He is my second and I have tried to take my cues from him as far as feeding goes. My daughter was weened at 10 mos, and he is still nursing once a day and 13 mos. I would suggest waiting a little longer if that is possble and then try again. I had better luck giving my boy a sippy cup with water than a bottle. Those babies are not dumb and they know what they need and want....you should listen to your little girl.